Shadow carding sphere 2024


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Hello Anonymous.

Our profession has been gaining widespread interest in recent years. There are several reasons for this:
- consumer awareness
- acceptance of the imperfection of the World
- unfair distribution of benefits

For people gifted with a high sense of justice, life is much more difficult and dangerous. This leads to the fact that everything, without exception, has to be taken into one’s own hands. Including enrichment.

Today I want to talk to you about the information component of the shadow sphere. This issue should have been raised a long time ago. But it's better late than never.

Let's look around a little. Most newcomers get acquainted with the shadow sphere through YouTube and Telegram. It is with them that the first immersion into a world begins, the existence of which many did not suspect.

Most of these channels broadcast populist information. After all, this is how they attract more subscribers, which means they earn more from advertising.

Let's imagine that we found an alienated tribe, without civilization. It is primitive, living comfortably in its habitat. And we decided to show them the light bulb. They were surprised, giggled and decided that you were a god. And every time we come to them and show them this light bulb. They are already beginning to pray for you, not understanding the nature of what is happening.

Are they developing? Did they learn anything new? No. They perceive it as a miracle. Zero development, zero changes in their way of life.

Most of the information broadcast by Telegram and YouTube channels is an overflow from empty to empty. They talk about “miracles” that have actually lost their relevance. They show schemes that don’t work and share information that they don’t understand themselves. Their audience gigs, worships their favorite blogger and does not develop in any way.

People need light, interesting food to make them feel like hackers or carders. Meal'n'Real.

After all, the very fact that they supposedly learned something new is important, but 99% won’t even think about checking and testing.

I recently watched a newly launched YouTube channel, where the author claims that VPN is a cloak of invisibility and serves for anonymity so that you will never be found. In 2024, not knowing that this is a myth is a shame. I wrote about this back in 2017.

And if you also consider that the author positions himself as a former carder - doubly so. Although maybe that’s why he’s an ex, who knows. But the hundreds of laudatory commentators under the video clearly cannot be wrong.

The portrait of a Hacker for most consumers of such content is not very different from the “hackers” from films where the Pentagon was hacked using html code. People like to see light and casual content. Demand created supply.

But let's be realistic. There is always a small handful among the majority who want to move on and begin to develop in this area. They don’t want to watch another “How to hack Facebook” video.

They develop a thirst for real knowledge along with the desire to find it. Perhaps even you have had the question of where to start more than once. Carders, spammers, hackers, dropshippers, scammers and a bunch of other not fully understood “professions”.

Where to start? What to study?

Of course, the first thing to start with is safety.

But even if you set up some kind of connection for yourself using dubious manuals, what will you do next? As long as you try to figure it out, you will succeed, and you will have the feeling that you are really moving in the right direction. But the day will come when, with a finished car, you will ask yourself this very question: what next?

And then the search and purchase of training in phishing, hacking, carding and other topics that have been chewed over thousands of times will begin again. And as a result, the question is in the air: why do you need to know the deep component of security if no one will use it at work?

Therefore, in the next article I will consider, especially for you, current trends.