The developers of the iPhone jailbreak gadget have created a new spy app


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The GrayShift company gained fame in 2018 after the announcement of the GrayKey device designed to jailbreak locked iPhones for the needs of law enforcement agencies. Since then, Apple has strengthened the protection of its gadgets, but hackers have not stood still, whose portfolio has been supplemented by a new software tool designed to facilitate the "opening" of branded smartphones.

Western media reported that Grayshift developed a software called Hide UI that helps police and intelligence agencies determine the device's unlock code much faster, already about a year ago. Spyware installs on iPhone via GrayKey and monitors user input. As soon as he enters his password, Hide UI saves it in a text file the next time the iPhone is connected to this unit.

It is worth noting that Apple has repeatedly refused to assist the police in hacking branded products. In the absence of assistance from the Cupertinians, law enforcement officials relied on companies like GrayShift to find vulnerabilities in Apple software and hardware and create tools that can bypass iPhone security features.

The secrecy surrounding the development has already raised concerns among activists and lawyers. But police officials assured reporters that they never used Hide UI without a warrant. One anonymous source added that the software was often "buggy" and it was easier to get the suspects themselves to provide their passwords. Apple did not comment on the new spyware.


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Grayshift offers a "mobile" version of its technology for jailbreaking iPhone​


The manufacturer of GrayKey's iPhone jailbreak technology, Grayshift, has decided not to stop there and offer its customers more than just one iPhone unlocking tool. Judging by the materials available to Motherboard journalists, Grayshift began to offer customers a "mobile" version of its technology.

“Have you got everything you need? Would you like to familiarize yourself with our commercial offer? If so, what exactly are you interested in, Online, Offline or Mobile GrayKey?”, Says an email from Grayshift's account manager to Detective Jose Estrada of the California Police Department.

Grayshift quietly released GrayKey a few years ago. At the time, Cellebrite was the recognized manufacturer of the iPhone jailbreak technology, but the unlocking devices had to be transferred directly to it. Grayshift also offered a tool with the same functionality, but which police officers can keep in their stations, and at a lower price. The online version of Graykey allowed unlocking 300 iPhones for $ 15,000 (then the cost was increased to $ 18,000). Offline version provides unlimited access.

It is not clear at the moment what the Mobile version is. In an email to Detective Estrada, there are no details about her, and Grayshift does not respond to requests from journalists. However, judging by the available procurement records, in April 2020, the US Drug Enforcement Administration purchased the "GrayKey License Mobile Renewal" from Grayshift for $ 45,000. In September 2019, the Office of the Inspector General of the United States purchased a GrayKey mobile device for $ 45,075. The third deal for the purchase of "GrayKey Unit - GrayKey Annual License Mobile" was completed for $ 90,000.