Russian banks have figured out how to speed up the response to fraud by five times

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The Association of banks of Russia (ABR) has proposed that the Central Bank improve the effectiveness of the fight against fraud by establishing direct data exchange between banks on the current Fincert platform. Practice shows that scammers usually withdraw and withdraw money from the account within an hour, and banks, as a rule, do not have time to stop these actions.

The new regulation, according to ADB, will speed up the receipt of information by stakeholders by five times, and in some cases - reduce the interval to 20-30 minutes.

Currently, all information about suspicious transactions is first sent to the Fincert automated system (asoi). TA processes them and returns the consolidated result to the banks. The waiting time, as Izvestia learned, is estimated at several hours or even days. Bankers hope that their initiative will help significantly speed up the response to incidents and improve the effectiveness of response measures.

ABR offers to organize direct exchange between banks on the basis of the existing Fincert system - which is well established as a secure and trusted channel of interaction. The authors of the initiative also consider it appropriate to introduce a ranking of suspicious transactions, distinguishing them as more dangerous and less dangerous.

The latter include cases when a Bank customer, for example, forgot to make a purchase or subscribe to services. Any subsequent blocking of the transfer will be erroneous. Although banks quickly correct such errors, such incidents, according to ABR, negatively affect the customer experience and can distract the attention of information security services from more dangerous transactions.

The ABR initiative was supported by the largest credit and financial organizations in Russia-VTB, MKB, ROSBANK, and Tinkoff. The regulator promised to consider new proposals.

According to the Central Bank, in the first half of this year, the total damage from banking operations conducted without the consent of customers amounted to about 4 billion rubles. In 2020, fraudsters stole 6.5 billion rubles from the accounts of Russians.