The way of a pimp or how to organize your own business in the field of sexual services


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So, if you seriously decide to take up this craft, then be prepared for the costs, nerves and paranoia.
To begin with, I will tell you how any leisure time works.
Let's imagine that you, a respected man, decided to visit a fairy, relax, let's say, body and soul?
95% of the population do not even suspect that they have just used their harmless call to involve several people in the structure of the whore business to serve their pussy.

  1. The dispatcher.
  2. Pimp.
  3. Actually, the girl herself.
  4. In rare cases, the driver/security guard.
Let's start with the dispatcher.
The dispatcher-operator is the most important person in this business.

Dispatcher's responsibilities:
- Sift out rednecks/alkanauts/hachis/kids/trolls/perverts and other gentlemen.
- Introduce yourself as Snezhanna/Svetoy/Dasha with a *la voice, so much so that the client is interested.
- Keep a record of incoming calls: record growths (successful transactions) and gemmors (cops/rednecks, etc.).

Let's imagine that one girl has been working for 3 months, the other has just started, the phones, of course, are DIFFERENT for each girl, if the dispatcher did not record incoming gems and growths, then you will not be sure. What if the same client has already visited Roxanne before? And now you want to go to Angelica? That's right, you won't have to be paranoid that he's a robber or rapist (although you can't rule that out either). Well, with gemstones, I think, so everything is clear.

- It is also her responsibility to notify the girl about an upcoming client. And of course, she should keep you posted.

Take the most responsible approach to choosing a dispatcher! Don't be too lazy to check it from different phones. It can be full of TP, or too tricky, but more on that later…

Pimp - that is, you.
Your task is to provide the most comfortable conditions for all employees and clients.
Always clean apartments with European renovation, normal condoms, several sets of linen/towels. Tea, coffee, cold water, shower and don't forget to wrap up the poebazza.
For the dispatcher, uninterrupted cellular communication of all phones, the most accurate information about where a particular girl is located, at what address,how many and how long they work.

For a girl
You need to provide a safe environment. For any whore, the most terrible thing is not cops, not a freak client, or even a rapist. For a prostitute, the worst thing is if all her friends and relatives find out about her work. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this as correctly as possible. If you start to be rude to her and tell her not to fuck around and serve everyone, then you will lose the girl, and accordingly money, if you are too soft with her, then she just ahueet, then in this situation you will suck, not her.
Personally, I solved this problem very simply. I told her to look through the peephole every time before opening it for the customer. If you know someone, just don't let them open it. That's all.
Oh yes, your job is also to provide jobs for the girls. If there are no customers, then there will be no money, and in a few days (yes, yes, just days, not months) the girls will go to the competitors.

Girls are the main labor force.
Here you can make a lot of mistakes, lose a lot of money and nerve when you start recruiting TPSHEK to your business.

To avoid this, you must follow a number of rules:
- No minors, strictly 18+ (Google the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
- Stupid and impudent immediately in the BAN! And there are a lot of them in the 14th year. They are rude, rude, and set conditions…
- If she sets her own prices, fuck that. Let the market sells a piece of vagina itself.
- If she has already had experience working in another agency, then be extremely careful with her, as she knows this cuisine 100 times better than you do.
- If she wants to come from another city for permanent residence, your task is to provide her with housing, where she will work and live. By the way, an ideal option. You can say smooth operation. Some people share the payment of an apartment with a girl in half, since she works there for 12 hours, lives there for 12 hours.

The appearance f a girl is not the most important aspect, you can also take a terrible wife to work. As long as it works properly!

Also, remember the golden rule. In any case, do not invite a girl from another agency to your house, even if you are sure that she works for herself without an owner. In 99% of cases, it has an agency. (I'll also talk about this a little later).
Oh, yes, then where to get them? It's simple. Create one in VK / odnoklassniki and other social networks. fill out a few questionnaires, then fill it out in a very attractive way for the TA, and tell them that this job is very high-paying, prestigious, and safe. Then send your suggestion to the groups.
The result will not take you long to wait, in just 2-5 days chickens will write to you, because in groups about vacancies and job searches there is nothing better than your offer. It is not necessary to hide that this is prostitution, but you can not say this word to a girl, it is better to say "leisure sphere", "sex" , etc. Talk about how you do not talk too much to girls and do not introduce them to each other? OH yes, NO SEX WITH YOUR GIRLS, NOT EVEN FOR MONEY! (More on that later, too)

