Since March 1, the promotion of VPNs has been banned in Russia


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Roskomnadzor will block access to materials that advertise ways to circumvent blockages.

On March 1, 2024, a ban on popularizing means of circumventing Internet blockages came into force in Russia. Roskomnadzor will now block access to materials that promote such tools or advertise ways to circumvent blockages for accessing prohibited content.

Last year, the Russian government allowed Roskomnadzor to block websites that contain information about how to circumvent these restrictions.

According to the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers , the Unified Register of Prohibited Information can include services that disclose "ways and methods of providing access to information resources and (or) information and telecommunications networks, access to which is restricted on the territory of the Russian Federation."

The initiative to expand the powers of the RCN came from the Ministry of Digital Development in early September. According to the authors of the draft, such a measure is necessary to " ensure the effectiveness of measures to restrict access to information distributed in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation."

Later, Roskomnadzor approved the evaluation criteria for blocking sites. Among them:
  1. Availability of information describing actions to access resources blocked in the Russian Federation.
  2. Information that encourages users to take actions to circumvent these blocks.
  3. Information that can be accessed by downloading specialized programs.
The exception was scientific, scientific-technical, and statistical information about ways and methods of providing access to limited resources and networks.

The order is valid until September 1, 2029.