Software for safe operation


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I will not touch phones and instant messengers, their privacy and anonymity is a big question, more precisely, it's just a matter of time and money for any of the messengers downloaded from the Appstore and Play market to give the entire history of your messages with all attachments.

Today we will focus on the minimum set of software for your PC. Many people think that a VPN is super anonymity, you can do anything you want. That's not so. If the proxy is not anonymous, then you can find out who connected to it,it is not very difficult.

Large money management sites will log in to your registry to find out information about your PC. Therefore, using a VPN, you simply change the IP address. By following the chain of ip addresses, you can find out the central ip from which requests are sent (your ip) and then wait for guests.

With a proxy, the picture is approximately the same, especially since everything that is free earns money by selling your data, you should understand this.

So let's go through the software that I recommend for safe operation:
  • STZBlaster
  • RMOSChange.exe
  • SMAC 2.0
  • Privacy Suite Main Menu
  • True Crypt
  • Proxyfier (or any other proxy)
  • OpenVPN GUI
  • VPSProxy
  • VMware workstation – or just cooking.
  • O&O SafeErase

I'll explain it in a popular way for each softina:

1. STZBlaster- a program for changing the PC name, host, processor ID, HDD volume, MAC address and much more. Additionally, you can change the regional settings in the program. The only thing I want to point out is that you should not trust her to change MAS.

2. RMOSChange.exe - the program changes the HTTP headers of popular browsers (Mozilla, IE, Mozilla (old)). The essence of the program, and why it is needed. First, if scripts are enabled, data such as browser version, browser language, user-agent, and OS is transmitted. Isn't it strange that if we go to the shell from a Russian browser, but through the American socks \ \ ssh? (Of course, you can install the English version of the browser, but there is less hemorrhoids. Secondly, if you use the American or bourgeois dedik\\sox\\vpn, then you need to change the settings for IE, because there it is the most popular browser. Why this is necessary, I think, is not worth telling.

3. SMAC 2.0 - the program spoofs the MAC address of the network card. You can change the MAC address once a month and everything will be ok.

4. Privacy Suite Main Menu - we encrypt and hide our container already created by TrueCrypt in jpg, wav files. You can also create a safe deposit box. Another indisputable advantage of this software is that it permanently destroys files. You can also encrypt it to a flash drive. We also open the encrypted container without having to re-install the software.

5. TrueCrypt – I think this is the best software for data encryption.

6. Proxyfier – a simple proxy server. You can specify the application to be soxified. (It seems that you can fake an application that is not adapted for this)

7. OpenVPN GUI - openvpn client, needed to connect to the vpn server.

8. VPSProxy - new software, I would even say the key software in this list. The essence of the software is that we use flooded gates for shells\ \ hosting\ \ servers as sockets. The key feature of the software is that the incoming and outgoing gate is constantly changing. Use only on top of vpn/ssh (c). I won't describe how to configure it because everything is described in detail in the manual.

9. VMware workstation is the most popular program for system virtualization. Why do I need it? Everything is very simple, again, if you have scripts enabled in your browser (which is necessary for shells), then along with ip,dns, etc., the OS language is also transmitted. The scheme is simple, we put varya, then buy a backdoor patch for varya, or use the one in the public (if you find a patch without virya, then you are lucky). We take and throw all the gray software on Varya. If you smell something amiss, then three nah Privacy Suit and format in NTFS with some program.

10. O & O SafeErase - a program that can be trusted to permanently delete files. Many operating modes.

This is the minimum set of software that anyone who does dashing things, even if not very dirty, should have when paired with TOR.