Stop corrupting the youth! Germany struggles with porn sites at the level of Internet service providers.

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Sites with strawberries refused to verify the age of users, now "heavy artillery" has been used.

Germany is actively considering the possibility of introducing a requirement requiring users of adult websites to provide an identification document number to gain access to erotic content.

We have already seen something similar in the US state of Louisiana, where users are now being asked for their personal information directly on the PornHub site to verify their age. However, in Germany, this process will be placed directly in the hands of communication providers, as many porn site operators have refused to implement such control measures.

As reported, the regulatory body of North Rhine-Westphalia, one of the regions of Germany, has already begun relevant negotiations with popular telecom operators in the country in order to introduce such a control measure, aimed, according to them, exclusively at protecting young people.

The hearing process has already begun, but Internet service providers have also expressed their dissatisfaction and so far refused to block or implement any other measures against the disputed sites until the official court order is issued.

The legislative struggle in Germany is gradually affecting consumers. So, Steam, a popular video game platform around the world, has already hidden many erotic games from German gamers at the request of local regulators.

It is worth noting that the provision of pornographic content in Germany is still permissible, provided that the necessary protection measures for young people are met. It is reported that everything depends on competent verification of age, which will be extremely difficult for curious teenagers to bypass.

However, it is worth remembering that if such "protection" measures are implemented without due attention to security, sooner or later they may lead to the leakage of sensitive information. For example, about which specific citizen of the country got access to a particular site for adults. And this is already a serious violation of privacy, which is unlikely to appeal even to law-abiding citizens.