Top 6 Scam Tricks: How to Avoid becoming a Victim


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Attackers have long learned how to extract confidential information by deception and cunning, using social engineering methods. We understand how it works and study the basic schemes of criminals.


Modern fraudsters actively manipulate consciousness, use psychological techniques and sophisticated tactics to influence people's feelings and thoughts. All of this is collectively referred to as social engineering.
According to the Bank of Russia, only in the third quarter of 2023, social engineering techniques allowed attackers to steal more than 3.5 billion rubles from citizens ' accounts. Every third fraud involving transactions without the client's consent was carried out by manipulative scammers.

How we are manipulated by criminals​

Fraudsters use basic human emotions and instincts that "turn off" the mind and prevent you from thinking rationally: greed, fear for yourself and for your loved ones, curiosity, even hope and compassion.
Basic techniques and tools:
  1. Disguise. Fake phone numbers, clones of Internet sites, edited information, "official" forms — the classic set of scammers.
  2. Manipulation of emotions. Fear, joy, empathy, and greed are the best helpers for an attacker.
  3. Rush. Scammers deliberately rush the victim so that she does not have time to think about her actions. "Urgent!", "immediately", "as soon as possible" are the most useful phrases in their business.
  4. Playing on trust. fraudster can use real information about the victim to act more convincingly. A real first name, last name, even a bank card number — all this information is easy to get, and the victim has confidence in the words of the fraudster. It seems to her that she is dealing with a real police officer or a bank employee, because an outsider cannot have access to personal information.

What tricks do scammers use and how to counter them​

Scammers act professionally and thoughtfully. However, by knowing what tricks they use, they can be successfully countered.

Trick # 1. This is the police, your money is stolen​

Fraudster's tool:fear of losing money.
Deception scheme. Scammers make phone calls (less often-write by email), notifying the victim that she is at risk of losing her money.
The standard scenario is a phone call when the victim is informed that they are trying to apply for a loan. Another option is that the fraudster convinces that the SIM card will soon be blocked, since its validity period expires. Also, malefactors sometimes pose as employees of the tax service and try to convince the victim that she did not pay taxes or any fines, and then threaten to block accounts.
After scaring the victim, the attacker proceeds to the main part of the fraudulent scheme: asks to name the SMS code or transfer money to a "secure account". If the victim is in doubt, the scammer will rush, threaten, try to intimidate and cause maximum stress.

How to identify a fraudster using this scheme
If the interviewee introduced himself as "an employee of the banking security service", fraud will be indicated:
  • call from a regular mobile or city number, not an official bank number;
  • a requirement to perform any operations on the card: for example, transfer all or part of the money to another account, cash it out, and deposit it to another account;
  • the requirement to name your bank card details or dictate the code from an SMS message. Real bank employees never do that.
Other signs of fraud:
  • A real bank employee can name the amount of the account balance, rather than asking the customer for it.
  • If a "representative" of your mobile operator contacted you and informs you about the expiration of the SIM card - this is definitely an attacker, hang up. The fact is that its validity period is unlimited and cannot "expire".
  • If you are contacted by a "police officer" on the phone and asks for assistance in catching criminals — he is a criminal himself, hang up. Real police officers never "recruit" their assistants from among ordinary citizens, just by calling them on the phone. The police will not remotely demand to conduct any financial transactions, and even more so ask to participate in the detention or preparation of "evidence".
  • If an "employee of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation" called — the criminal is talking to you, hang up. The Bank of Russia does not interact with ordinary citizens as part of its work.
  • The interviewee introduced himself as a loan specialist and speaks about a pre-approved or approved loan application? If you haven't submitted a loan application, don't continue the conversation. This is only done by scammers who want to apply for a loan in your name.

Trick # 2: Fake Customer​

Fraudster's tool:greed / desire to earn money.
Deception scheme. victim puts up used items for sale on any popular Internet site. It is contacted by a "buyer" who, for some reason, can not meet with the seller, but really wants to buy the item. To solve the problem, they offer to use courier services or taxi delivery, and promise to transfer the payment to a bank card.

How to identify a fraudster using this scheme
  • The fraudster asks not only to provide the bank card number, but also to indicate the date of issue, the cardholder's details, and the CVC code (three digits on the back of the card). When asked why the information is needed, it starts quickly and confusingly telling something about problems with invoices / transactions, or refers to the fact that it will be paid from the legal entity's account.
  • All financial manipulations are carried out in maximum haste. For example, the courier has already arrived and is waiting, or there is a taxi driver nearby who has already started a paid wait.
  • There is also a chance to identify a false buyer before the transaction. Usually, the fake buyer is not too interested in the product itself. He either does not ask anything about the thing at all, or asks a few superficial questions "for show".

Trick # 3. You've won a million!​

Fraudster's tool:greed.
Deception scheme. Fraudsters beat the situation with the victim receiving an inheritance / large winnings / insurance payments or providing other impressive amounts from an unexpected source.
Most often, they use options with an imaginary lottery win, drawing any valuable prizes, and inheritance from an unknown relative. Sometimes fraudsters lure the victim with "insurance / social benefits" or "social assistance from the state".
If the victim is interested, the fraudster informs that to receive money, you need to transfer some money (tax, deposit, delivery fee, duty) or send an SMS code. By agreeing, the victim loses money.

