The pitfalls of real carding


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This article was written for educational purposes only. We do not call anyone to anything, only for information purposes! The author is not responsible for your actions!

Judging by the announcements on the darknet forums, a lot of people are eager for easy money and submit simply ingenious announcements, such as I will become a drop, I will accept the bay, I will accept translations, etc. I want to upset you greatly. Sensible people do not even consider these ads, because you have no reputation, you have no collateral, and you have no experience. And this means that the carder has practically no chance of getting his honestly stolen babosiks. But scammers of all stripes are simply pissing with happiness at the sight of your ads, because they see a potential victim who will find a mower or two shirts in order to get mountains of gold in the near future. This is another warning to you.

Real carding at first glance with money also seems to be a very simple thing that literally tomorrow will bring a bunch of forever green presidents. Well, really, I bought an encoder (a device for writing and reading data from credit and not only cards), bought plastic, bought a dump + pin, rolled it up on plastic and pour fire in the hood and dark glasses. AHA-SHOOT. Nobody will sell you money for money. And the stories about “I pay for 400 on a 2k card” are bullshit. Those who have D + P have their own professional cashiers who work for an agreed percentage (usually 50%) and know how and where to do it correctly. It is not realistic to get involved in the work of such a team without recommendations. It is recommendations and not pledges. Money plays a secondary role there. The main thing is a clear and well-coordinated team, which at the same time is carefully conspiratorial,


So how do we get these very necessary Dumps + Pin? Googling the Internet, we see that there is such crap as (OH, MIRACLE) called a skimmer. This miracle device clings to the ATM and reads the card data, and the camera reads the pin and voila, here it is profit. Yeah HORSE. The first encoder is a completely legal device that can be bought in the public domain in the price range from 200 to 600 dollars, depending on the model. Yes, on eBAY it can be bought for other money, but when crossing the border, if suddenly it falls into the field of view of those who are supposed to pay attention to it, then count everything after a while you arrived.

So if the encoder can be bought in the public domain, then the skimmer is already a clear crime. And you can buy it only on special forums. And the price starts from 1k greens for the oldest specimen and up to 5k euros for today's assembly. The price depends on the build quality, data transfer method and the seller's greed. But do not forget about the mass of scammers who do not sleep and are looking for such mother's carders to drop them by a couple of bucks. Let's say both a skimmer and an encoder came to you. This is the minimum set with which you can thresh the loot, the minimum because you also need an embosser (pushes the card number on the plastic), a tipper, a printer, crap for pasting a hologram and a strip for a signature - this will be an ideal set, but it costs a lot of money ... Well, okay, this is in my dreams so far ... we have what we have, that is, a skimak and an encoder. In fact, a skimak is an overlay that is inserted into the ATM card reader and an overlay on the keyboard that reads the pin, or a camera that records where the future victim is pressing, or a microphone that writes the sounds of the keys and then using the software converts them into pin numbers, or well, there are a couple of bells and whistles, but to them you like to walk to China. INTERESTING TRUTH?


Go ahead, as you can see until the loot button still pizdyachit and pizdyachit. You need to be able to put this miracle apparatus called skimak in seconds, because if someone vigilant or chasing it notices, then as you understand, you are fucked up again. That is, you need to practice on something. Again, you need to turn on the tower where and how. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that there are different brands and models of ATMs, and the skimak must accordingly be ordered for the car where you plan to shove it. And here again the dilemma of how to choose a car ... Of course, we need a place with the maximum passage of the people, and so that the people are not poor, and so that all the guards are not around iiiiii, in short, we need to walk around and look and think ... And if there are also all sorts of foreign muzzles will fill up well this is generally a fairy tale. By the way, in my city, I would not advise you to do this.

The further the better. Well, over the hill it is generally ideal. Remembering TABOO.

Suppose that you put a skimak and a certain number of people ran through it, precisely some because the time of its operation is also limited by the battery. Now you need to take it off because it is stsuko expensive. You may have already received the information via bluetooth or GSM, but more often you will receive it when you remove the device and process the data. By the way, leaving the skimmer unattended is also stupid, because your colleague can run past who, having looked around carefully, can easily pull it off.

