The most brutal killer maniacs in human history


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Today there will be a little history from the world of criminal offenses.
Crimes have accompanied humanity throughout its entire existence. Even in ancient times, people suffering from complexes or mental problems committed thefts, robberies, violence and other crimes!
Everyone knows that there is no worse crime than taking the life of another person! Murder is a sin, but some people deliberately commit to this crime and enjoy it.
There have been many cruel killer maniacs in history!

The most brutal killer maniacs in human history:

? Killer clown.
John Wayne Gacy is a man who came to matinees and birthdays dressed as a clown. On the account of the maniac, 33 victims (raped and killed), of which 27 children were found in the basement of the killer clown, another 6 were drowned in the nearest river, according to his words. In 1994, the maniac was euthanized, he died from a lethal injection.

? Sergey Tkach.
One of the most brutal serial killers in history was Sergei Tkach. According to him, the victims were about 100 adolescent girls. The police found evidence on 27 episodes of rape and murder of little girls. Most terrible of all is the fact that Sergei Tkach himself is a law enforcement officer (investigator). The serial maniac was caught in August 2005 at his home (Pologi, Zaporozhye region).

? Chikatilo.
Andrei Chikatilo is the most cruel serial maniac in the post-Soviet space. The man brutally killed for 12 years, during which time 52 people became his victims. Also, the man is known by other nicknames - "Rostov Butcher" and "Red Ripper". Andrei Chikatilo was caught and sentenced to death, in 1994 he was shot.

? Ahmad Suraji.
Another of the worst offenders was an Indonesian maniac named Ahmad Suraji. On account of the murderer 42 women, he committed crimes with extreme cruelty. The man buried his victims in the ground up to their throats and strangled them with a cable wire, drinking the saliva that appeared on the faces of the women. As a result, Ahmad Suraji was shot in 2008.

? Harold Frederick Shipman.
Better known under the pseudonym "Doctor Death". Committed terrible crimes. On account of this serial maniac more than 250 human lives, he killed his victims with lethal injections. In 2004, he hanged himself in his own cell.

? Belle Sorenson Gunness.
The most violent woman to kill people in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. There are more than forty people on the account of this lady, while her close friends and relatives became half of the victims. As you know, she did not work anywhere and lived only on the insurance that she received for the deaths of her relatives. She killed not only her husband and a couple of suitors, but also her own children. As for the death of the criminal, her decapitated and charred body was found, but it is impossible to say for sure whether it belonged to her.

? Jane Toppan.
The sister of mercy was no less cruel killer. As you know, Jane attacked frail patients, at first injecting them with drugs, keeping them on the verge of life and death, after which she killed the poor fellows. It turned out that she received sexual pleasure from the torment of other people, the result of such actions was psychological trauma. Jane's father was crazy and she grew up in an orphanage. The parents who adopted the girl were beggars, which was the impetus for committing murders with extreme cruelty. Law enforcement agencies were able to prove only 11 murders, while Jane herself confessed to another 31 deaths of patients. The examination proved that she was crazy, so the killer spent the rest of her life in a special hospital.

? Elizabeth Bathory.
A murderer who has committed terrible crimes for many years. According to various sources, the number of victims ranges from 30 to 650 people. There are legends that the lady loved to enjoy a bath filled not with water, but with the blood of her victims, who were young girls. Elizabeth believed that in this way she would preserve her youth and beauty. Bathory invited girls to her castle, locked them in a dungeon and killed, and her husband helped her in this. When everything became known, the relatives locked Elizabeth in the basement and after 3 years she died.

? Behram became the most terrible criminal in the history of mankind.
The killer, who has about 1000 human lives. This Indian was the leader of the thugs (fanatical thugs). They believed that by committing a series of crimes, they would be able to prevent the arrival of the goddess of Chaos and Kali. Over the course of his life, Behram committed a number of brutal murders, and on the account of his sect at least 80 thousand people.

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