The Japanese are developing ATM with biometrics


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As always, the Japanese delight us with their ideas and their implementation. Now the Japanese bank Ogaki Kyoritsu is going to introduce ATMs with a biometric access system to its bank account. In other words, money can be withdrawn without a bank card, just by placing your hand on a special scanner. In addition, you will need to enter two more types of data: your birthday date and PIN.

Everything works quite clearly. The bank client registers at the Ogaki Kyoritsu bank branch closest to him, where specialists receive his biometric data. This data is then linked to the client’s account, and no cards are needed. The ATM from Ogaki Kyoritsu is likely the first ATM that will dispense money without the customer presenting their card to the bank.

According to the developers of the system, such a scheme of work will minimize the likelihood of an outsider having access to the client’s money. In this case, neither skimmers nor any other tricks will help the attackers. True, it is not clear how serious the protection against counterfeits is - I remember in the same “Mythbusters” some super-sophisticated lock with a scanner was opened very simply. The guys simply made a black and white printout of the fingerprint photo, and the lock gave up. In the same issue, much better results were shown by a fingerprint scanner installed on some laptop; as far as I remember, it was never hacked.

Of course, in the case of a bank and its ATM, everything is a little more complicated - in addition to the handprint, you need to know the bank client’s birthday and his PIN. It can be assumed that attackers will be able to come up with something in this case, but the danger here is still lower than in the case of a bank card.