Well, everything is against you, right? Okay, let's move on. Skimak usually reads 1 and 2 tracks (track) of the map, which are actually called dump (dump). It looks like this
B41111111111111111111 ^ LASTNAME / FIRSTNAME ^ 060910100 000000000000000000
41111111111111111111 = 0609101000000000000000000000

In fact, track1 is almost a copy of track2, which is actually important to us. Below is an example of real

; 4213124512341234 = 0804101000543634643?

Which contains the card number, date, type of dump and any bank crap that only they know. The first contains the name of the cardholder that we can change when recording. Now again, a nuance, all this infa is recorded on a magnetic tape, usually black, which is located on the back of the card. About 7-10-15 years ago, the real-carder lads did not blow their heads at all and chopped the loot right and left. And people had more money, and the people were more polohovite, and there were no more chip cards.

But the banks were not happy with this situation and therefore forced the issuance of chip cards. Yes, here's another obstacle for you ... chip cards have 201 dump and not chipped 101 attentive readers will find the type of dump in the tracks. So 101 dumps are enough to simply write to the card and having a pin joyfully gallop into the ATM and fill up until the sucker comes to his senses and blocks the card. With a chip card and 201 dumps, everything is much more complicated.


Here info is also written on the magnetic strip BUT, the main infa is written on the chip and only a few know how what is written on the chip looks like. And the software for recording on the chip costs like 2 Bentleys. Like this. By the way, there are many types of dumps 101, 201, 221, 206, 226 and so on. There is a decryption for everyone. At first, they fought with the chips and quite successfully, they were broken, burned with electric current, smeared with colorless varnish and a lot of other measures were taken to ensure that the chip did not respond at the request and the device (ATM or POS) turned to the magnet. And then it passed, but plastic with a chip cost much more and many preferred not to bother and poured only 101 dumps. And 201 were sold for a penny to those who did not cut it, or to those who understood what to do with it.

Recently, there are scammers who sell all kinds of devices that “just need to be inserted into the ATM” on the adjustable resources, both in dark and in light, and it will unload the entire remainder of the cache on command) And you can even insert it into the card collector) and not in the USB ATM. And they sell for a lot of money. Another popular but "top-secret" shit is a laptop with software that needs to be connected to the ATM, but run the software via USB and voila, the rest of the ATM is in your bag again.

Yes, this is the case. And adapt and software. BUT NO ONE WILL NEVER SELL THEM TO YOU. People work on their own and are quite successful. And they are not going to share with you.

There are several more ways to get dumps with pins, but this is no longer public info.

You can also buy it instead of pouring it. And buying is not bad. But it is advisable to have your own cashier in the store. And then try, train and learn))) But the guard must be your own. But this is the ideal. Today I give some 201 for small amounts and through tapes. But you need to know the banks that allow it, and this infa also costs money.

I hope you were interested, thanks for your attention)


