? The problem of "average" carder


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The strap of the “middle” has been following many from school. Someone in school is like that, someone is outwardly, someone is in ambition. And everyone has come across this strap.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, for example, was also once "average" in the hall. Michael Jackson was an "average" musician. Mike Tyson early in his career. Donald Trump. Mahatma Gandhi. Yes, the same Morgenstern or Oksimiron - they were all average.

And while they were in this position, no one knew about them. They did not live so badly. It's okay, like people. However, they could not be called successful until they decided to take the risk and step over the barrier of "satisfied".

This is the key factor that differentiates a mediocre person from a successful person. And you also need to step over this barrier.

Let's say you are studying in the gym. "Average" - this is when the muscles seem to hurt, and it seems that you do not strain too much. Do not wring out the shirt after training.

Or, let's say you are a rapper. “Medium” is when you record a track with no soul. It seems normal, not bad, but not cool either.

Or you are an entrepreneur. “Average” is someone who doesn't sweat much. Acts as usual. It turns out to be a small plus and is glad that it is not a minus. Doesn't push its limits for more.

You can be successful in anything. However, success does not follow when you have learned to do something more or less well. And then when you give him all of yourself.

You give your soul, your last strength. Do not be afraid to risk yourself when your brain tells you that it will do.

You need to extinguish this vile voice in your head, which constantly encourages you to cheat. He limits you and forces you to be content with an "average" lot.

Real success comes next. Hear the beast whose howl is drowned out by the inner mediocrity. Pull yourself together and do not continue to stand at the "satisfied" mark. You want more, not "average". Take it.