The Million Dollar Case: The World's Biggest Bank Robberies


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Cases of bank robberies that impress with their thoughtfulness and the amount of funds stolen.


The largest bank robberies in the world.

In the 20th century, robbers became faster and more resourceful. Dozens of daring crimes have remained unsolved to this day, and many robberies have formed the basis of exciting Hollywood films.

Bank robberies have always been the largest in terms of the amount stolen. We have collected several examples of such crimes, as a result of which millions were kidnapped.

Central Bank of France​

Year: 2009

Amount stolen: $ 17.2 million


In this case, everything is quite simple: the collector Tony Musulin succumbed to temptation and stole a car with money belonging to the bank. After 10 days, he himself surrendered to the law enforcement agencies of the Principality of Monaco, where he had already managed to spend part of the stolen funds. Social networks reacted ambiguously to the crime, some even offered to nominate Tony for president.

Central Bank of Brazil​

Year: 2005

Amount stolen: $ 69 million


This crime can really be called ideal. The robbers thought through everything to the smallest detail: they rented a house next to the bank, dug a tunnel, equipping it with ventilation and lighting. As a result of the successful scam, the criminals got three and a half tons of valuables: currency, jewelry, gold bars - a total of $ 69 million.

Bank of england​

Year: 2006

Amount stolen: $ 49 million


The robbers of this bank blackmailed the manager of the depository, holding his family hostage. As a result, the man was forced to open the vault door so as not to put his relatives at risk. The criminals stole 26.4 million pounds (at that time - $ 49 million). Taking into account inflation today, this amount would be $ 92.5 million.

Untied California Bank​

Year: 1972

Amount stolen: $ 12 million


This crime is particularly audacious. Seven robbers broke into the bank's premises and took all the money and valuables that were in the safes. The amount stolen was $ 12 million, but today, taking into account inflation, it would be much higher.