Searching for the meaning of life

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In society, you just need to perform some certain actions, perform them automatically, without thinking too much. Pointless!

But as soon as a person turns on the search for meaning, he leaves this mechanical existence for a short period. I'll make a reservation right away and add that I didn't just think (or rather, thought), but seriously thought about it. I fell into a thought.

For several days I lived with this search, I felt for myself what it means to REALLY SEARCH. I fell into despondency because of the complexity of this question and the inability to find an intelligible answer.

He walked unshaven and did not speak to anyone else, because he needed to know the meaning of all this. She locked herself in her room and did not talk to anyone, because she was deep in herself, looking for her own meaning to be here and now.

At this point in the search (which may take a long time), the person becomes closed. His shell is closed - he is in himself.

As a rule, after such reflections, serious, depressive reflections, a person comes to something. It doesn't matter if it works or not. The main thing is that he looks at his former self with contempt and does not want to return to him.

The meaning of animal life and your meaning of life

No animal thinks about the meaning of life. None! Draw conclusions. (I hope this is not about you)

Most often, each of us has some kind of meaning in life, just not everyone is aware of it. If a person does not realize the meaning of being on the planet, then his nature turns on - to multiply, eat more, sleep longer, and so that others applaud and not attack. That is, the animal level.

It is generally accepted that men have a midlife crisis. Women also have such a period. It is then that a person realizes that no matter how much you eat, you will still always be hungry. No matter how much you sleep, it will still feel sleepy. No matter how much you sit in comfort, comfort will get sick of it. No matter how much you hide, sooner or later the bony one will cold-bloodedly cut you down with her scythe.

Together with the realization of the meaninglessness of most of your body movements, the realization of something important will come. And then either your will will prevail, or animal needs and your useless daily habits will put you on your shoulder so that you give up completely and irrevocably.

Ask all your friends what the meaning of their life is, show that you are very worried about this issue, and they will think about you, no one knows what. Actually, who cares what they think?

Ask yourself. Don't just ask, but fall into despondency, depression. Stop raping your psyche and doing nonsense, forcing yourself to think positively.

Take the meaning of YOUR LIFE seriously for once. If death comes close to you and you feel the coldness of its breath with your spinal cord, whether you like it or not, you will think about the meaning of life. But it will be too late. It's just late, that's all.

When melancholy hits you again, don't blame it on a midlife crisis.

Start SEARCHING for the meaning. And this will become a period when you can seriously change and change something in life.

Your actions: start asking people what they live for, what is the meaning of their life. Ask, and watch their reaction yourself. Feel with your skin that it is not customary in society to seek any meaning whatsoever.

Because looking for meaning is outside the norm!

Author: Egor Gord


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In society, you just need to perform some certain actions, perform them automatically, without thinking too much. Pointless!

But as soon as a person turns on the search for meaning, he leaves this mechanical existence for a short period. I'll make a reservation right away and add that I didn't just think (or rather, thought), but seriously thought about it. I fell into a thought.

For several days I lived with this search, felt for myself what it means to REALLY SEARCH. I fell into despondency because of the complexity of this question and the inability to find an intelligible answer.

He walked unshaven and did not speak to anyone else, because he needed to know the meaning of all this. She locked herself in her room and did not talk to anyone, because she was deep in herself, looking for her own meaning to be here and now.

At this point in the search (which may take a long time), the person becomes closed. His shell is closed - he is in himself.

As a rule, after such reflections, serious, depressive reflections, a person comes to something. It doesn't matter if it works or not. The main thing is that he looks at his former self with contempt and does not want to return to him.

The meaning of animal life and your meaning of life

No animal thinks about the meaning of life. None! Draw conclusions. (I hope this is not about you)

Most often, each of us has some kind of meaning in life, just not everyone is aware of it. If a person does not realize the meaning of being on the planet, then his nature turns on - to multiply, eat more, sleep longer, and so that others applaud and not attack. That is, the animal level.

It is generally accepted that men have a midlife crisis. Women also have such a period. It is then that a person realizes that no matter how much you eat, you will still always be hungry. No matter how much you sleep, it will still feel sleepy. No matter how much you sit in comfort, comfort will get sick of it. No matter how much you hide, sooner or later the bony one will cold-bloodedly cut you down with her scythe.

Together with the realization of the meaninglessness of most of your body movements, the realization of something important will come. And then either your will will prevail, or animal needs and your useless daily habits will put you on your shoulder so that you give up completely and irrevocably.

Ask all your friends what the meaning of their life is, show that you are very worried about this issue, and they will think about you, no one knows what. Actually, who cares what they think?

Ask yourself. Don't just ask, but fall into despondency, depression. Stop raping your psyche and doing nonsense, forcing yourself to think positively.

Take the meaning of YOUR LIFE seriously for once. If death comes close to you and you feel the coldness of its breath with your spinal cord, whether you like it or not, you will think about the meaning of life. But it will be too late. It's just late, that's all.

When melancholy hits you again, don't blame it on a midlife crisis.

Start SEARCHING for the meaning. And this will become a period when you can seriously change and change something in life.

Your actions: start asking people what they live for, what is the meaning of their life. Ask, and watch their reaction yourself. Feel with your skin that it is not customary in society to seek any meaning whatsoever.
Because looking for meaning is outside the norm!

Author: Egor Gord