⌚️ Time trouble: why do carders fail to do anything in carding?


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Paradox: we live in the most comfortable conditions that humanity has ever seen. The whole life was taken over by technology, everything you want is delivered to your home, the answer to any question can be obtained in one click. Why, at the same time, we are regularly covered in the evening with the feeling that we have not made it in time again?

There are two striking indicators of our life today that "help" us to turn the day into a moment that we do not even have time to notice.

? The cult of achievement in half with instant access to any information
Since childhood, we have been living in the mode “Faster, don't dig, do your homework, then to training, then to English. You haven't sat down to your lessons yet?". Further worse: we open social networks, and we are bombarded with stories of super-mega-successful people who studied at three universities at once, at the same time started a family with five children and dogs, and now they conduct trainings non-stop directly from the beach in the Maldives, because they did it that way. you can too, kamon!

And then, from each iron, offers are pouring in to quickly learn all new professions that will keep us in competition with the family with five children in the Maldives.

And we turn on: to be in time for everything! And in between, we disappear in the same social networks for thoughtless scrolling of the feed.

⌛️ Time management
Paradoxically, this kind of valuable skill also eats up our time. Precisely because we are trying to subjugate him and thereby arrange for ourselves a regime "to be in time in an hour." The key here is “to be in time”. It cuts into us anxiety, a feeling of lack of control over the situation. Remember how long it takes the same hour that you allow yourself to slow down?

Try to say to yourself “take your time”, “calmly” instead of “I’m not in time!”, “Why so long?!”.

Try replacing your daily two hours of flipping through social media with any comfortable meditation technique or some other way to deliberately slow down. When you are not chasing time, there is time to ask yourself if I really need this race.