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Cleansing the body is the first step to healing.
It is impossible to talk about conscious healing, if you do not consider cleansing the body. I want to share with you the simplest methods of this critical process. Pay special attention to them if your body is slagged, there is a dependence on drugs, there is significant excess weight, or you are often sick (more than twice a year).

Conscious eating and fasting practice. Any food is a set of trace elements that have a certain energy value, but not in the classical sense of the word, but in the sense that the product benefits the body. It is clear that naturally grown fruits and vegetables are much more beneficial than artificial products (crackers, chips, soda, etc.).

Keep in mind that any dietary restrictions always create more cravings. With proper cleansing, the body itself will tell you what it needs and what it doesn't. In this case, the small amount of environmentally friendly "poisons" that you sometimes use will not bring any harm to your body. Also, cleansing and healing the body can be carried out through healing herbs, if you own this art.
Conscious eating can be achieved through preliminary cleansing of the body by introducing the practice of regular daily fasting (dry or water). This method is hard for people addicted to alcohol, cigarettes and synthetic products, but gradually you can get rid of bad habits. Be prepared for the fact that chronic diseases may worsen or negative emotions appear if you are used to stretching your mood on doping in the form of sugar, alcohol and other things. With serious health problems and contraindications to fasting, of course, this practice should not be done.

I recommend carrying out a cleansing fast in this way: have dinner at half past seven in the evening and then do not eat any food during the day, except for water (or without it during dry fasting, if the body tolerates it well). In a day, you will be able to feel which products you need and which your consciousness does not need. Exit fasting very carefully, for example, through vegetables. The taste buds are cleared and you are already enjoying healthy food. Gradually filter your meals based on these sensations.

In addition, a huge amount of free energy is released, which was spent on digesting food, and at this moment an understanding of the joy and happiness of being appears. The instinctive habit of stuffing something into your mouth disappears. After about a month of fasting for one day a week or three months of fasting once a month, you are no longer tempted to constantly eat something sweet or buy some product in the store without special energy value. This is a huge bonus from practice because you finally come to mindful eating.

Bath procedures. In the first place in terms of energy value and transformation, I would put a bathhouse, then a hammam, then a sauna and everything else. Try to provide yourself with a ritual of going to the bathhouse once a week, if there are no contraindications to this. It has been confirmed by doctors that this procedure ensures the removal of excess salts, toxins and toxins through the skin. A humid environment, steam, herbs and essential oils automatically harmonize all processes in the body, allowing it to reach a high frequency, and even contribute to cleansing the mind. If your health allows you, then ideally, you can also supplement the bathing practice with cold water hardening.

Breathing practices. Holding the breath while exhaling contributes to the cleansing and healing of the body, while inhaling - filling it with energy. It is advisable to achieve a delay of at least a minute in order to start the alkalization processes, slowing down the aging and rejuvenation processes at the cellular level. Thanks to regular breathing practices, which I also give on many Psychomagic programs, in addition to expanding consciousness, your immunity is strengthened, cells are saturated with oxygen, inner strength and inspiration appear.