RFID tag device

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RFID tags - what is it​

RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) tags are unique electronic devices capable of transmitting information using radio frequencies.

The principle of operation of RFID tags is based on the use of radio frequency signals for contactless reading and recording of information. Each tag contains a unique identification number that can be read by a special reader.

History of RFID tags​

The first prototypes of radio frequency identification systems appeared during World War II to identify aircraft. However, at that time the technology was not widely used due to its specificity, complexity and high cost of equipment.

The next stage of development occurred in the 1970s, when the first semiconductor transponders were developed. They became less expensive and more compact, which contributed to their widespread use. And today RFID technologies are at the peak of their development and are available to a wide range of consumers and businesses.

Operating principles of RFID tags​

The RFID tag device is quite simple. Each tag is equipped with a microchip that stores a unique object identifier or other data. The RFID tag device is quite simple. Each tag is equipped with a microchip that stores a unique object identifier or other data. Some chips can also be overwritten. Their operating principle is based on the interaction between the reader (scanner) and the transponder. Their operating principle is based on the interaction between the reader (scanner) and the transponder.

What does an RFID system consist of? It includes a tag, a reader and software. However, transponders may differ depending on the purpose of use.

The device transmits radio frequency signals to the tag. They power the transponder and activate the microchip, allowing information to be transmitted. Frequencies from several tens to several hundred kHz or MHz are commonly used.

When the tag receives a signal from the reader, it transmits its unique information in response. This interaction occurs in the form of radio frequency modulation of data and can be one-way or two-way.

The reading range of identification tags depends on their type and frequency. For example, high frequency tags. The reading range of identification tags depends on their type and frequency. For example, some high frequency tags can be read at a distance of up to 1 meter, while low frequency tags (125 kHz) can be read at a distance of several centimeters.

Types of RFID tags by type of use​

RFID tags can be passive or active by power type. Passive tags do not have their own battery, are activated by a reader and transmit a signal. Active tags have a built-in power source, which allows them to work over long distances. RFID tags can be passive or active by power type. Passive tags do not have their own battery, are activated by a reader and transmit a signal. Active tags are capable of storing and transmitting a larger amount of information than passive tags.

By area of application, transponders are divided into:
  • for logistics and inventory management,
  • for identification of animals and goods in stores,
  • for access control and security.
The equipment can also be used in other areas.

Tags vary in design. Magnetic stripe devices are used in libraries or stores to protect against theft. Metal-based ones are used in industry and construction. Paper-based tags are found in retail.

According to the form factor, tags can be rectangular or round. Tags embedded in access cards, passes or other devices used for personal identification are often used.

RFID tag design: components and characteristics​

Transponders include various components to ensure their functionality and effectiveness. Let's look at what an RFID tag consists of.

The device contains:
  1. Micro chip.
  2. Antenna.
  3. Protective layer.
  4. Frame.

An RFID chip is the main element of a tag that contains a unique identifier (ID) of an object or information about it. The microchip can be passive or active, depending on the type of tag. An RFID tag can be rewritable or read-only.

The antenna is provided to receive and transmit radio frequency signals between the tag and the reader. The reading range of the tag depends on its quality.

The protective layer is a material that protects the microchip and antenna from external factors: moisture, temperature changes and mechanical damage.

The body is the tag's shell, which can be made of various materials, depending on the operating conditions and durability requirements of the device.

When choosing tags, you should consider their characteristics:
  • Tags can operate at LF - low frequency, HF - high frequency and UHF ultra-high frequency. Each of them has its own characteristics and areas of application.
  • The reading range may vary from several centimeters to several meters. This characteristic depends on the type of tag, antenna and operating frequency.
  • Tags can transmit data at different rates, which affects the performance of the system and the efficiency of radio frequency identification of objects.
  • Tags may have additional security measures, such as data encryption or tamper protection. RFID formats depend on this.
In addition to the tag, the system includes an RFID reader. The technology provides a reliable and convenient solution for identifying and tracking objects in various industries. Developers and experts are constantly working to improve tag design and performance to ensure optimal performance and effectiveness of identification systems.

RFID tag production technologies​

The production of identification tags begins with preparatory work: choosing the tag type, determining its characteristics and operation, choosing the frequency and communication protocol. Next comes the design and creation of the transponder design, electronic circuit design and design definition.

