Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Portal for Claimants
Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development
220 French Landing Drive
Nashville, TN 37243
About the PUA Portal for Claimants
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) is a federal program that provides payment to workers not traditionally eligible for unemployment benefits (self-employed, independent contractors, workers with limited work history, and others) who are unable to work as a direct result of the coronavirus public health emergency.
The steps you will take to file a PUA claim and receive weekly benefits are:
1. Register to create your account in the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Portal.
2. File your initial PUA claim.
3. As early as the coming Sunday, submit your weekly claim certification (some states only require bi-weekly claim certification).
If you require assistance with registering, filing your claim, or doing weekly certifications, contact staff at your local unemployment office, as they are able to perform all these activities in the system on your behalf.
Registering and Filing Your Initial PUA Claim
A guided wizard will walk you through the steps to register an account in the system and file an initial PUA
claim. The basic steps are to:
1. Enter your Social Security Number to determine your eligibility to filea PUAclaim.
2. Complete a multi-page registration form to create your system account.
3. Enter your work history.
4. Receive certification confirmation.
5. Complete the claim filing process by acknowledging your rights and responsibilities.
This is a multi-page registration/claim form and you will need to have all your personal contact information available, as well as education, earnings, and work history information. This process is best completed in a single session; however, if that is not possible, when you log back in to the system, you will be able to complete the registration and filing process. To restart the registration/claim wizard, simply select Unemployment Services > File a Claim from the left navigation menu.
The questions and screens that appear during registration and claim filing differ from state to state; your procedures may vary somewhat from what is presented here.
To register your account and file your initial PUA claim:
1. Access your state’s Ul home page as directed by your local unemployment agency. A splash page will display.
Splash Page
2. Click the Self-Employed UI Filing Instructions link (see figure above) in the News and Announcements area and follow the prompts to File a Claim.
Note: Required fields are marked by a red asterisk (*).
Sample PUA Portal Eligibility Page
3. Enter your Social Security Number and re-enter it again to confirm.
4. In the Eligibility Questions section, indicate Yes or No for each question. Responses to many questions will cause additional required questions to display.
Note: Each state may have different required eligibility questions to answer.
5 Click Next to continue to the Registration form. Your eligibility to file will be confirmed with a checkmark in the green Eligibility circle of the wizard progress bar at the top of the page (see figure below).
PUA Portal Registration Form and Wizard Progress Bar
6. In the Login Information section, enter a User Name, Password, Security Question and Response for your account, following the requirements in blue text on the page.
7. In the Primary Location Information section, confirm your Country of residence and enter your Zip Code.
8. In the E-mail Address section, enter and confirm your Primary E-mail address. You can create an e-mail account with a common carrier if you don’t already have one by clicking the Create E-mail
Account link.
9. In the Demographic Information section, enter your Date of Birth and indicate your Gender.
a. If Male, indicate your Selective Service registration status.
10. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Registration Form - Name and Address Entry
11. In the Name section, enter your First Name and Last Name (and Middle Initial, if desired).
a. If you have worked under a different name than what has been entered, click the click here link and enter it.
12. Click Next to continue.
13 In the Residential Address section, enter the street address where you live.
14. In the Mailing Address section, either click the Use residential address checkbox if the same, or if different, enter the address where you receive your mail.
15. Click Next to continue (see figure below)
PUA Portal Registration Form - Continued
16. In the Phone Numbers section, enter your Primary Phone number and Type. Alternate and Fax numbers are optional.
17. Click Next to continue.
18 In the Preferred Notification Method section, select a method in which you prefer to receive your notifications. An option that includes Emai/ will always ensure you get them even if not logged in
to the system.
19. Click Next to continue.
20. In the Citizenship section, select your Citizenshipstatus.
a. If Permanent Resident or Alien/Refugee Lawfully Authorized to Work in U.S., supply the Selected Document Type.
21. In the Disability section, specify if you wish to disclose a disability. Please read the blue text on-screen for how this information can be used. If Yes, additional required questions about receiving
Social Security will need to be answered.
22. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Registration Form - Continued
23. In the Education Information section, select Your Highest Education Level Achieved.
24. Click Next to continue.
25. In the Employment Information section, select your Current Employment Status.
26. Click Next to continue.
27. In the Employment-Status section, specify If offered a job, are you able and available to accept it?
a. If No, you must Indicate the reason(s) you could not accept work right now.
