Security of ATMs and safes


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First of all, I would like to say that it is nice to see many new faces on the channel. Welcome!

A little off the main topic. I had a period when I was selling safes, locks, bill detectors ... An interesting entrepreneurial experience. In general, I know a lot from those times and will sometimes share. So, a few words about the engineering protection of ATMs and safes.

For those of you who have safes at home, I give the most urgent advice - to fasten them according to the instructions. To the floor and wall, where there are holes for this. Even if the safe is very heavy. At the time of my entrepreneurship, my partner and I together (!) Delivered 200 kg safes. On the stairs. To the desired floor. Well, first of all, we are tough guys. And secondly, they are strong not only in muscles, but also in mind. Therefore, one day the three of them transported a heavy safe from the fourth floor of one villa to the basement of another cottage. In front of us, five of the Arkharovites dragged this safe across the floor ... 5 meters! And they gave up this occupation, so they called us.

And also, if the safe has a coded lock and the safe is not screwed on, there is one way to get access to the contents of the safe with almost no damage. If the safe is screwed on, the focus does not work anymore! I had to use this method several times, on the complaint "I forgot the code". The safe was returned intact and with a reset code. In general, follow the instructions. I speak like an engineer twice. If you follow the instructions, a combination lock is more reliable than an excellent key lock. Don't trust movies.

For an ATM, being bolted to the floor is a critical issue. Both the safe and the ATM (by the way, an ATM with technical protection engineering protection is just a safe with a banknote dispenser) are protected for a certain time of burglary. The higher the burglar resistance class, the longer it takes to open. And you can open everything! A matter of time and desire. But if this thing is not bolted to the floor, you can drag it to a secluded place and there you can calmly saw / pick as much as you like.

I just read about a case when the security guard of the premises did not close the door and went to sleep in his closet, and the intruders tied the battery bank to the ATV with a cable and tried to drag it away. The ATM was screwed on, thank God, according to the instructions. The ATM was later restored and continues to work.

The ATM does not weigh so much, in the region of 150-200 kg. Yes, for a safe this is not much. In my practice, there were very interesting cases with really hard things :)