The skill of self-disclosure - SE!


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Correct view
This look can completely change your communication with a person, regardless of what gender they are. You will immediately make it clear that you came here for a specific purpose and will not leave until you achieve your goal. The decision here is made only by you and no one else.

You need to look not at the surface of the eyes, but into the eyes themselves, as if plunging into the ocean of the human soul. This will show your strengths and people will feel it.

Sight protection
As is usually the case, a person thinks that he knows how to present himself and how to behave in a given situation in order to achieve the desired success.

If you notice the gaze of your opponent, this indicates that they are using psychological influence on you and it does not matter at all whether this is conscious or not.

Remember that you are not here to play a staring contest. Look the person in the eyes, smile, let them know that everything is fine with you.

Pause and encouragement
Sometimes people try to demand something based on the strength of their demand. You begin to understand, just like your interlocutor, that these demands are unfounded.

A conflict may occur if you begin to object or maintain the tone of the dialogue, which you should try to avoid.

Instead, support the person in every possible way and pretend that you are interested. Feeling supported, a person will stop getting excited and begin to speak more calmly.

Ultimately, many people will feel guilty, begin to make excuses, and then apologies will follow.

Many people, in order to get what they want, put pressure on their interlocutors or employees, if he is the head of any enterprise or department. The person makes it clear to you that you cannot do it differently, you need to do it exactly as needed. And mostly people go to the end and don’t listen to other people’s opinions.

What can you do about it? A very good way to call everything by its proper name. You can directly ask the question: “Are you putting pressure on me?”

After this, a person may become confused and conduct a dialogue with you in a completely different form.

Learn to say "No"
It is worth learning to pronounce this particular word. Not “it won’t work,” or “I don’t know,” or “we’ll see,” but a firm “No.”

You need to know and understand when to say “No.” This can help you in life in a given situation.

Position without evidence
You must be able to make arguments and defend your position, relying on facts that prove that in a given situation it is worth doing exactly this, while assessing all the risks of your decision.

But do not forget and respect the opinion of your interlocutor. You need to listen to every person if you are directly in society.

After all, in fact, your decision may be far from correct. There is a certain human factor that, unfortunately, exists in each of us.