One of the most important components in the production of RFID tags is a microchip, which contains the data necessary to identify an object. As stated earlier, it can be passive or active, depending on the requirements.

After this, an antenna is added, which ensures communication between the tag and the reader.

Particular attention in production is paid to the protective layer, which protects the microchip and antenna from external influences such as moisture, temperature changes and mechanical damage.

Application of RFID tags​

One of the main areas of application of radio frequency tags is logistics. Companies track the movement of goods from the manufacturer to the end consumer. RFID tags help reduce inventory time and automate warehouse accounting processes.

Retail stores use tags to combat theft, speed up the checkout process, and improve customer service. Additionally, RFID helps analyze customer purchasing data and preferences, allowing for more effective marketing strategies to be developed.

In healthcare, RFID tags are used for patient identification, drug and equipment control, and medical waste management. This improves patient care, reduces the risk of errors, and simplifies the accounting of medical resources.

RFID is also being adopted by manufacturing industries to track production processes, control product quality, and manage inventory. Technology can improve production efficiency, reduce costs and improve control over supply chains.

The technology is used in ACS. RFID card reader is a compact device that can read information from key fobs or electronic passes. The data is transmitted to the ACS controller. RFID card reader is used to control access to various objects. Such a system is convenient and highly secure.

The RFID card device allows supporting one or several standards. Among them are EM 4100, UHF RFID, MIFARE, etc. RFID protection is highly effective, as it is almost impossible to counterfeit.

Advantages and Disadvantages of RFID Tags​

One of the main advantages of RFID tags is the ability to read information without contact. This makes scanning and tracking processes for goods or equipment more efficient and faster. RFID tags have a high degree of protection against falsification, which makes them a reliable tool for supply chain control.

Another important advantage is the ability to read multiple tags simultaneously, which speeds up inventory and product accounting processes in large warehouses and stores. The technology automates inventory management processes and increases business efficiency.

The tags are durable and can be used in a variety of conditions, including high and low temperatures, humidity, etc.

The disadvantages of the technology include the low openness of the developed standards. However, developers are constantly improving the system.

The advantages of using RFID tags are obvious. The development of this technology opens up new opportunities for business and helps make management processes more efficient and transparent.

Standards and protocols for RFID tags​

One of the most common standards for reading rfid tags is EPC Gen2. It was designed specifically for industrial and retail applications, providing high performance and reliable data reading. The standard defines frequency ranges, data formats, encryption algorithms and other parameters necessary for the exchange of information between tags and readers.

The ISO/IEC 18000 standard provides guidance on the selection of radio frequencies, interactions between equipment, and data security and privacy. The standard ensures compatibility between different devices and simplifies the integration of RFID technologies into business processes.

In addition, there are a number of communication protocols for RFID tags, such as LLRP and RFID-DP. LLRP provides a standardized way to communicate between readers and computer systems, allowing you to efficiently manage a network of devices. RFID-DP, in turn, defines data and command formats for accessing information on tags.

The standards and protocols used for RFID tags depend on the specific application and customer requirements. A competent choice of standards and protocols will ensure reliable operation of the RFID system, improve the manageability of business processes and increase the efficiency of interaction with devices and tags.

The future of RFID tags​

The key areas of RFID tag development are as follows:
  1. Improving their functionality and efficiency. The goal is to create more compact, reliable, and durable tags that can operate in a wide range of conditions and with large amounts of information.
  2. Increased data protection and privacy. Development of encryption and authentication methods will ensure the security of data exchange between tags and readers.
  3. Expanding the use of RFID tags in various industries. For example, in medicine, the technology can be used to track equipment, control medication intake, and monitor the condition of patients. In logistics, tags will optimize inventory management, track cargo movement, and reduce costs.
  4. Integration with other related technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI). The joint use of RFID tags with IoT devices will allow for more intelligent and autonomous control systems, while the use of AI will help analyze and optimize the data collected by the tags.


RFID technologies make it possible to automate various processes in business and everyday life. This reduces security and analytics costs and increases data processing speed. Technologies continue to actively develop. Therefore, companies that implement them at their enterprises gain advantages over competitors.