Security and driver. And also the law!
So, we got to the point that I think everyone is interested in. The roof? Cops? I answer: go hu*!
hu* was swimming there, not money for bandits and cops, okay? You may ask, but how is it that any shady and criminal business is protected?
I repeat, hu* s swam there! Look, the structure is like this, although you are an organizer, but try to prove it? Thinking about it? Oh, yes, of course, the cop will come to the "control purchase", but according to the law, control purchases are made for goods, not for services. Anyway, there wasn't any public scam, was there? Prices in VK don't mean anything! I can write that it costs 5000 rubles to spend time with me personally, and then I'm sh**ha? Well, yes, I met a man with a girl in contact, yes I came, yes I liked him, yes I spread my legs, well, who doesn't happen?
In one apartment, STRICTLY one girl, and not 2-3 pcs, otherwise the organization of a brothel. Even if the girl reports everything to the cops, it is very easy to get rid of such nonsense, and the cops most often do not need it, since they themselves lose their shoulder straps by conducting a so-called control purchase. Remember after all, yes, that you can not fuck a lot of girls about yourself? Name, passport scan, wife's address, I hope you didn't tell me?
Another thing is that a cop can "relax" for free, but what can you do, this is the cost of the profession. It is better to warn the girl about this right away.
It is better to hire 2-3 drivers at once. Pay them ONLY after the fact. For example, if you need a girl to go to a hotel, then the driver STRICTLY takes her, and not by taxi she goes herself. The client must transfer the money to the girl in advance, and the girl must already give the entire amount to the driver BEFORE the process, and not after, because cheating is possible.
Well, as for security, usually it's either you or some fellow bully with a gun, this is in order to throw in the trash ahuevshee happy cattle that offended your employee. I can't tell you anything here, because fortunately there were no cases.

Getting started?
So, the structure is built? Everything in its place? Is there a girl at least one, there is a dispatcher, there is a driver and an apartment for daily rent? It's TIME TO START!
Building a schedule for a girl, this is important. Don't let him be late for work or run away early. If she is unable to go to work on a particular day, she must give her advance notice. After all, you rented an apartment for her and PAID for it! So why the fuck did she go home this afternoon? Let him work at least 10 hours, and preferably 12 (Comrade Prokhorov said correctly, we need a 12-hour working day).
I forgot, I need to take a picture of her. Don't go after professional photos, it's better to take home photos, but more photos. Then go with these photos to the sites of leisure (Google the queries "prostitutes of Muhosransk").
Now you can pour yourself a beer / coffee/milk and relax at least a little…

But where is the profit, you may ask?
Let's calculate how much you can earn in this business.
So, let's take the most ordinary day for the most ordinary prostitute.
An average of 3-5 clients per day. Let's take 4 clients, for 2500 rubles per hour.
The cash register is 10,000 rubles, we immediately give half of it to the whore, 10% to the dispatcher (I pay this much) and 1500 rubles to the apartment.
Total: 2500 rubles per girl. Whether it's too much or too little is up to you. But if there are 10 girls, do not expect that you will be able to cut down 25k a day, you will have to look for new additional dispatchers, take into account the costs of condoms, drivers, cellular communication and much more…
As you work, you will understand many of the subtleties yourself, but I will tell you my main mistakes and stories, as promised.

First error
I didn't find the dispatcher, but a fucker, in another hu* whatever you say. Well, you know, probably, such TP who always s* * a do not hear their fucking phone! I just want to come and shove the phone up her ass, call her and ask: "do you feel the s* * a vibration?" Sometimes she would fall asleep abruptly during the day, and then call me an hour later and tell me that she had lain down for a little while and hadn't noticed that she had lost weight. Fuck off? I think we've caught the moment.
Moreover, she told some clients that she was not Snezhanna, but a dispatcher. Do you understand? She said that there is a LEISURE TIME here, and not an individual working. Everything would be fine, we started working further with her, she seemed to understand everything, but then she started throwing me at all, there was a conspiracy with one whore from her and she drove my clients to her. In general, I am very glad that I got rid of it in time.

Error two
With the first confusion, I behaved very gently, too correctly. In general, he treated her like an ordinary girl. And she was already experienced. She started twisting ropes out of me. Then it will come later, then it will leave earlier. That s* * and the client was not beautiful, you see, it is necessary to feel sorry for her in this case. I pulled myself together and just sent her to hu* when I found the second girl. What I am very happy about!

Error three
With friends decided to celebrate my new business, drank a proper beer, well, fuck, on the women? Let's call your other girl and tell her that I'm coming right now with my friends and you're going to suck on all of us. She ran the fuck out of the apartment. Ate-ate then I returned it. I'm not going to apologize and be soft on her like I was with the last one, am I? I had to explain that this was, let's say, a test for professional suitability. Baba is a fool, believed or pretended to believe. It doesn't matter anymore!

Error four
Work on departure to apartments to clients. SO NO ONE WORKS! Only saunas, hotels and hotels (by the way, you need to be "friends" with these establishments, security guards at the reception can call and order a girl for the guest). Well, what is there to say, a beautiful woman arrived, worked 2 hours, he gave her a crust and hu*. Okay, if I'd just kicked him out, I'd probably have sent him off until he was blue in the face. Therefore, the money is strictly in advance and then transferred to the driver. And in the hotel, I doubt that the client will beat the prostitute very much.