Top 5 tricks of financial scammers in 2024


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Let's face the obvious: 2024 is a restless time for many. We get nervous, worry, fuss, discuss it with friends. And who benefits from general nervousness? That's right - scammers! In a state of imbalance, it is easier to fool a person and steal money from his bank card.

Don't want to get hooked? Then read the article! In it we will talk about 5 popular schemes that attackers are now using, and at the same time how to protect your wallet!

Be sure to read the material to the end - useful advice awaits you there. It will help you not only protect your savings, but also make money on them.

1. Fake call​

This strategy has been known for many years, but during any period of economic unrest it becomes especially popular among unscrupulous scoundrels.

How it works? Under the guise of a bank employee, the deceivers call their “victim” and begin a tale about suspicious transactions on the card. The thieves know your name from the client list and speak very competently, so you readily believe them!

Recently, this scheme has been modified to include a “security specialist” who calls clients supposedly to resolve any pressing issues.

How to defend yourself?

All this is just a carefully planned performance, which has one goal - to obtain your bank card details. Therefore, if you tell them, it’s a lost cause.

We strongly advise you to keep payment passwords and codes secret (especially those sent via SMS).

Just end the call and contact the bank yourself to find out everything properly. The support telephone number is usually indicated on the back of the plastic card or on the financial institution’s website on the Internet.

If the caller goes through all sorts of tricks, the main goal of which is to find out the secret numbers of your card, do not believe him!

2. Transfer “by mistake” with a request for a refund​

Now we transfer money more often: we do it at the request of needy relatives, frantically close a credit account or redistribute reserves for a rainy day.

Attackers may well call you and tearfully tell you that they are planning to do one of the above, but made a transfer to your card by mistake. Don't take my word for it! Most likely, the money did not arrive, and the SMS about enrollment was fake.

How to protect yourself?

Don't rush to transfer money back! First, check your account and call the financial institution's hotline to find out if the transfer actually took place. If not, then these are 100% thieves! Blacklist them on your phone and don't become an easy victim :)

3. Fraud with skimmers and hidden cameras​

We've all seen the queues at ATMs now. Everyone wants to play it safe and withdraw at least some cash. Unscrupulous people take advantage of this hype!

To do this, they install skimmers on the devices. These are special devices that help you write off (or rather simply steal) your card data. They are difficult to see with the naked eye, so you may not even realize that you used an ATM with a skimmer.

Good to know! To install malicious equipment, the criminals pretend to be bank employees, dress in official uniforms, and arrive in supposedly “collection” cars. In general, they are organizing a real masquerade.

How to protect yourself?

Follow these three simple, but very working rules:
  • First, always cover the keypad while entering your PIN. Yes, even if there are no strangers or suspicious persons near you;
  • Secondly, check that the ATM keyboard does not wobble and the buttons do not fall through - these are sure signs of a skimmer installed inside;
  • Thirdly, connect mobile banking and SMS alerts. Even if they can transfer or withdraw money from your account, you will be able to block the “plastic” without delay and seek help.
Be sure to cover the keyboard with your hand when entering the code! This will protect you from possible cameras installed on the ATM

4. Links you cannot follow​

During turbulent times, many people are trying to stock up on their favorite products for future use. Knowing this, scammers begin sending emails about discounts and promotions in which they include their malicious links.

You click on them and end up on a fraudulent copy of the site. There you decide to buy something, enter payment information and... You fall into the clutches of the villains :( From now on, they can steal your savings.

How to protect yourself?

Never click on links that are sent to you by email! If you want to check whether the store has actually started distributing special offers to its customers, find the official website yourself and find out everything there.

If the email says that the offer is valid through a link only, you still should not enter the numbers from the card without confirmation of the information from the seller.

5. A call or message from loved ones asking to transfer money​

Yes, many people need regular financial help from relatives, and financial scammers, of course, take advantage of this year after year.

How do they do it? In short, they write or call you, pretending to be your loved ones, and tell you what a terrible situation they find themselves in. They might even cry into the phone. And, of course, they really ask you to “send money directly to this number.”

And if you haven’t tricked young people like this for a long time, then the older generation may believe this not new method of divorce!

In the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood, the wolf pretended to be a grandmother. But in reality, scammers may pose as your children and grandchildren!

How to protect yourself?

Don't transfer money right away! First, hang up the call and call your relative or loved one back using the contact listed in your phone book. You can write to the person on social networks or instant messenger - the main thing is to contact him immediately.

If he is unavailable, call his spouse/parents/children back and find out if he really needs help. If not, it means that a criminal is trying to gain your trust and commit fraud with the transfer of funds. In any case, haste can harm you.

Here's the useful advice we promised!​

Don't keep a lot of money on your cards, especially now! Firstly, they can be stolen by active scammers. Secondly, they can be eaten by inflation. So where to invest cash and non-cash funds?