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Real (carding in real life) has 2 main directions. Actually, the direct cash out of the stolen cards and shopping (making purchases) with the help of these very stolen cards.
I'll tell you about the first one first.
First you need to decide on the method of extracting material (cards, stolen cards, on which the loot). There are also two ways (duality is generally one of the properties of life).
1) Pulling dumps (data recorded on the magnetic stripe of the card is called a dump) can be done by a person who has direct contact with the holders' cards and who has the ability to spy / write / otherwise compromise the entered pin code (cashier, waiter, bartender, etc.) etc.), for this he will need a mini reader and steel eggs.
Remember! This is the weakest link in the chain, they will come to it first in the case of a pale one, so the ideal system would be in which the person who pulled the cards simply would not be able to drain the rest of the team.
2) Skimmer + camera, or pinpad, which need to be bought and installed on an ATM (and then most likely removed, because few people will spend on a gsm toy from the very first visit).
Remember! To put and remove skim, for safety reasons, different people should, so that you can drive off on the fact that you just removed a strange thing from the money. If you were burned by cameras during installation, then you definitely won't be able to do this. Also, do not forget that no matter how much the skim costs, it is a consumable and you need to be prepared for the fact that you will fuck it, accept it in advance.
Both methods have their pros, cons, and pitfalls.
If with the first everything is more or less clear. The main risks are the human factor (the "jerk" will burn, hide, etc.).
The second is somewhat more complicated. There are audio skims, there are flash, they differ in the percentage of readout for various types of ATM protection (jitters, electronic warfare systems, etc.). Which one is better, I don't know. I worked with both that and with that, for my taste it's easier with a flash, especially if you yourself then decrypt the data. And it is necessary to decrypt, tk. in the case of an audio skim at the output, we get an audio track that needs to be converted into digital (even numerical) format, and the flash most often has its own encrypted form, which will also have to be converted. Some especially cunning skim sellers make them so that you can decipher them later for money, or for part of the decrypted material. In general, here you have to try and decide what is more profitable for you,
Remember! You should not take the skimmer from the first Vasya he meets. It will most likely be of poor quality, or not working at all. Do not be lazy and do not be stingy, find a trusted seller with your own line of skimaks and work with him. For if you have chosen this path, then you will have to buy skimmers quite often.
So, you have some dumps that have been pulled from somewhere, what's next? Then I cash out.
Remember! It is important to pour all the material at one moment, otherwise it is possible that the SB of the bank will calculate the common point for the removed cards and simply freeze all the plastic that has passed through it.

Here, again, there are 2 ways (I wonder how the diagram of this article will look if you sketch it. The tree is already out).
1) Give it to the "cash out service" Yes, yes, we give cards with unknown balances to our left uncle (of course, with a reputation and reviews on a trusted site). And we give him 30-50% of all money.
The disadvantages are obvious, because we do not know the balances, we cannot be 100% sure that the dealer hasn't fucked us anywhere. All their methods of proof of honesty (video filming, photos of receipts, etc.) can be faked and cheated so that a mosquito does not undermine the nose. The only thing we can do is to put some of our cards with the balance we know into a common pile of dumps and hope that if the dealer didn't give a fuck about it, then he turned out to be honest with the rest. Well, the extortionate percentage is also a significant minus. There is truth in this method and its advantages. Many cashiers have a resource (human, in the form of runners) that allows them to pour even the largest batches at once + a competent cashier will select the time when the hold of cards is the least likely (deep night in the dumping region, for example, or holidays and weekends). Also, many pros in this area have their own pos terminals, through which they can pour amounts significantly higher than the daily withdrawal limits. On top of that, some highly technically advanced depositors now have the ability to imitate chips (for an even greater percentage of withdrawals)
2) Pour it yourself. One cannot do without one more technical pribluda in the form of an encoder. And white plastic. The actual scheme is simple, write dumps on plastic and stomp to the ATM for cash. This also has its pros and cons. Of the advantages is the control of all amounts and the absence of additional payments from freshly stolen funds. There are a few more cons. Firstly, you are unlikely to have at least five people who will drive from ATM to ATM, and then the cash out can take a long time (and then the holds and the entire database of dumps dies). Secondly, with the help of such a pribluda you will be able to copy only the magnetic stripe, which means that you will not have anything from chip cards, which are becoming more and more (in all already countries, and if not in all, then in many). And thirdly, this is an additional palette to your entire team. There have been cases
We eventually came up with a combined cash out method. The fattest cards were cashed out, all the change poured out on its own.
Remember! It is important to agree on the time of withdrawal of funds with your cash out service, so that the base does not become cold before everyone has time to pinch off it.
Actually, we have finished with the first way of working in real life. Money pleasantly pulls your pocket, or lies comfortably in the accounts, and you are already rushing on a yacht with a juicy brunette (or maybe a blonde, there is no dispute about tastes) in an embrace.

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I am not calling anyone to anything, the article was written for informational purposes!