Teaching how to make your first profit out of webcams


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Greetings! I can teach you how to make your first profit on webcams, I will provide you with all the necessary material and even a model that you will continue to cooperate and earn on her. I will teach you how to properly make a conversation with them and their further recruitment. You should understand that I am not selling a model or any materials but my knowledge! I will teach you to understand the processing when you make payment, warming up the acc and how webcam anti-fraud works, there will still be a lot of details, this is certainly not all that you need to know. Carding webcams is not an easy thing, take my word for it, but when you make your few payments you will understand lots of things. I cant tell you the exact earnings you will or can get from it, but you will definitely have 1k$+ from one model per month, an additional profit will depend only on you and on your level of laziness.

I can take only one person for training so far, because I think I will not have enough nerves for more. Then, if everything goes well I will also think about the group. I'm not chasing money I can earn them anyway but I want to train you with the prospect of a team. The money paid for training motivates a person to further actions, oddly enough but you will not run away without saying thank you ? Again, everything depends on you and your level of laziness and adequacy and there are a lot of topics for development in future. Maybe even I will teach you something else but so far only webcams and only for money. Suggestions like "Teach me bro, I will pay you %" or "When i make profit and only after that i pay you" will be ignored! Hope for your understanding.

There is no specific time for training but definitely not until the first successful payment you will make. There will be several or even more payments until you fully understand how the merchants work and understand the work of the anti-fraud system of webcam, and so on. I will also give you a knowledge if needed on internet security and anonimity, like host configuration and it's not from the public on how to remove telemetry so that microsoft could not keep watching you and other similar stuff for housewives, you can't hide from this while you use Windows they will still be watching you ? I will teach you how to properly configure the system, i.e. your host will be protected from IP leaks, WebRTC leaks, UDP protocol leaks and from other possible leaks too, because socks5 do not use the UDP protocol at all and leaks happen even if you are using programs such as Proxifier or any other.

For more detailed information and the price please DM, you definitely will be able to reclame the amount you spend for training in the first month and you will even be in profit.
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I was taught by Dirt and I am very satisfied. Dirt is a great teacher and person, there are few people in carding likewise. Adjusts to the time convenient for you, explains everything to the smallest detail and many times for clarity.
I recommend this course!

Прошел обучение и остался очень доволен. Dirt отличный учитель и человек, мало о ком в карже можно такое сказать. Подстраивается под удобное тебе время, разъясняет все до мелочей и по многу раз для ясности.
Всем рекомендую!
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