28. Specify if you are self-employed, or the owner, or operator of a business or farm.
a. If Yes, select your self-employment Type from the drop-down list that displays.
29. Specify if you are in an elected, appointed or in a major policy making position.
30. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Registration Form – Major Disaster Questions
31. In the Major Disaster Information section, select Yes for Are you unemployed as a direct result of a pandemic or major disaster?
32. Select In what state were you affected. Your state may be listed at the top.
33. Choose COVID-19 for What was the major disaster?
The page now redisplays to show the Self Certification and Acknowledgement sections. The Self Certification questions are dynamic, and based on your responses, new required fields will appear.
34. Read each Self Certification question carefully and answer to the best of your ability.
35. Indicate that Yes, | understand and acknowledge your certification statements.
36. Click Next to continue.
37. In the Ethnic Origin section, specify if You are of Hispanic or Latino heritage and indicate your Race by checking all that apply.
38. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Registration Form - Payment Information Page
39. In the Payment Information section, indicate What type of benefit payment would you like to receive?
a. If Direct Deposit, supply your banking information in the fields that display (see figure above).
Note: if you do sign up for direct deposit, benefits may still be paid to you through a debit card, until the setup of direct deposit begins.
40. In the Payment Deductions section, specify if you want Federal Tax withheld at 10% of the weekly
benefit amount.
41. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
Notification about Providing Proof of Earnings and Work History
To proceed with your Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claim, you must provide proof of your earnings and 18 months of previous employment history. This allows the system to determine if you qualify for other programs. Please note that you have not completed the filing of your claim until you have completed these steps.
42. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Work History Form – Proof of Earnings Upload Page
43. If you can prove your earnings with uploaded documents, such as 1099, W2, or check stubs, select the type of earnings document you will upload and then click the Choose File button. You can
upload up to five documents to cover the 18-month period. If you have no documents to upload, click Next, and confirm to skip this page.
44. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Work History Form - Employment History Page
45. If you don’t already have at least 18 months’ of work history as part of uploading documents, in the Additional Employment History section, click Yes to add additional employment history items.
46. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Work History Form - Employer Search
47. If your most recent employer is located in the state in which you are filing this claim, begin typing their Name, FEIN or State Tax ID in the search box. The system will display matching employers that you can click on to select.
If your most recent employer does not appear in the list or is not located in the state in which you are filing this claim, click the click here link to enter their information manually. A detailed Employer Information form displays (see figure below).
PUA Portal Work History Form - Employer and Job Title Sections
48. In the Employer and Job Title sections, complete all required fields to the best of your ability.
PUA Portal Work History Form - Position Section
49. In the Position section, complete all required fields to the best of your ability (see figure above).
Many of the questions are dynamic, and depending on how you answer them, additional fields will be required to be completed.
PUA Portal Work History Form - Benefit, Pension/Retirement Sections
50. In the Benefit Payment Information section (see figure above), specify if you received, or will receive, any benefit payment categories. For Yes responses, you'll need to supply additional information.
51. In the Pension / Retirement Information section, specify if you received, or will receive in the next 52 weeks, any pension/retirement payment categories. Yes responses will require additional required fields to be completed.
52. When you have completed all required fields on this form to the best of your ability, click the Save button. The Employment History page redisplays with a summary of the job you just entered (see
figure below).
PUA Portal Work History Form - Employment History Page with Employment Listed
53. Indicate if this is your Last Employer by clicking the radio button.
54. If your recorded employment history does not cover the last 18 months, click Yes to add additional employment history and repeat the procedure to add the next previous job.
If it does cover 18 months, click No, then click Next to continue. A confirmation message appears with a link to review what you submitted (see figure below).
PUA Confirmation Message
55. Click Next to continue. A Certification page displays (see figure below).
Sample PUA Claim Certification Statement
56. Click Yes, | want to file this claim and then click Next to file the claim. A page displays listing your responsibilities (see figure below).
Sample What You Must Do Page
57. Read each statement and check each box to confirm your understanding and agreement.
58. Click Next to continue. The system begins processing your claim. A Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Claim Confirmation page displays (see figure below), stating that your Pandemic
Unemployment Assistance claim and work registration account has been created successfully and will be reviewed for eligibility.
Sample PUA Claim Confirmation Page
59. Click Next to continue. Your PUA Portal dashboard displays.
This completes your registration and initial PUA claim filing. Your claim will be reviewed for eligibility, and you will receive written notice in the mail with important information
about your claim status.
