The perfect lie: how to learn to lie professionally


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Friends, we all make mistakes sometimes. This is part of life and you shouldn’t see only negative things in it. People have come up with many excuses for lying: lying for the greater good, lying for the sake of salvation, lying to a child because he is too young to know the truth. I am not a moral fag and will not reproach anyone. I'll be honest - I lie sometimes too. And I do it well. People rarely see through my lies. This is my natural ability, plus several books about the work of intelligence and special services. Today I decided to share a few personal secrets with you.

I warn you right away: moralists and the faint of heart should not read this. There will be many real-life examples that can cause explosions in your nervous system. So, what does it take to make the perfect lie?

1. Dilute lies with truthful details​

This is probably the main secret of a good lie. By diluting it with truthful details, you yourself begin to partially believe in your lies. And this is half the success. In order not to get lost in thought, let’s look at this using a simple example:

You lie to your wife that you were late at work on the occasion of a colleague’s birthday, although in fact you were hanging out at a strip bar with friends. How do you lie?

To begin with, you will say that Alevtina Petrovna from the accounting department had a birthday today and after work she invited everyone to her office to celebrate. And now you must add a truthful detail - for example, tell how Alevtina Petrovna was dressed today, which undoubtedly must be real. You shouldn't invent people, it's too implausible. You can add a short story about what cool whiskey she bought - and this will also be partially true, because you drank this cool whiskey with friends at the bar.
I hope my point is clear. Lie moderately. Spice it up with truth.

2. Watch your gestures​

A good lie requires self-control. You shouldn't do anything that you wouldn't do in normal conversation. Try to relax, but control your micro movements. Touching your face, fiddling with parts of clothing, shaking your leg - there is no need if this is not typical for you.

Nonverbal cues are very important. Watch your posture and gestures.
To make this work perfectly, try to monitor yourself during a normal conversation when you are not lying. Watch what you do and remember it. This is your behavior pattern. This is exactly how it should remain when you lie.

3. Think through your lies in advance.​

Don't rely on your great imagination. A lie is a dish best served cold. Prepare, think through. This will help you be calmer when the “X” hour comes, which means you will have better control over yourself. This is already half the success.

In this case, small details - as in the case of the first example - can not be thought through, but inserted during the conversation. I'll try to explain why. When you have come up with a lie in advance and say something that you have replayed in your head 150 times, your interlocutor may have the feeling that you are reading from a piece of paper or speaking in memorized phrases. This will cause mistrust.

The strategy of lies should not turn into a plan to take over the world. Leave room for improvisation
You must have a lie strategy, its main line, but you figure out the details as the conversation progresses. More on this later.

4. Don't forget about improvisation​

This does not contradict the previous point. Lying is always a balance between preparation and improvisation. You must remain a living person who sometimes starts talking, “slows down” or cannot immediately remember something. Let's look at this with an example.

You usually give most of the money to your wife, leaving some for your expenses. You have run out of money and ask your wife to give you money from the family budget (I know this seems humiliating, but this example is perfect). The wife, of course, is indignant and asks where you spent your money. And you don’t want to admit that you squandered everything at a strip club.

How can I lie to you? If you start telling that you spent 2,000 rubles on dinners, 1,000 on taxis, and another 15,000 on clothes, your wife will immediately see through your lie. You’ve never kept a budget and weren’t known for financial pedantry, but suddenly there’s such precision. No, you need to behave differently.
Think in advance about what you will tell her about how everyday expenses “ate up” your entire budget. That's all. And as the conversation progresses, you’ll come up with details: Well, I bought lunch at McDonald’s a couple of times, it’s more expensive there than at the office cafe. Then he took a taxi - the boss sent him to pick up the client at the airport, and he also bought jeans for himself (this must be true, because she can easily check). Uh... that's all. Oh, exactly! I also went to Seryoga’s birthday, well, when I was late, remember? I took portable speakers and cognac as a gift. So all the money was gone, there were unplanned expenses this month.
And in this spirit, you compose the details, diluting them with true stories from your working days.

5. Don't convince yourself of your honesty.​

Don’t even think about saying things like: “trust me,” “I’m not lying,” “honestly,” and so on. This will destroy your credibility in an instant. How do you usually react when you tell the truth and people don’t believe you? Are you starting to say something like that? No, you would rather get angry with your interlocutor or say something like: “Well, you don’t believe me, okay, that’s your business.”

Lying requires subtlety, so don't make "thick" clues.
This is what you should do when you lie. You must behave exactly as you behave when you speak the truth. It's easier than it seems. There is no need to invent anything. Be yourself, but don't forget about self-control. Prepare, but add improvisation.

If you follow these simple 5 rules, I guarantee that 99% of people will not be able to spot your lies. The remaining 1% are professional psychologists, intelligence officers and simply extremely insightful people. They are able to track eye movements and the slightest non-verbal cues. However, they are not robots either, and there is a chance. What can I say, even a polygraph can be fooled. Perhaps someday this will become the topic of my article.
