Setting up the phone for carding


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Let's start by setting up the phone :

1. Install the morelangs application and select the en_US setting in it. Requires root. This application will completely bring the language and regional settings to the one we need.
2. We translate the clock format to 1:00 pm. This lies in the android settings (usually the general tab).
3. We put the xposed installer application.
4. Install the xprivacy module, then upgrade the version to xprivacy pro.
5. Install the rootcloak application. From the name it is clear that the application hides the root rights for certain applications.

First, install the rootchecker, check the rights. There should be a green check mark that the rights are available. After opening the rootcloak, add the rootchecker to the rootcloak list (add / remove apps-button "+" on the top right - look for rootchecker in the list). If everything is done correctly, then after checking the rights, a red cross should appear, that there are no rights. This action helps to hide the root of the rights from the application into which we will drive.

6. Next, install the fake my gps application. This application is good in that it replaces location data without using the "Allow mock location" function, which also scorches shops (myth or truth - xs).

We turn on the gps on the bucket, select a random location in the application, then launch google maps. Should show the new location. If so, everything is good. Let's continue.

7. Proxydroid. Well this app is for socks use. Everything is clear here. I take socks on the suites. The quality is not bad.

8. Any vpn application. If someone thinks that they will put you on the federal wanted list for a drop / mid-list, you can use paid vpn.

In fact, the device for driving is ready. Someone may want to be more sophisticated (like me) and proxy the router so that it can immediately issue ip / dns yusy - please. Another minus N is the number of fraud points, which is important.

One VERY important point. Do not surf on android ru ipom. It is noticed that Google, when searching from ru ipa, transfers the domain from .com to .ru. After that, the market also becomes Russian-speaking. And it allows you to download applications focused on Russia. Which is not very good for us.

And of course, I forgot to say only English Klava. No ru. Further. Now what to do with all this. It's simple. First, we clean the google market, chrome using force stop (standard procedure, google). Then we start up ccleaner. We also clean everything.

There is one more subtlety. There is such a thing as adversting ID from Google. She's firing too. It also needs to be changed - we are changing. Then we launch the sock + vpn under the billing address. the closer the better. Get under the zip - finally beauty.
We use the soap on gmeil. Here you need to pay attention.
I register the soap under the name of the drop. And I enter the name of the drop. If you plan to spike the bill not = shipp, the mail should be sent to the holder. Applications are scorching. We registered the mail, added it to the Google account on the bucket. We launched fake my gps under the billing address, launched the gps.

We start downloading the app from the shop. Downloaded. We launch the rootcloak. We add this application to the list so as not to fire the root of the law.
All is ready.

We launch the application. Windows begin to pop up. This xprivacy shows what the application is accessing and what information it wants to know about you. At this stage, it is better to screen and parse each request in order to correctly replace the data afterwards.

Red requests are critical, without which the application will not be able to function normally. They are always allow. The rest are at your discretion.

Therefore, it is better to initially specify deny for all of them, then change everything in xpricacy (give the info closest to the holder / billing), which will not give you away, and then give the application permission to read this data (by setting it in xprivacy, or by reinstalling the application).

Also, large applications request data from the Facebook application. Therefore, if your shop is interested in this (xprivacy will show it), then it is better to register a fb account in the name of the holder. One very important point.

When an application requests the connected function, it can receive the ssid data of the rest of the wifi networks. Using this data, it can identify your real location.