Next Step: As early as the coming Sunday, you must file weekly certifications to continue receiving benefits. See the topic “Filing Your PUA Weekly Certification” below for details.
Some states may require bi-weekly claim certification.
To check your claim and payment status, see the topic “Checking Your Claim Status and Payment Details” later in this guide. To check for notification messages and reply to them, see the topic “Checking Your Message Center for Claim Notifications” at the end of this guide.
Filing Your PUA Weekly Certification
You must file a weekly claim for any week that you want payment, even if your eligibility is being determined or you have an appeal pending. Answer all required questions on the weekly certification
Note: Some states may require bi-weekly claim certification. The questions and screens that appear during weekly certification filing may differ from state to state; your procedures may vary
somewhat from what is presented here.
To file a weekly PUA certification:
1. Access your state’s Ul home page as directed by your local unemployment agency. A splash page will display.
Splash Page
2. Login to your account. Your Individual Workspace dashboard will display, looking similar to the sample one below.
Sample Individual Workspace Dashboard with Weekly Claim Options
3. From either the Services for Individuals menu group in the left navigation pane or the Unemployment Services widget on the dashboard, click the option to file a Weekly Claim (see figure above). Your Weekly Certifications Review page displays (see figure below).
Weekly Certifications Review Page
4. Click the File Your Weekly Certification to Continue Your Claim button. The Weekly Certification Filing Process wizard begins on an Explanation page (see figure below).
Weekly Certification Filing Process - Sample Explanation Pages
5. Read the text and click Next to continue. A Fraud explanation page displays (see figure above).
6. Read the text and click the checkbox to signify your understanding and agreement of the terms.
7. Click Next to continue. A Contact Information page displays.
8. Confirm your information and click Next to continue.
a. If you need to make changes, click the Update Contact Information link and make your changes.
9. The Eligibility Review Questions begin to display, one question per page (see figure below).
Note: The number and types of questions may differ by state and based on your responses on previous pages.
Sample Eligibility Review Questions
10. Answer all questions as they pertain to the week period stated in the question.
Note: Many Yes responses will require additional required fields to be completed and certain responses will cause additional information-gathering pages to display when you click Next to continue.
The next group of questions pertains to Job Offers and Earnings. Again, answer all questions as they pertain to the week period stated in the question.
Job Offers and Earnings Questions
11. Click Next to continue. A Summary of Eligibility Review Answers page displays (see figure below).
Summary of Answers Provided Page
12. Review your responses and if you need to make any changes, click any of the Change xxxx links.
13. Read the fraud statement at the bottom of the page and check the box to signify your understanding.
14. Click Next to continue. The What to Expect Next page displays (see figure below) with your claim status overview. Depending on your specific circumstances, the messages on this page may vary.
What to Expect Next
15. To file another week’s certification, click the "Yes, I would like to continue" button,
To complete your certification process, click the "No, I would like to stop" button.
A Claim Status page displays (see figure below). Depending on your specific circumstances, the messages on this page may vary.
Claim Status Page
Note: if you have an unresolved issue on your claim, you will see ‘Yes’ displayed in the Unresolved Issues field. This simply means that the amounts displayed for Available Credits, Claim
Benefit Balance, and Claim Benefit Paid may not reflect all your certified weeks. Certified weeks can only be paid after all issues have been resolved by an Unemployment Claims staff
member. You do not need to take any further action on this weekly certification unless contacted by an agency representative.
16. To complete your certification process and return to your dashboard click "Continue" or "Exit Weekly Certification".
To check your claim and payment status, see the topic “Checking Your Claim Status and Payment Details” below. To check for notification messages and reply to them, see the topic “Checking Your Message Center for Claim Notifications” at the end of this guide.
Checking Your Claim Status and Payment Details
You can check the status of your claim, weekly certifications, payments, and many other details using the Claim Summary feature.
To check your claim status and payment details:
1. Access your state’s PUA Portal home page in your usual manner. A splash page similar to the one below will display.
Sample PUA Portal Home Page - Signing In
2. Enter your account Username and Password and click the Sign In button located in the upper right corner of the page. Your Individual Workspace dashboard will display, looking similar to the
sample one below.
Sample individual Workspace Dashboard with Claim Summary Options
3. From either the Services for Individuals menu group in the left navigation pane or the Unemployment Services widget on the dashboard, click the "Claim Summary" option (see figure above). Your Unemployment Insurance Claim Information page displays (see figure below).
