Spam email newsletter – 5 secrets for successful marketing


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Most likely, you have already thought about how to quickly launch an email newsletter in your business. And the first thing that usually comes to mind is spam sending emails to someone else's database.

I admit that I was inspired to write this article by the fact that I received several such letters this morning. Sometimes I read them to lighten my mood. Sometimes I write back, saying, " when will you get tired of doing this?”. In general, I have fun as much as I can)

Yes, I also sinned with this, but I realized long ago that this path, although fast, is not the easiest, and you need to go carefully along it. By the way, in this article there will be examples of how other companies, even working with their own customer base, still deal with spam. As you can imagine, these guys spend huge budgets compiling email databases, but 90% of subscribers consider their emails spam!

And here we will talk about exactly what you should do, since you decided to take this step, and in the end we will analyze the mistakes that all beginners usually make when they first send spam emails. What you don't need to do to ensure that your SPAM email doesn't become the last one to attract customers.

  • What is a SPAM email newsletter?
  • Secret #1: How do SPAM emails differ and why aren't they opened?
  • Secret #2: What not to do when sending spam emails?
  • Secret # 3: How to write an email with a high opening conversion rate?
  • Secret #4: Where to order a "legal" SPAM newsletter?
  • Secret #5: The main secret of spam email distribution
  • A few tips for novice "spammers”
So, sit down in a more comfortable way and, for starters, let's figure out what SPAM is in a person's life and what SPAM is in their email inbox.

What is a SPAM email newsletter?​

To understand the nature of SPAM, imagine a situation: you are walking down the street in winter after a hard day's work. Frost, snow, and ice. You want to get home as soon as possible through the crowds of people just like you, returning from work. And then, right in the middle of the road, a young (or not so young) girl hands you a piece of paper with some kind of advertisement.

Or another situation: men approach girls (or women) and try to make friends the way they were taught in seduction courses.

What are the similarities between these situations? It's simple: people who are being bullied on the street have a specific reason for being in this place at this time, and those who are trying to stick a leaflet or want to get acquainted have their own personal goals.

Every person, at every moment of their life, has certain intentions and goals. And if another person approaches us and forces us to change these goals to suit their wishes, then this is SPAM.

A typical example is an email SPAM newsletter. We open the email box to read important messages. They may contain various types of information: business, personal, or educational, but we are waiting for them and agree to receive them regularly.

Therefore, when an unauthorized email arrives to us, we consider it SPAM. This is the essence of this technology. What is it designed for and how does it work? Elementary, on probability theory and statistics.

By the way, the first spam mailing list was made by Western Union at the end of the XIX century, when it allowed itself to send an advertisement for dental services to a certain circle of British politicians by telegraph.

But, back to our realities. If a girl tries to hand out leaflets to a thousand people, 223 of them will take them in their hands, and 23 will probably even read what is written there. If a guy goes to meet 10 girls on the street, then 2-3 of them will give him their phone number. If you send 100,000 emails, about 1,000 of them will be opened.

Let's find out why people create SPAM. And not only in the email newsletter, but in general in life? The answer is obvious – they think it's the easiest and shortest way to get attention from other people.

However, think about how many of the 223 people who took the leaflet will not throw it in the nearest trash can, and who of the 23 who read the text will call the specified number? And how many of these 2-3 girls will answer at least the first call, let alone the second?

In fact, it's not the best solution to make an email SPAM newsletter, and here's why. As mentioned above, each person has his own intentions, namely, what he wants to do at any given second of his time. Those who spread SPAM usually don't take into account other people's intentions. In this article, we set out to teach you how to make an email newsletter so that it doesn't look like SPAM. So that people open your emails, click on links, and eventually buy your products.

What do you need to do to ensure that your email newsletters don't end up in the “SPAM”folder? What's the secret?

Secret #1: How do SPAM emails differ and why aren't they opened?​

Remember how you rank your emails in your email account. How you assign a particular importance status to an email. You must agree that SPAM ranks lowest in terms of importance. How do you decide which emails are classified as SPAM and which are not?

The title is the first to pass your rating. It is by the title that you evaluate the importance of the message. It is by the title that you decide whether to read the message or send it to the SPAM folder. In most cases, those who make a spam email newsletter write terrible headlines, thereby instantly betraying themselves and their intentions.

This means that we don't need to read the email to guess the nature of its content. And we send such emails with a clear conscience without looking in the appropriate folder. Here is an example of a spam bucket in one of my mailboxes.

We'll talk about headlines a little later, because this is truly a very problematic topic for most people. But let's say you decided that the email was worthy of your attention and opened it for reading. The next factor that will influence your decision is the first paragraph. It is he who plays the most important role. But even here, spammers constantly make a mistake – they put the same meaning in the first paragraph as in the title.

It is by the first paragraph that you decide whether to read the letter to the end or not. And if you are not interested in it, then you just close this email and forget about its existence, at the same time unsubscribing from the person who sent it to you. But let's say you are interested and read the letter to the end. Look, while I was writing these lines, the following example came to my email.

