The story of how the guys went to work and what surprises awaited them


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Operation "Y"


It was two years ago in the winter in Moscow on the outskirts of the city.
Initially, there were 4 of us (names will be changed).
I, Mukha, Mukhin's brother Shamil and Artyom (also my Thai boxing coach).
I went to my coach's home. The atmosphere was relaxed, everyone was light, listening to music, lighting up the remains of Eurek.

And so, we are sitting in 4 persons, and then suddenly my coach got a phone call, and in the course of the conversation, by his surprised face, I understand that some kind of tough movement is coming. After the conversation came to an end, he said that his friend Bogdan had called him.

Bogdan is the most frostbitten friend of a coach I have ever seen in my life: an adult guy who by that time had two children, but he, in turn, combined his life with various activities, be it fights, robberies, etc. everything like that.
The coach said that within 20 minutes this very Bogdan would come to us and tell us in more detail about our today's adventures. And so, Bogdan bursts into the hut all in a frenzy. He tells us that they have an adult peasant in the same area on the outskirts. And it turned out for this guy that for a long time the local Ghouls wanted to sew on him a case for distribution, but there was no tangible evidence of this, and that day he took in bulk 2 tiles of hashish, 100 grams each. After he successfully and without consequences raised everything, moving home in his car, approaching closer to the area, there was such a kind of traffic police post: there was a traffic cop who, with his magic wand, at the sight of his swallow, showed that he would stop her. the man realized that it was rubbish, and gave the slippers to the floor. The response from the employee was lightning fast, and the justice machine went after him at all times. After he managed to break away from them, he did not think of anything better than throwing a car in a driveway two blocks from his house and running through the dark streets of these gloomy districts to his home.

Bogdan told us this. But he forgot to clarify the most important detail, that the very same tiles were in the trunk. He forgot to add that this car was herded by the opera in civilian cars in order to wait until the owner approached his Laiba himself. The peasant himself did not go there, because he knew what would happen. a round-up, but he sent local snubs (young guys my age who licked his crotch for a free staff, but these poor fellows themselves did not dare to do this).
If I knew that there are so many grams in the car, I would not have dared to do it myself.
According to Bogdan, 15 thousand rubles, documents for the car and two telephones, which were in the car, had to be removed from the car.
After we had all discussed the plan was this: I climb into the car, because out of our entire team I was the fastest and the smallest, and I would not have had any problems running away from anyone.
Mukha and Shamil stood around the courtyard and in case of suspicious cars they would shout to us to fuck off the crime scene, and Bogdan and Coach stood next to the car, if something happened, they would take action.
And so, we go to the same area, we go into a closed courtyard, where there are only two roads leading to the exit of the courtyard.
We are all ready.
Shamil and Mukha took up their positions near the roads and were on alert, and the three of us, in turn, walked unhurriedly to the car. Bogdan gives me the keys to the car on the way, and the guys themselves slowed down the pace, and I quickened my pace, quickly opened the driver's door and got into it, closed the door behind me and at the same time blocked all the doors. Fortunately, the car was tinted, and I was slowly looking for everything I needed. Everything was in the passenger seat.
I gathered everything at a pace and got out of the wheelbarrow, seeing this, we all ran away from this car.
I gave all the things that I had taken out of the salon to Bogdan, and we fled to the park, which is located across the street.
We took a deep breath, and then Bogdan tells us the undisclosed details that this fucking car needs to be driven to another place, so that later the owner himself can get into it, without fear that someone fell on his tail.
We ahueli from such a turn of events, and we begin to fuck Bogdan, and refer to the fact that none of us knows how to drive, but Bogdan, in turn, suggested that he get behind the wheel and we would go on it ( but Bogdan was deprived drunk driving license).
In the end, I sift through the moment that it all took us an hour of work, and then I come to the conclusion that we are in a dysfunctional area on Friday evening, and we did not see a single bobby or other suspicious cars. As a result, we all understood this together, and the jitters from the point subsided a bit. And so, again, already at 5 digs, we go to the car and try to start it. I won't go into details of how the guys tried to revive her, because I don't understand cars. In the end, we put Bogdan behind the wheel, and the four of us pushed her from behind, but this fucking trough did not start, and we saw that a 35-year-old man was driving into the yard. We insolently went to ask for a light on the battery, to which the man gave the go-ahead.
Opening the hood upwards, the whole process began.
Everything lasted about 20-25 minutes, but in the cold it seemed that an hour had passed, and let me remind you that even by that moment not a single patrol car had passed. And here we already felt light (if you had trouble in such areas, then it would be much more reasonable to make a list of those who will come to your funeral).
This kalymaga began to show signs of life, and finally we got it. Special respect for the man for helping us that cold evening, we were very grateful to him for such help. Saying goodbye to him, we jumped into our Batmobile and left the area.
We left the car in a deserted place under the road bridge, and got on a bus and drove back to that place to give the huckster all the things he had left in the car.

We went three: me, Bogdan, and Coach. After the meeting, Bogdan told him everything, and I gave him all the things. When I started giving him money, he gave me one bill of five thousand rubles, after a while he went to his home and gave us 2 packages, wrapped in foil. I unwrapped the foil, and there was 25 grams of hashish in each briquette. The coach was delighted like a bitch. In the end, we said goodbye and left him.
Returning to the headquarters of the coach, along the way we bought a lot of food, and we remembered the moment of the outgoing movement. After we came to the coach's home, the guys lit up, and only at that moment Bogdan said that our vouchers to the deluxe rooms of the pre-trial detention center were in the trunk. We got a little drunk from this and started to fuck Bogdan hard. As a result, the guys fell a little into the hustle and bustle, but already came to their senses, and began to just get lost, and swear at Bogdan that he was a dummy fucker.
This is how the day ended with music, a sea of food and a good atmosphere with people close to me at that time.

And before you plan anything, think about who you are subscribing to, or even such Bogdan will appear in your life.