The sections to note on this page are:
Sample Unemployment Insurance Claim Information Page
Checking Your Message Center for Claim Notifications
You can check your Message Center to view all claim notifications and correspondence sent to you regarding your claim determination.
To check your Message Center:
1. From the Other Services menu group in the left navigation pane, click Communication Center > Message Center.
From the My Messages widget on the dashboard, click any of the links to access your messages (see figure below).
Accessing Your Message Center from Your Dashboard
Your Message Center displays (see figure below).
Message Center
2. Click on the messages and other links to read, reply, move, or delete your messages.
Always remember to keep the following requirements ready before Filing any Loans or UI or PUA
1.Truth finder
2.Credit Report
3.Bank Drop
4.Gud PROS
5.DL scan copy
Y truth finder? We need to get the credit report from creditsesame.com or creditkarma.com. They will be asking for some 2-6 security questions to answer that u need TF.
Now after getting access to customers CR. Now you have TF and CR and Good PROS.
Now open BOA, or SCHWAB or greendot or BBT bank and open a checking account, under the victims name and details
Once your account is active, take note on your AN/RN.
Now you are all set to go!
No open the filing page of any EDD UNEMP and start filing and link your bank acc.
If all details are correct and you do good, the filing will be success and you will be paid on weekly basis to your new bank acc created.
If you have difficulties opening a bank acc, contact with verified drops cashout service. They will help you.
Hope this helps bro's!
To apply for PUA as I told in my previous posts, you need:
Disclaimer: Carding is ILLEGAL!
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Portal for Claimants
Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development
220 French Landing Drive
Nashville, TN 37243
- About the PUA Portal for Claimants
- Registering and Filing Your Initial PUA Claim
- Filing Your PUA Weekly Certification
- Checking Your Claim Status and Payment Details
- Checking Your Message Center for Claim Notifications
About the PUA Portal for Claimants
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) is a federal program that provides payment to workers not traditionally eligible for unemployment benefits (self-employed, independent contractors, workers with limited work history, and others) who are unable to work as a direct result of the coronavirus public health emergency.
The steps you will take to file a PUA claim and receive weekly benefits are:
1. Register to create your account in the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Portal.
2. File your initial PUA claim.
3. As early as the coming Sunday, submit your weekly claim certification (some states only require bi-weekly claim certification).
If you require assistance with registering, filing your claim, or doing weekly certifications, contact staff at your local unemployment office, as they are able to perform all these activities in the system on your behalf.
Registering and Filing Your Initial PUA Claim
A guided wizard will walk you through the steps to register an account in the system and file an initial PUA
claim. The basic steps are to:
1. Enter your Social Security Number to determine your eligibility to filea PUAclaim.
2. Complete a multi-page registration form to create your system account.
3. Enter your work history.
4. Receive certification confirmation.
5. Complete the claim filing process by acknowledging your rights and responsibilities.
This is a multi-page registration/claim form and you will need to have all your personal contact information available, as well as education, earnings, and work history information. This process is best completed in a single session; however, if that is not possible, when you log back in to the system, you will be able to complete the registration and filing process. To restart the registration/claim wizard, simply select Unemployment Services > File a Claim from the left navigation menu.
The questions and screens that appear during registration and claim filing differ from state to state; your procedures may vary somewhat from what is presented here.
To register your account and file your initial PUA claim:
1. Access your state’s Ul home page as directed by your local unemployment agency. A splash page will display.
Splash Page
2. Click the Self-Employed UI Filing Instructions link (see figure above) in the News and Announcements area and follow the prompts to File a Claim.
Note: Required fields are marked by a red asterisk (*).
Sample PUA Portal Eligibility Page
3. Enter your Social Security Number and re-enter it again to confirm.
4. In the Eligibility Questions section, indicate Yes or No for each question. Responses to many questions will cause additional required questions to display.
Note: Each state may have different required eligibility questions to answer.
5 Click Next to continue to the Registration form. Your eligibility to file will be confirmed with a checkmark in the green Eligibility circle of the wizard progress bar at the top of the page (see figure below).
PUA Portal Registration Form and Wizard Progress Bar
6. In the Login Information section, enter a User Name, Password, Security Question and Response for your account, following the requirements in blue text on the page.