How to identify a fraudster using this scheme
  • Ignore messages about winning a lottery, raffle, or contest that you didn't participate in.
  • Check the message about the inheritance through a lawyer or other official channels.
  • If the message about the win looks and sounds plausible and you want to believe in it, still hang up the phone, do not respond to the email immediately. First, you need to make sure that the organization on whose behalf the prize is promised really exists. It is not enough to find the organization's website, but you need to check whether it is officially registered. If it exists, it is better to contact the organizers using the official contact details.

Trick # 4: We invite you to your dream job!​

Fraudster's tool: greed / hope / desire to earn money.
Deception scheme. victim is offered employment in a job with a high salary level, which is actually incomparable with the complexity of the work. For example, the "employer" promises payments for "likes", comments, and the purchase of any goods from marketplaces (with the expected subsequent "return" of the product itself).
Another option is that scammers offer the victim a "dream job", but you can't start working right away. First you need to complete the training, and it is paid.
A tempting offer of a high salary for a simple job can be something more serious and dangerous than a banal (albeit very unpleasant) "divorce" for money. The victim may find himself in the role of a drug courier or a participant in a fraudulent scheme, and then he will face liability up to criminal liability.

How to identify a fraudster using this scheme
  • Don't accept a tempting offer right away. Check your employer, read reviews, and think about whether someone will really be willing to pay the specified amount for the specified job.
  • Do not agree to participate in dubious schemes. For example, you should not assume the role of a "courier" who transports unknown substances or money from point "A" to point "B".
  • Keep in mind that a reputable employer never asks its employees to pay for training before starting work. If the employer asks you to invest any amount so that the applicant can start working, it is most likely a fraudster.

Trick # 5: Help me, I was hit by a car / I hit a man​

Fraudster's tool:fear for your loved ones / compassion.
Deception scheme. Fraudsters simulate a situation when a close friend or relative of the victim urgently needs help due to unforeseen circumstances. The most common options are:
  1. A call / message on behalf of a "relative" or "friend" with a message that he was injured in an accident (most often a car accident) and urgently needs money for treatment.
  2. Another option is that a "friend" or" relative " became the culprit of the incident, and a large sum is also immediately needed so that the "injured party" agrees to resolve the case peacefully without bringing the "culprit" to justice.
  3. A simplified version is a message from a friend who asks to borrow a small amount, referring to money difficulties.
They may also make phone calls on behalf of medical personnel or introduce themselves as law enforcement officers. The bottom line is the same: money is urgently needed, otherwise a loved one will suffer.

How to identify a fraudster using this scheme
The main thing is to be sure to check the information. If the call is made on behalf of a loved one, try to contact them yourself. Sometimes it is enough just to call a relative to find out that in fact everything is fine with him.
Did the call come from a "medical facility" or "police"? You should definitely try to call your loved one back, as well as get through to this institution using official contact numbers.

Trick # 6: We're made for each other!​

Fraudster's tool:hope / dream of love / basic instincts.
Deception scheme. The victim meets a potential romantic partner on a dating site or on social media. Most often, scammers choose young guys as victims for this scheme. In this case, posing as a girl, the fraudster offers to meet at the theater or cinema, asks you to book and pay for the selected tickets. If the victim agrees, the fraudster gives a link to a fake site, and the person simply transfers their money "to nowhere".

How to identify a fraudster using this scheme
  • Check information. Do not click on links received from actual strangers, and especially do not enter your personal data or bank card details there.
  • Offer your new friend an alternative — for example, meet in a cafe or visit another movie theater-and see the reaction. Scammers usually insist that a real person will definitely consider an alternative option.

How to avoid becoming a victim of manipulative scammers​

Techniques and tactics of criminals are constantly being improved. However, it is quite possible to make their lives as difficult as possible and reduce the risk of becoming their next victim if you follow simple recommendations.
  1. Do not transmit bank card details such as the number, owner's name, expiration date, and three — digit code on the back.
  2. Don't call the code from the SMS message-it is intended only for the cardholder.
  3. Do not click on suspicious links, and especially do not leave personal data there in any online forms.
  4. Do not post your personal data (phone number, residential address, passport) on social networks.
  5. Check information-especially if you are promised something for free or very profitable.
  6. Don't rush to make a decision — take a break and think about whether a fraudster is trying to deceive you.
Finally, the main thing is to think first, and then do.


It is impossible to completely eliminate the risks of encountering fraudsters, but there are ways to reduce them. Pay close attention to the content that you post on the Web. The phone number opened in the resume, photos of expensive purchases, personal data on the flight ticket image-all this can become the foundation on which scammers will form a plausible legend. Do not give this opportunity, but protect the privacy of your life.
Remember that most fraudulent schemes are built on haste, and "social engineers" try not to give the victim even a small pause so that she does not have time to think about her actions. You should always take a break and think about whether they are trying to deceive you.