The main error in the example above is the one that, in most cases, destroys the conversion of spam email distribution: the authors are not interested in how much the subject of the email relates to your current situation. It is clear that the hype (sorry for the slang) around the cryptocurrency is very loud, but personally I do not care how much bitcoin costs now, whether it is growing or falling. But for some reason, they decided that I was their target audience. This is still a normal example of an email, because the topic is really in demand.

But does this letter solve my pain, the one I woke up with in the morning? More likely no than yes. By the way, this is a very good test if you decide to send out emails using someone else's email database. How many people do you think wake up in the morning and think about the problem you're solving? You can find out more about this in the video below:

In other words, if we are offered to buy, for example, concrete or rolls, with a 50% discount, and we have a wisdom tooth in the morning and need to remove it urgently, then the conversion rate of spam mailings in this case will be zero.

Secret #2: What not to do when sending spam emails?​

It turns out that to create a cool spam email newsletter, it is important to know all the nuances that we discussed above. This is how we, the recipients of emails, determine that an email is spam. And, only then, you need to properly work on your actions in order not to make stupid and predictable mistakes. Should we start?
  1. Email header of the message. You don't need to write your offer (offer) in the title immediately in the forehead. Until now, there are those who manage to write headlines of this type “ " DIVINE AROMAS! All for 299 UAH!", "Discount up to 70% on perfumes”," GET A BEAUTY PROFESSION! 50% discount on the course "My own makeup artist". Why would a recipient open an email newsletter with this header? If you are one of these spammers, stop doing it immediately!
  2. The first paragraph. It plays a major role in whether the recipient reads your email to the end or not. Many spammers don't think about the importance of this part of the email. What do we see in the end? The first paragraph duplicates the content of the title. The reader immediately becomes simply not interested. And our task is precisely to interest the person!
  3. The message text. It should not contain any non-specific information. Such as: "A bracelet made of this stone Allows you to look younger. Become Healthier, More Beautiful and younger”" You should write an interesting text that clearly shows a measurable benefit for your potential client!
  4. Target audience. Aim more accurately! Don't blindly buy email databases for sending out your unique offer. If you are already engaged in spam, then make sure that the mailing topic is at least approximately relevant to your target audience.
That's how simple it would seem, but most spammers don't even think about doing something differently. Moreover, some of them collect their database legally, spend large budgets on promotion, but do not know how to work with the target audience at all and therefore fall into spam.

How to make sure that your newsletter reaches exactly the people who need it, and how to learn how to accurately “get " into your target audience? We will discuss this problem in the following sections. In the meantime, just think about these four steps that can take your spam mailing list using someone else's email database to the next level.

Secret # 3: How to write an email with a high opening conversion rate?​

We move on, as infobusinessmen like to say, to the " meat” of our topic. Let's try to figure out what you need to write in the headings and text of the email. These are the things that you should learn to do yourself if you really want to work effectively with someone else's email database.

Let me show you a screenshot of one of the companies from which I ordered lead generation with payment for the result.

When our contract expired and they wanted to sign a new contract to attract customers to my business, I asked for screenshots of statistics on their work with the email newsletter. When I saw these numbers – the entire darkness of the universe flashed before my eyes.

In response, I sent them my email statistics. Yes, the subscription database is young, yes, I've been working with it for a while, but just take a look at the opening and click statistics.

I show all this just so that you can clearly see that I can be trusted to create an email newsletter. What is the first thing that catches your eye? That's right-the title! Do you still doubt that emails with the headlines: "Are you serious?.... ” or “And again the same eternal question...(briefly about the main thing)” they will open more often than if you write: "ROLLS AT THE LOWEST PRICES!"?

Creating a header with a high response rate for opening emails​

There are a number of things that we won't discuss in this article. Go ahead and download it. Right now, I offer you 10 examples of what a title should look like. Take it and copy it to your spam email list!)

Examples of headers for email messages:​

  1. If I'd known it was possible, I'd have done it differently
  2. Who framed Roger Rabbit (mystery solved)
  3. I knew too much...(so said one of my friends)
  4. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized (epiphany of the year)
  5. Where dreams lead... (not about the movie)
  6. Who's the new guy? (what the pros are silent about)
  7. What is behind " successful success”? (infobusinessman's revelation)
  8. Why do people make this mistake all the time? (goals that won't come true)

These examples worked for me. They are universal. In most cases, the message opening rate was about 50%, even for a cold (unfamiliar) audience. In short, the algorithm for composing such headers is as follows:
  1. In the first part, you write the subject of the email, but come up with a title as if you are going to create your own show on television.
  2. In the second part, add an amplifier. This is either a question mark, or, in parentheses and/or quotation marks, we add a cool trigger, hook)
Next, we make a kick for our reader, so that he reads the letter to the end. And we do this with the help of the first paragraph.

Writing an intriguing first paragraph​

If you want to know how I achieved 11% of clicks on my link, then here is an email that I sent to the database.

It should be recognized that this is a personally collected (hard-won) database. If you are already engaged in email distribution, then you know that even in your database, opening 4-5% is considered a high indicator.

