Search for drops. What is it and what do you eat it with?


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We decide for what purpose the drop is needed. I'll highlight the main ones, based on them, and we'll dance:
  • cashing out money and everything connected with it.
  • documentation.
  • loans, companies and other topics.
  • parcels and bookmarks.
  • cashing out money and everything connected with it (wallets, cards, etc.)

Here again we can divide:

If you just need to get a card and receive gray money or not criminal money at all, then drops can be found among friends who need money. There are one or two people you 100% know or your friends know.
If the topic is irrelevant, tell potential drops like this: “I need a card from such a bank, I can't get one myself, my loan is overdue there. And then indicate the price for their services.” Personally, I immediately make a reservation, if you can't do it yourself, maybe you know someone something? In short, I'm killing two birds with one stone, 80% of the time the card is yours.

I'll give you examples of how I did it: I used to cash out, I found all the drops among the fans. I had a friend who rubbed shoulders with them. These friends don't give a damn about anything, but they have adults with their grandmothers - they won't sign. I got from 18-20 years old, there were about 20 people in total. Each person has at least 10 accounts in different banks. The issue price is 1500-2000 rubles. account + 10 thousand per month, provided that they sometimes independently come to the bank on various issues.
Naturally, all passports were photocopied.

In short, fans are a good option, I still use them sometimes. They charge little money for their services + complete bullshit.

Cards for withdrawing illegal money. It's more difficult here, you need to not be known. Personally, I use winos. I find it myself or again turn to the fans, and at the same time, without explaining the whole topic, I say that the drop will be fucked. They find me something like this for a sum of (5-15 thousand). If I find it myself, then I pay 2-3 thousand for the cards, depending on the condition of the drop, and also 1-1.5 thousand monthly until it becomes unnecessary. Naturally, I call him almost every day from the left phone, making sure he doesn't disappear. Sometimes I buy some snacks or booze. I ask in advance where they live.

How to look: I stupidly park in some yard and just walk. There are a lot of people drinking in our city. I come up and ask, who is the eldest? (standard answer: “we don't”) But then some person asks, what did you want? He's the one you need. In the future, if everything goes well, he will recruit a lot of people for you - the snowball principle.

If I need a card, I rub in the following legend: “I have my own construction company, the employees are Tajiks, the government agencies are fucked, I need salary cards issued to residents of the Russian Federation.” In 80%, the card is yours + the person who will bring you a lot of his friends.

Legends depend on your imagination.

Sometimes you don't need the drop itself, but his documents with your photo, but you still need to get the documents from him.

We are looking for a drunk or a scourge (see above). Let's talk to him into some little bullshit. I don't bother too much and ask to receive a letter to my address. It's like I'm moving out of my house, but I haven't rented a new one yet, so I don't have an address, but the letter is important. You send the letter to yourself. Then the drop receives it, gives it to you, and you give it 500 rubles. Everyone is happy. Next, carefully enter it under your bank card (if necessary) or a new letter. In short, you stupidly give him money for his services. Drop already knows you and is glad to see you.

Now, how to get the coveted passport: invent a legend yourself, one of mine: the bailiffs have blocked travel abroad, we need new legal docks (as a rule, the scourges do not understand that you need a foreign passport or an ordinary Russian Federation to fly away). And immediately name the price of the issue (for me it's up to 15 thousand). Next, drag it to the trash can to write a claim for loss, then to the passport office and after 3 weeks you have a new document in your hands, and leave the old one with the whip. Then re-glue and that's it. The completed and unlost document is in your pocket.

A passport for a drunk is the most valuable thing, so he may not just give it away. But it can help you find someone who will give it back. In short, in any case, sooner or later you will take the docks from him. verified.

Docks of ordinary people.
I call people who are looking for work and invite them to an interview (look for a place in advance. A shopping center or an office for an hour - using your left passport, of course), I additionally specify what documents to bring with you . The victim comes, I promise her mountains of gold, she agrees. I ask to show the documents, I look at them and if the body is ready to go to work, I go to photocopy them. Of course I won't be returning. It's ideal to do this trick with a friend. One type of employer, friend and victim are job seekers. The friend is the first to give away his documents, the victim automatically gives him (psychology))).

Loans, companies and other topics.

If you need to register a company, then drunks are just right. I personally help my wife, she registers offices for my drops, and then sells them or to order))) True, now this is becoming a criminal offense, but this still needs to be proven.

Nuances: the drop must look good and be sober. Accordingly, this needs to be monitored. As a rule, drunks who live in huts have ceremonial clothes, but it's better to buy them.

Fans (damn guys, look for friends in this environment - don't regret it) can help without any problems.

Here we look at the very beginning of my post. Poor friends are an ideal option. Homeless people, drug addicts and other evil spirits will not fit.

From personal experience: all credit brokers working for kickbacks, intermediaries and other crap - send them to NAH. Everything is banally simple. Stupidly send applications to all banks, somewhere they will give it.

Here's my sad story: brokers asked me to find a drop with normal credit. history. I found an aunt who got into debt, but not bank debt (she has her own wallpaper store).

I didn't take out any loans, all the documents are in order. They scammed her and her friend out of complete bullshit: Apparently we have friends in the BKI who will remove these loans from her history for a kickback, we even went and met them))) People who urgently need money will grab any kind of bullshit.

In short, these guys stupidly use the Internet. They sent applications to all the banks and gave my aunt a total of 10,000 rubles, and they stupidly drove her to the bank, and she took the money herself and gave it to the driver. They initially wanted to throw this woman away. And they abandoned her, and at the same time me - they simply didn't give me my share and that's all. Somehow they snatched out 60 thousand rubles. But that's not the point; you can get a loan for the drop completely yourself. Just don't go to the bank with him.
I talked to one person, he advertises for help in taking out a loan. I needed people to open accounts. So he immediately brought me 50 photocopies of passports. I don't know what he's trying to get at them, but they're ready for a loan, a company, and accounts. I think you can come up with a legend.