Secrets of the Shadow Market: $ 35 Opens doors for Gulf Companies


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The UAE and Saudi Arabia are becoming a major target for cybercriminals.

Experts from Positive Technologies conducted a study of the shadow market of cyber services, revealing an increased interest of cybercriminals in the Persian Gulf countries. The main focus of criminals is directed at companies from the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia.

According to the study, the most common topics in darkweb ads are selling access to company infrastructures and selling data. The minimum cost of access is only $ 35, and more than half of it is sold at prices ranging from $ 100 to $ 1,000. The vast majority of accesses are granted with administrative privileges, greatly simplifying the process of attacking corporations, even for inexperienced attackers with limited financial resources.

The ads focus on companies in the United Arab Emirates (46%) and Saudi Arabia (23%). Experts believe that these countries are associated with an oil-producing industry and financial prosperity, which attracts cybercriminals.

Among the sectors of the economy that are most frequently discussed in the dark Web are the state (30% of messages) and financial (20%): these are the main areas of focus for hacktivists and ransomware groups.

Interestingly, more than a third of all ads (33%) are related to the sale or distribution of data, including company databases and credentials (full names, email addresses, etc.). Such data can be used in attacks such as phishing or extortion. It is important to note that a third (31%) of all data discussed in the dark web is distributed free of charge, which expands the range of potential attackers.

Selling access to company infrastructure was the second most popular product on the dark web (22%). At the same time, the cost of such services can reach from 35 to 40 thousand US dollars.

"It is important to note that in most cases, cybercriminals sell access to companies very cheaply (for 100-1000 US dollars), while the vast majority of accesses (90%) are granted with administrator rights. In other words, an attacker, even the most inexperienced and with a small budget, does not need to modify the purchased "product" in any way, he can already successfully attack a suitable victim company with it, " the company explained. — At the same time, the dark Web also sells expensive access to large companies in the region. These accesses can be used by hackers with a higher level of training to conduct complex attacks."