SKIPA PentOps: continuous monitoring and rapid response to cyber threats


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Cyber OK introduces new opportunities for analyzing online assets.

Siber OK has announced the commercial availability of the Attack Surface Monitoring and Reporting System, as well as the PentOps SKIP service, which provides continuous perimeter monitoring and prompt notification of cyber threats.

SKIPA provides analysis capabilities for Internet assets, including unmanaged and auxiliary resources. This allows you to identify vulnerabilities and other risks associated with the configuration of systems and signs of compromise.

The system combines advanced technologies, including big data processing and machine learning, to provide broad coverage and rapid response to cyber threats. The development of SKIP was started from scratch with the integration of modern approaches to AI and cybersecurity.

The platform uses machine learning, natural language analysis, data clustering, and fuzzy hashing technologies to accurately and efficiently analyze threats.

The PentOps SKIP service provides continuous penetration testing services, including automated and manual analysis methods to thoroughly identify vulnerabilities.

SKIP's product is already included in the register of Russian software. In addition, the product is perfectly suitable for meeting the requirements of regulators within the framework of Presidential Decrees No. 166 of 30.03.2022 and No. 250 of 01.05.2022.