7. In the Primary Location Information section, confirm your Country of residence and enter your Zip Code.
8. In the E-mail Address section, enter and confirm your Primary E-mail address. You can create an e-mail account with a common carrier if you don’t already have one by clicking the Create E-mail
Account link.
9. In the Demographic Information section, enter your Date of Birth and indicate your Gender.
a. If Male, indicate your Selective Service registration status.
10. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Registration Form - Name and Address Entry
11. In the Name section, enter your First Name and Last Name (and Middle Initial, if desired).
a. If you have worked under a different name than what has been entered, click the click here link and enter it.
12. Click Next to continue.
13 In the Residential Address section, enter the street address where you live.
14. In the Mailing Address section, either click the Use residential address checkbox if the same, or if different, enter the address where you receive your mail.
15. Click Next to continue (see figure below)
PUA Portal Registration Form - Continued
16. In the Phone Numbers section, enter your Primary Phone number and Type. Alternate and Fax numbers are optional.
17. Click Next to continue.
18 In the Preferred Notification Method section, select a method in which you prefer to receive your notifications. An option that includes Emai/ will always ensure you get them even if not logged in
to the system.
19. Click Next to continue.
20. In the Citizenship section, select your Citizenshipstatus.
a. If Permanent Resident or Alien/Refugee Lawfully Authorized to Work in U.S., supply the Selected Document Type.
21. In the Disability section, specify if you wish to disclose a disability. Please read the blue text on-screen for how this information can be used. If Yes, additional required questions about receiving
Social Security will need to be answered.
22. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Registration Form - Continued
23. In the Education Information section, select Your Highest Education Level Achieved.
24. Click Next to continue.
25. In the Employment Information section, select your Current Employment Status.
26. Click Next to continue.
27. In the Employment-Status section, specify If offered a job, are you able and available to accept it?
a. If No, you must Indicate the reason(s) you could not accept work right now.
28. Specify if you are self-employed, or the owner, or operator of a business or farm.
a. If Yes, select your self-employment Type from the drop-down list that displays.
29. Specify if you are in an elected, appointed or in a major policy making position.
30. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Registration Form – Major Disaster Questions
31. In the Major Disaster Information section, select Yes for Are you unemployed as a direct result of a pandemic or major disaster?
32. Select In what state were you affected. Your state may be listed at the top.
33. Choose COVID-19 for What was the major disaster?
The page now redisplays to show the Self Certification and Acknowledgement sections. The Self Certification questions are dynamic, and based on your responses, new required fields will appear.
34. Read each Self Certification question carefully and answer to the best of your ability.
35. Indicate that Yes, | understand and acknowledge your certification statements.
36. Click Next to continue.
37. In the Ethnic Origin section, specify if You are of Hispanic or Latino heritage and indicate your Race by checking all that apply.
38. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Registration Form - Payment Information Page
39. In the Payment Information section, indicate What type of benefit payment would you like to receive?
a. If Direct Deposit, supply your banking information in the fields that display (see figure above).
Note: if you do sign up for direct deposit, benefits may still be paid to you through a debit card, until the setup of direct deposit begins.
40. In the Payment Deductions section, specify if you want Federal Tax withheld at 10% of the weekly
benefit amount.
41. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
Notification about Providing Proof of Earnings and Work History
To proceed with your Pandemic Unemployment Assistance claim, you must provide proof of your earnings and 18 months of previous employment history. This allows the system to determine if you qualify for other programs. Please note that you have not completed the filing of your claim until you have completed these steps.
42. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Work History Form – Proof of Earnings Upload Page
43. If you can prove your earnings with uploaded documents, such as 1099, W2, or check stubs, select the type of earnings document you will upload and then click the Choose File button. You can
upload up to five documents to cover the 18-month period. If you have no documents to upload, click Next, and confirm to skip this page.
44. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Work History Form - Employment History Page
45. If you don’t already have at least 18 months’ of work history as part of uploading documents, in the Additional Employment History section, click Yes to add additional employment history items.
46. Click Next to continue (see figure below).
PUA Portal Work History Form - Employer Search
47. If your most recent employer is located in the state in which you are filing this claim, begin typing their Name, FEIN or State Tax ID in the search box. The system will display matching employers that you can click on to select.
If your most recent employer does not appear in the list or is not located in the state in which you are filing this claim, click the click here link to enter their information manually. A detailed Employer Information form displays (see figure below).
