ROSA messenger only for its own: Russia presents its own Telegram counterpart


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The platform is aimed at both private users and businesses and government agencies.

Russians will have a domestic communication platform called "ROSA Messenger". It will be integrated into the system of the new P-BACKGROUND phone, which will be presented together with the ROSA Mobile operating system on December 18 in Moscow. This is reported by the Izvestia newspaper with reference to developers from the STC IT ROSA company.

According to the company's representatives, their messenger is a unique product with its own functionality. It is suitable for both ordinary users, as well as for private businesses and government organizations. "We did not choose Telegram as a sample. Our messenger is a unique product that will have functionality similar to that of Pavel Durov's messenger," the developer's representatives emphasized.

The company also noted that the new messenger and the smartphone itself are more secure resources compared to imported analogues. As the developers explained, most smartphones on the Russian market are assembled from components from different manufacturers. This includes a microphone, camera, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth modules, and so on. Vendors themselves write drivers for these hardware components so that they work properly in the operating system. The problem is that some of the code is delivered in a closed form, which means that there may be software bookmarks that will use various undeclared features, for example, to spy on the owner of a smartphone. In response to this, STC IT ROSA engineers developed their own drivers for all hardware components of the R-BACKGROUND.

It is also mentioned that R-FON is a domestic product, which makes it independent of US sanctions. It is reported that the Ministry of Industry and Trade included the smartphone in the register of domestic equipment, and the Ministry of Digital Development recognized ROSA Mobile as a domestic operating system, it was included in the register of Russian software.

According to the publication, it is possible that next year the new messenger will be extended to other mobile devices and computers, as long as it can be used by devices with the ROSA "Chrome" operating system of the Linux family.

It is noted that the appearance of such a product in the context of sanctions is especially important for ensuring the security of information exchange, especially for civil servants and employees of critical industries. According to governors and business representatives, such a messenger and smartphone can become important tools in the work of government agencies and the private sector, helping to improve security and reduce the risk of data leakage. At the same time, experts believe that while domestic products in the field of electronics are seriously inferior to imported ones, it will be quite difficult for them to compete in the market.