Romanian gang carders stole $1 million from Australian ATMs


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Five Romanians carders have been arrested in Melbourne on suspicion of using skimming to produce counterfeit bank cards. According to local media reports, scammers managed to steal more than $1 million (apparently in Australian dollars) using just one of the “infected” ATMs . Experts from the Perimetrix analytical center note that as a result of the actions of fraudsters, the data of at least 2 thousand clients of the largest Australian bank ANZ was compromised. These customers have already been asked to replace their bank cards.

“Skimming is one of those crimes that knows no bounds,” said police detective John Potter. – Fraud schemes vary; we have encountered organized groups operating both inside and outside Australia. Quite often we see that information about bank cards comes into our country from abroad and only then is used to withdraw money from ATMs.”

University of Melbourne professor Leslie Holmes says the arrest of the Romanian fraudsters shows that Eastern European crime groups will sooner or later target Australia. “It's just a matter of time. Until now, Eastern European scammers more often worked in Western Europe and the USA, and rarely reached Australia due to the rather long distances. I think we should all be vigilant and pay increased attention to crimes of this kind,” Holmes said.

“One can argue with the position of a respected professor, but the facts show that he is right - quite often people from Eastern Europe become credit fraudsters,” says Denis Zenkin , Marketing Director of Perimetrix (CompuLink Group of Companies). – Generally speaking, the main problem of credit fraud is related to its decentralization - some people steal information, others sell it, and still others engage in “cash out.” In this case, two adjacent links of the chain are practically not connected to each other in any way. This is why it is extremely difficult to investigate this type of crime, and in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to avoid information leaks at the very first stage.”