PUA Portal Work History Form - Employer and Job Title Sections
48. In the Employer and Job Title sections, complete all required fields to the best of your ability.
PUA Portal Work History Form - Position Section
49. In the Position section, complete all required fields to the best of your ability (see figure above).
Many of the questions are dynamic, and depending on how you answer them, additional fields will be required to be completed.
PUA Portal Work History Form - Benefit, Pension/Retirement Sections
50. In the Benefit Payment Information section (see figure above), specify if you received, or will receive, any benefit payment categories. For Yes responses, you'll need to supply additional information.
51. In the Pension / Retirement Information section, specify if you received, or will receive in the next 52 weeks, any pension/retirement payment categories. Yes responses will require additional required fields to be completed.
52. When you have completed all required fields on this form to the best of your ability, click the Save button. The Employment History page redisplays with a summary of the job you just entered (see
figure below).
PUA Portal Work History Form - Employment History Page with Employment Listed
53. Indicate if this is your Last Employer by clicking the radio button.
54. If your recorded employment history does not cover the last 18 months, click Yes to add additional employment history and repeat the procedure to add the next previous job.
If it does cover 18 months, click No, then click Next to continue. A confirmation message appears with a link to review what you submitted (see figure below).
PUA Confirmation Message
55. Click Next to continue. A Certification page displays (see figure below).
Sample PUA Claim Certification Statement
56. Click Yes, | want to file this claim and then click Next to file the claim. A page displays listing your responsibilities (see figure below).
Sample What You Must Do Page
57. Read each statement and check each box to confirm your understanding and agreement.
58. Click Next to continue. The system begins processing your claim. A Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Claim Confirmation page displays (see figure below), stating that your Pandemic
Unemployment Assistance claim and work registration account has been created successfully and will be reviewed for eligibility.
Sample PUA Claim Confirmation Page
59. Click Next to continue. Your PUA Portal dashboard displays.
This completes your registration and initial PUA claim filing. Your claim will be reviewed for eligibility, and you will receive written notice in the mail with important information
about your claim status.
Next Step: As early as the coming Sunday, you must file weekly certifications to continue receiving benefits. See the topic “Filing Your PUA Weekly Certification” below for details.
Some states may require bi-weekly claim certification.
To check your claim and payment status, see the topic “Checking Your Claim Status and Payment Details” later in this guide. To check for notification messages and reply to them, see the topic “Checking Your Message Center for Claim Notifications” at the end of this guide.
Filing Your PUA Weekly Certification
You must file a weekly claim for any week that you want payment, even if your eligibility is being determined or you have an appeal pending. Answer all required questions on the weekly certification
Note: Some states may require bi-weekly claim certification. The questions and screens that appear during weekly certification filing may differ from state to state; your procedures may vary
somewhat from what is presented here.
To file a weekly PUA certification:
1. Access your state’s Ul home page as directed by your local unemployment agency. A splash page will display.
Splash Page
2. Login to your account. Your Individual Workspace dashboard will display, looking similar to the sample one below.
Sample Individual Workspace Dashboard with Weekly Claim Options
3. From either the Services for Individuals menu group in the left navigation pane or the Unemployment Services widget on the dashboard, click the option to file a Weekly Claim (see figure above). Your Weekly Certifications Review page displays (see figure below).
Weekly Certifications Review Page
4. Click the File Your Weekly Certification to Continue Your Claim button. The Weekly Certification Filing Process wizard begins on an Explanation page (see figure below).
Weekly Certification Filing Process - Sample Explanation Pages
5. Read the text and click Next to continue. A Fraud explanation page displays (see figure above).
6. Read the text and click the checkbox to signify your understanding and agreement of the terms.
7. Click Next to continue. A Contact Information page displays.
8. Confirm your information and click Next to continue.
a. If you need to make changes, click the Update Contact Information link and make your changes.
9. The Eligibility Review Questions begin to display, one question per page (see figure below).
Note: The number and types of questions may differ by state and based on your responses on previous pages.
Sample Eligibility Review Questions
10. Answer all questions as they pertain to the week period stated in the question.
Note: Many Yes responses will require additional required fields to be completed and certain responses will cause additional information-gathering pages to display when you click Next to continue.
The next group of questions pertains to Job Offers and Earnings. Again, answer all questions as they pertain to the week period stated in the question.
