They worked for foreign bookmakers and sold card details


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A Bobruisk district court has issued a verdict against three defendants in a criminal case on illegal distribution of bank payment card details and authentication data, BelTA learned from the press service of the Mogilev Regional Court.

Accused I., acting independently or with the complicity of accused D. and N., received criminal income for illegally distributing bank card details and authentication data, which allowed unknown attackers to gain access to bank accounts opened for third parties in various banks. Illegal remuneration of the accused amounted to more than Br30 thousand.

During the court session, the men pleaded guilty in full. At the same time, the accused I. said that he began to engage in illegal registration of accounts in a bookmaker's office and the sale of bank payment card details from 2019. At first, he opened bank accounts in his own name. When the banks stopped opening accounts for the accused, he began to look for acquaintances who registered SIM cards, opened accounts in their own name, received bank cards and transferred them to him for subsequent sale. Working for a foreign bookmaker, the accused I. found buyers of card details and authentication data in special Telegram channels. The defendants D. and N. assisted him and sought out people who, for a fee, issued SIM cards for themselves and opened bank accounts with cards.

The verdict of the court found the accused I. guilty. On the basis of Part 1 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, he was sentenced to restriction of freedom without being sent to an open-type correctional institution for a period of 4 years. Defendants D. and N. were also found guilty of aiding and abetting the illegal distribution of bank payment card details and authentication data, through which it is possible to gain access to accounts, and on the basis of Part 6 of Article 16, Part 1 of Article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, they were sentenced to restriction of liberty without being sent to a correctional institution open type: for accused D.-for a period of 2 years and 6 months, for accused N. - for a period of 2 years. The equipment of the accused, with the help of which crimes were committed, was confiscated to the state revenue. In addition, law enforcement officers recovered from the accused I. more than Br30 thousand, obtained by criminal means.

The verdict has not entered into legal force and may be appealed and challenged in accordance with the procedure established by law.