The 20-year-old Internet fraudster deceived people on 430 thousand hryvnias

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Law enforcement officers proved the involvement of the attacker in committing fraudulent actions against 28 citizens and more than 430 thousand hryvnias of damage caused to them. The further fate of the person involved will be decided by the court.

The illegal activity of the attacker was exposed by operatives of the Voznesensky district police department together with the criminal analysis department of the regional central board in early July last year.

During the pre-trial investigation, the police found that a 20-year-old resident of Voznesensk posted ads for the sale of motor vehicles and generators on one of the Internet platforms. The attacker received full or partial payment to bank accounts of unauthorized persons from those who wanted to purchase goods. However, he did not fulfill his obligations and stopped communicating with customers immediately after the funds were transferred to his account. To hide his criminal activities, the guy used the passport data and bank card account numbers of his friends.

At the place of residence of the person involved, the police conducted an authorized search. During which they found and seized bank cards, SIM cards and mobile phones that contained evidence of criminal activity. Law enforcement officers sent all the seized items for expert research, which proved his involvement in the crimes committed.

Under the procedural guidance of the Voznesenskaya District Prosecutor's Office, police investigators informed the defendant of suspicion under Part 2, 3 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Fraud" and Part 1, 2 of Article 182 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Violation of privacy". The sanctions of these articles provide for a penalty of up to three years ' imprisonment.

The police investigators completed the investigation and sent the criminal proceedings to the Prosecutor's Office, which sent the indictment to the court for consideration on the merits and making a decision in accordance with the current legislation.