Is there a recipe for the first paragraph? In fact, everything is simple – you should describe the first part of your catchy title in more detail. I'll give you an example:

Headline: "I knew too much...(so said one of my friends)”

First paragraph: "Yes, my friend really knew a lot. And, with enviable regularity, he reminded me of it. Especially on Friday nights, when his knowledge, under the influence of alcohol fumes, tried to get out and do someone irreparable good.

In these moments, I always remembered an old and hackneyed phrase: "If you're so smart, then why are you so poor?" And you know what? Years later, I realized that there is no direct connection between knowledge and wealth expressed in money. That's why....

I do not know about you, but in my life there were situations when...”

Then we describe the person's pain, and at the end – your unique offer. I repeat, if you want to learn more about how to write such headers, then follow the link above. The material is absolutely free.

Now let's move on to the most important thing. What should I do if I need to order a spam email newsletter? And exactly the one that will reach your target audience?

Secret #4: Where to order a "legal" SPAM newsletter?​

Okay, you say. Our masterpiece letter is ready. Where can I get an email database?

First, we are looking for directories. Cleaning companies, SEO promotion companies, design studios, furniture salons, it doesn't matter. Based on who your target audience is, you either buy these databases from catalogs, or build your own database of email addresses yourself.

However, if you manually create such a database, you will spend a lot of personal time and energy. Often we can't afford such expenses. And just buying a database from "catalogers" will also have low efficiency. It often contains outdated data and addresses that are not up-to-date.

There is another way.

There are services (let's call them that) that specialize in collecting the right database for you. They don't work quite legally, but they don't break any laws. What's the point? You come to them and order a database for your tasks from them. Let's say you need dental clinic managers or pet owners.

This is the task you come to these services with. And there the guys decide whether they can help you or not. How do they work? With the help of special services, they “parse” and read the database of those people who left their data on sites related to your topic. The main thing is that these sites have forms for their customers to leave their email addresses.

The topic of parsing is quite slippery, but it works. And not only in the email spam mailing list, but also in setting up ads in social networks, and in teaser ads, et cetera.

I will not give you a list of such services here, Google will help you, however, if someone already has some experience interacting with such " men in black”, then write in the comments which of them coped with the task and liked you in terms of the service. I think this will be useful for other readers.

Now you need to select a service that you can delegate the mailing task to. You can't do all this manually, right? There are a lot of services, I personally used two, but if you have already interacted with similar ones, please recommend them in the comments. Because the ones I used leave a lot to be desired.

And here we come to the most important thing…

Secret #5: The main secret of spam email distribution​

When I was asked such a question for the first time, I answered without hesitation: the main secret of spam mailing is that in the letter you, in any case, do not make sales!

Yes, yes. The emails that you send to increase sales should not contain a single word about the sale!

Because we can write a maximum of 5 short paragraphs in the body of an email. It should take no more than 3 minutes to read. And if you try to put all the details of your unique offer in the text, then most likely the message will not be read to the end.

Your email distribution tasks should include:
  1. Use the Force to open your email header
  2. Use the first paragraph to get people interested
  3. Use the rest of the text to warm up your interest
And only at the very end you give a link to your landing page (website, social media page), which contains all the detailed information about your offer. But, in no case, in no case do not make a sale in the body of the email!

Now that you understand this point, compare your texts with the headlines that I showed from my SPAM folder and screenshots of the customer acquisition company.

Now don't you find these statistics strange? Why do we need to open an email that says: "Up to 70% discount on perfume"? And so everything is clear, there is no point in opening, and even in reading this message.

Finally, a few tips for those beginners who are just learning the basics of email marketing and are going to make their first spam newsletter.

A few tips for novice " spammers”​

To begin with, the most important tip is to think about whether it is worth making a newsletter using "black" methods. I'm serious. As practice shows, collecting your own email database is much more difficult than buying someone else's or generated by parsing. But “your own " base pays off much better than if you work with an audience that doesn't know you at all.

Personally, I am against spam. But if you didn't listen to my first tip, here are some thoughts that will definitely help you in creating your first spam email newsletter:
  1. You can expect good performance if you target a very narrow audience. For example, directors of furniture companies in the Moscow region.
  2. Don't use so-called “personification”in your emails. This is the case when we can insert code that automatically substitutes the user name of an email address. Why not? Firstly, you are absolutely not familiar with them, and secondly, it is very rare for anyone to indicate their real names when agreeing to the newsletter.
  3. Don't sell it head-on! Although yes, we have already talked about this. But maybe you forgot)
  4. When you make a newsletter, just before launching, make one email with several different headers. This way you can better bypass the spam filters of email services. This feature should be available on the resources that you will use to create your spam email newsletter.
  5. Before you buy a database and write a letter with your offer, think about this: how many people in the real physical world have already bought your product? I'm serious. If you couldn't make at least 10 sales to real people, then the email newsletter will definitely not help you! Remember that the Internet is only a tool that helps make your offer more attractive to as many people as possible in the world. No more than that.

With this thought in mind, allow me to complete my permitted speeches. If this article turned out to be useful to you, then don't be too lazy to like it using the social media buttons and share it with your friends. What if they find this article useful too?

See you soon!