Scheme: "I'm waiting for a soldier"


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Hey, bums! =)) How about making a quick bucks? I don't promise you golden mountains, but you can buy a refrigerator ;)

We go down to the essence of the topic.

Plowing through the vast expanse of the well-known social network vk, which has a multi-million audience, I noticed one interesting public - "I'm waiting for a soldier." – 47k subscribers

After a bit of monitoring the search, I found that there are a lot of similar topics in the public domain.

Here are some of them: " I'm waiting for my favorite soldier." - 56k. "I'm waiting for a soldier." – 31k. " I'm waiting for a soldier. Soldier's Love " - 20k. - "typical soldier's girl" – 40k. - "I'll wait, because I'm a soldier's girlfriend" - 34k. - "I'm waiting for my boyfriend from the army" 15k

As we can see, the world is going crazy! Women flow from the hype to be a girl of "soldiers". I studied the list of participants. Approximately every tenth person has an avatar with their favorite soldier, which she, the ideal of loyalty and true love, will (no) wait for for a whole year! Watch this! Envy me! Some take loans for an iPhone, others spin a spinner, and others wait for soldiers from the army. Before our eyes, a new trend is being born, where it's a sin not to throw the bait. Fortunately, the target audience, if not huge, then impressive.

Have you guessed what I'm driving at? ;) Right!

We will buy or rather create fakes and write under the guise of a soldier to our loyal girls with a request to put "as much as you can" on the phone (I did this). You can ask for food, cigarettes, pay off a gambling debt, and so on. There are many variations. You need to experiment and build on the personality of the victim.

Sample welcome message:

"Dear, Sveta, there is an opportunity to make a call while the senior sergeant is on a binge. Put as much as you can on this phone - ********. I'll call you right back. That's it, I ran. The pipe is not mine, you need to return it".

And everything. We're disappearing. Additional questions may confuse us. However, there are exceptions. Rare ones. Therefore, I recommend the scheme for people with at least an initial level of SE (social engineering).

We also need a Qiwi wallet with a linked number registered to the left person. To do this, you don't need a SIM card. Where can I get such a SIM card? The most obvious option is to buy left-hand SIM cards on the relevant cards. Backup option – a bottle of vodka + Uncle Vasya is an alcoholic. Lie that you lost your passport, but you are from another city. If you have friends in communication salons, then in general it's great.

Why is this necessary? Funds will be sent to your mobile phone number. This money can be transferred to the Qiwi account number that was registered to the same number.

After registration, go to "top up your wallet" - " from your phone balance»

Which victims will we take first? It is logical that those who have the same HYPE avatar. Sometimes it's not there. We monitor all photos on the page, study faces. If you notice a suspect, go to his page, try to determine whether the kid really serves or has already been released. Sometimes studying a photo doesn't give us any information.

Then again, we look at the list of friends, likes. Maybe someone will have photos in the form, there we look-we look closely. Comments on photos can also be saved. Some girls put statuses and make reposts on the wall with the desired theme. You can also safely write to them, even if the search for a guy failed.

Why should a girl believe us?

In order to increase loyalty and trust, we will adapt to the soldier's handwriting. To do this, we need comments. We cling to the words parasites, slang words, etc. No comments – we study a person's personality, figure out how he can express a thought. We think!

Personally, I wrote from the brutalized male accounts, but I suggest you try to create your own and disguise the page as much as possible for a person who serves in the army (the same person from whom the soldier will take the phone to log in to the network).

If you want to buy and create your own fakes, I recommend the one-time number service-sms. reg. Number for registration in vk. there you can buy for 14. rubles.

Now about the profit.

I didn't work closely on the topic for my own personal reasons. I just liked the idea, tried it out, and found that it shoots! Well, if I don't work in this direction myself, then what good is there to lose?

Profit: I had 6 fakes and sent out a total of 6 * 20 = 120 messages.

It took 6-7 hours to do everything about everything. There were 13 deposits, totaling $ 220. Draw your own conclusions)


Thor with the left SIM card is enough for the eyes. No one will search for you for $ 10, 20, 30, or 500. You can also use free VPN services, but don't forget to clear your cookies. I once used CyberGhost.

That's all. Good luck, crooks!