? Roots of psychological problems of carders


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So, all difficulties and problems, the cause of which is in the mind, and can be solved by psychotherapy, have one of the following categories of "roots":

1. "Hidden Benefits" in Problems
Yes, the problem can be annoying on the surface and lead to whining - but deeply, and not particularly consciously, it has a very cool subjective value. Why do wives complain about their alcoholic husbands, "nag" them - and at the same time continue to live with them and indulge their alcoholism? An amazing thing - but it satisfies the need to be needed, "self-actualize", serve and help someone! Yes, that's so strange.

2. Conflict of Beliefs ("Cognitive Dissonance")
Or "subpersonalities, or patterns of behavior ... But in other words, this is when one part of the brain contradicts another, and they mutually" inhibit "each other. Well, let's say ... Procrastination, the famous is the notorious conflict of ego states" Parent " (Belief system "How it should be and how it should be") and "Child" ("Want"), see Eric Byrne.

3. Non-adaptive automatic behavior patterns; "identification with a standard", vicarious modeling of destructive programs, etc.
Children follow the example of their parents (most often), and copy their behavior patterns by observing them. The trouble is that the child does not have a reasonable filter about the "environmental friendliness" of the observed behavior - he takes what is given. If mom screamed and taught dad about life for any reason, there is a 95% chance that the daughter will unconsciously copy it in the future and endure her husband's brains in the same way. It's not that it's a "curse" or "karma" - they just don't talk about it or think about it; although overcome by simply studying healthier behaviors.

4. Psychotrauma - "undigested" episode in personal experience
This literally means that some situation created such tension that consciousness could not cope with it and "threw out" memory and associated emotions into the unconscious. Which - throughout life, in any approximately similar moments - will "throw" these experiences back, with a hint of "well, digest at least now!"

5. Limiting beliefs, "self-hypnosis", self-fulfilling prophecies, "curves of reality maps", "muddy filters", etc.
Quite a simple case. For example, there are girls with the conviction "All men are kazlys", or guys who think "All women are bloody". Since this belief is most often, "inherited", imposed and not questioned, such a guy (or girl) will CONSTANTLY, in all his communication and behavior with the opposite sex, broadcast it, creating "dumb energy" and receiving appropriate reactions. Which will only confirm his "axiom": all the goats and "bloody" will be attracted to the bearer of the belief, and those who do not belong to these categories will immediately strain and run away.

6. "Self-punishment" - a classic of neurosis
In general, what is neurosis? This is a growing internal stress caused by the conflict between "Need A" and "Need B" (the simplest definition, no medical treatment). In fact, this is a special case of the "Conflict of subpersonalities": one creates some kind of, excuse me, x ... nude because "well, I really wanted to," and the second says, "You can't, you are bad, you will be punished" ... And "punishes "first. In general, this is one person who hits himself on the head with a hammer for having eaten an extra pie.

In fact, as an attentive reader might have already noticed, all these reasons are "subtly" interconnected. This is how it should be: the psyche is a holistic construct, the task of which is to adapt the host's organism to survival and, if possible, lead to well-being and so on.