Job Offers and Earnings Questions
11. Click Next to continue. A Summary of Eligibility Review Answers page displays (see figure below).
Summary of Answers Provided Page
12. Review your responses and if you need to make any changes, click any of the Change xxxx links.
13. Read the fraud statement at the bottom of the page and check the box to signify your understanding.
14. Click Next to continue. The What to Expect Next page displays (see figure below) with your claim status overview. Depending on your specific circumstances, the messages on this page may vary.
What to Expect Next
15. To file another week’s certification, click the "Yes, I would like to continue" button,
To complete your certification process, click the "No, I would like to stop" button.
A Claim Status page displays (see figure below). Depending on your specific circumstances, the messages on this page may vary.
Claim Status Page
Note: if you have an unresolved issue on your claim, you will see ‘Yes’ displayed in the Unresolved Issues field. This simply means that the amounts displayed for Available Credits, Claim
Benefit Balance, and Claim Benefit Paid may not reflect all your certified weeks. Certified weeks can only be paid after all issues have been resolved by an Unemployment Claims staff
member. You do not need to take any further action on this weekly certification unless contacted by an agency representative.
16. To complete your certification process and return to your dashboard click "Continue" or "Exit Weekly Certification".
To check your claim and payment status, see the topic “Checking Your Claim Status and Payment Details” below. To check for notification messages and reply to them, see the topic “Checking Your Message Center for Claim Notifications” at the end of this guide.
Checking Your Claim Status and Payment Details
You can check the status of your claim, weekly certifications, payments, and many other details using the Claim Summary feature.
To check your claim status and payment details:
1. Access your state’s PUA Portal home page in your usual manner. A splash page similar to the one below will display.
Sample PUA Portal Home Page - Signing In
2. Enter your account Username and Password and click the Sign In button located in the upper right corner of the page. Your Individual Workspace dashboard will display, looking similar to the
sample one below.
Sample individual Workspace Dashboard with Claim Summary Options
3. From either the Services for Individuals menu group in the left navigation pane or the Unemployment Services widget on the dashboard, click the "Claim Summary" option (see figure above). Your Unemployment Insurance Claim Information page displays (see figure below).
The sections to note on this page are:
- Claim Details shows an overview of what you need to know about your current claim status.
- Outstanding Claim Issues lists any actives issues on your claim, which could affect future benefits. As long as you remain unemployed, continue to file your weekly claim as instructed. You will be notified by mail when any decisions are made; these may take up to 21 days.
- Weekly Benefit Certifications lists the weeks for which you have completed certifications to continue your unemployment benefits. Click on a Payment Amount hyperlink to see the details of that payment, including any stimulus amount paid.
- Payment Summary lists the details on how each weekly payment was determined.
- Overpayment Summary provides a comprehensive view of any overpayments to your benefit claim. An overpayment results when more funds were dispersed than you were eligible for.
Sample Unemployment Insurance Claim Information Page
Checking Your Message Center for Claim Notifications
You can check your Message Center to view all claim notifications and correspondence sent to you regarding your claim determination.
To check your Message Center:
1. From the Other Services menu group in the left navigation pane, click Communication Center > Message Center.
From the My Messages widget on the dashboard, click any of the links to access your messages (see figure below).
Accessing Your Message Center from Your Dashboard
Your Message Center displays (see figure below).
Message Center
2. Click on the messages and other links to read, reply, move, or delete your messages.
Always remember to keep the following requirements ready before Filing any Loans or UI or PUA
1.Truth finder
2.Credit Report
3.Bank Drop
4.Gud PROS
5.DL scan copy
Y truth finder? We need to get the credit report from creditsesame.com or creditkarma.com. They will be asking for some 2-6 security questions to answer that u need TF.
Now after getting access to customers CR. Now you have TF and CR and Good PROS.
Now open BOA, or SCHWAB or greendot or BBT bank and open a checking account, under the victims name and details
Once your account is active, take note on your AN/RN.
Now you are all set to go!
No open the filing page of any EDD UNEMP and start filing and link your bank acc.
If all details are correct and you do good, the filing will be success and you will be paid on weekly basis to your new bank acc created.
If you have difficulties opening a bank acc, contact with verified drops cashout service. They will help you.
Hope this helps bro's!
To apply for PUA as I told in my previous posts, you need:
- PROS/FULLZ with DL and good credit score
- CR + email access
- PAYPAL/ZELLE for cashout
- BANK DROP under same name + email access
- Little brainy TIPS
Disclaimer: Carding is ILLEGAL!