Russian Prosecutor General's Office toughens fight against illegal content on the Internet


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A new draft law on fast blocking of harmful websites has been developed.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Russia, together with the Ministry of Digital Development and Roskomnadzor, has developed a draft law that will allow you to quickly restrict access to illegal content on the Internet using a specialized information system. This was reported to TASS in the press service of the supervisory authority.

The Prosecutor General's Office stated that they constantly monitor information on the Internet, instant messengers and social networks for illegal content. According to the agency, in 2023 (as of December 25), more than 2,000 requests for extrajudicial restriction of access to such information were sent to Roskomnadzor (in 2022-1,699 requests).

The Agency also actively monitors and blocks resources that offer the sale of forged documents and contain information in violation of the laws "On the Securities Market"," On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation","On Banks and Banking Activities". This year alone, the Prosecutor General's Office sent 306 requests to Roskomnadzor to restrict access to 41,798 such Internet resources (websites, pages in social networks, applications, etc.), the newspaper writes.

As the Ministry of Digital Development told Izvestia, the system for blocking content, named in the Prosecutor General's Office, is "Anti-phishing". It will be launched in 2022. The tool allows you to quickly detect and block illegal content, including fraudulent resources that disguise themselves as official websites. The blocking process can take only a few hours.

The anti-phishing system works on the basis of automatic analysis of text information. Robots monitor leading search engines and analyze the text content of sites for prohibited topics. After such resources are discovered, information about the alleged blocking is placed on a special portal, and if there is no reasonable protest from its owner, the data is transmitted to telecom operators who " ban " resources by IP and URL addresses.

The search engine can use artificial intelligence, which is trained on samples of photos and videos with illegal content, experts explained to the publication. In addition, the system is able to translate visual content into text for further analysis.

Last year, another system of automatic search for illegal content, Oculus, was launched to automatically search for prohibited content. It can recognize images and symbols, illegal scenes and actions, and analyze text in photos and videos. It can be used to identify calls for mass illegal events, suicide, drug advertising, LGBT propaganda, and other types of prohibited information. The Oculus system uses computer vision technology that can check more than 200,000 images a day (each image takes about three seconds to process).

In the first nine months of 2023, 144 thousand phishing sites were identified using the Anti — Phishing system, while for the whole of 2022-80 thousand. More than 90,000 such resources were blocked during the entire system's operation.

Experts note that the successful operation of the blocking system requires coordination between government agencies and Internet service providers, development of criteria for determining illegal content, training and advanced training of employees responsible for blocking, as well as regular updating of technological solutions.

The content blocking system in Russia has analogues in other countries, which also apply content filtering at the level of Internet service providers and centralized systems, such as, for example, the Great Firewall of China — an Internet filtering system in China.