Review of the best mobile spies


Reaction score
  • 1. FlexiSpy Mobile Spy
  • 2. Mobile Spy Mspy
  • 3. Mobile Spy Mobile Spy
  • 4. Mobile Spy Highster Mobile
  • 5. Mobile spy Spyera
  • 6. Mobile Spy SpyMaster
  • 7. Mobile Spy Neo-Call Spy
  • 8. Mobile Spy All-in-one Spy Software

There are several dozen spyware / mobile spyware that can be remotely installed on a mobile phone in "silent mode" and spy on its owner without revealing its presence. It was previously believed that by adhering to the so-called cybersecurity hygiene, you can reliably protect yourself from such interference in your personal life. However, today, even those who avoid risky behavior on the Internet, who use the most modern protection and the most recent software updates, can become victims of mobile espionage.

Some of the mobile spyware can be tracked down with the latest protection. However, in order to keep these protections up to date, you need to be able to configure them. After all, attackers, just like security guards, do not sit still and make significant efforts to hide their programs from automated defense systems. At the same time, it becomes more difficult to configure protection over time, and it becomes easier to carry out successful attacks. Including because, at the suggestion of Western intelligence services, the most modern information technologies are now in the public domain.

It is believed that the widely advertised leaks of high-tech toys by the CIA are not at all a demarche by Snowden and WikiLeaks, but a controlled leak of information intended to direct competitors in the "arms race" in a knowingly losing direction; so that they continue to invest time and money in tools that no longer provide a competitive advantage. Cyber operations and infocentric wars are no longer the key to it. Today, the ball is ruled by knowledge-centric wars, the essence of which boils down to the fact that "people are broken by professionals, not machines."
Thus, we are witnessing an ever-increasing exponential asymmetry in cybersecurity: attackers are in better conditions than defenders.
Below are a few examples of mobile spies that are distributed as legal - under the guise of so-called parental control systems and the like. All of them hide their actions from the owner of the mobile phone.

FlexiSpy mobile spy
FlexiSpy. This program was originally classified as a mobile Trojan due to its aggressive behavior; but then it began to behave more gently, and it was removed from the category of mobile Trojans. It allows you to spy on mobile phones and tablets.


Spy for Android and iPhone FlexySpy

Offers about 130 functions, including those with which the Mspy is equipped. Unique functions: access to a video camera, wallpaper viewing.
Like Mspy, it uses a secure Internet account to collect and provide information - using a client-server architecture, with a web interface.

Website FlexiSpy application. After going to the site, in the upper right corner, select the appropriate language (there is Russian).

Mobile spy Mspy
Mspy. Works on smartphones and tablets. Allows you to track calls, SMS, emails, GPS location, browsing history, calendar, address books, IM messages; allows you to manage installed applications, view multimedia files.


Spy for android and iPhone mSpy

Mspy also has remote control features such as wiping the device completely and collecting detailed reporting.
To collect and provide information, he uses a secure account on the Internet - using a client-server architecture, with a web interface.
You can download mobile spy from the Mspy website

Mobile Spy Mobile Spy
Mobile Spy. Provides most of the FlexiSpy features; in addition, it can block applications, install new applications and interact in real time with the control panel of the mobile user interface.


Spy for Android and iPhone Mobile Spy

Mobile Spy Application Website

Mobile Spy Highster Mobile
The Highster Mobile app is an easy-to-use monitoring program: text messages, phone recordings, call logs ... everything is sent from the victim's phone to either email, mobile, or secure internet account.


Spy for Android and iPhone Highster Mobile

Website Highster Mobile applications

Spyera mobile spy
A program installed on a smartphone to control everything that happens on a mobile phone. Spyera secretly records all events (SMS, call history, phone book, location, emails, app messages, IM, Facebook chat, Skype, and more) that happen on the phone and delivers this information to a secure web account.


Spyera mobile spy for Android and iOS

Spyera spy app website

Mobile Spy SpyMaster
SpyMaster. The most efficient and advanced mobile spy software.


Mobile Spy SpyMaster

100% hidden mode, leaves no chance of being detected. At least that's what the developers say.
Website spyware applications SpyMaster

Mobile Spy Neo-Call Spy
Neo-Call Spy. Originally designed for Symbian, now also works on iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phones. Sends information directly to another mobile phone. This program is based on the IMEI number, which means that the attacker must know his target.
The program monitors SMS, call list, location; remotely listens, logs keystrokes. She receives commands from the manager's mobile phone in hidden SMS messages.
You can download the mobile spy from the Neo-Call Spy website

Mobile Spy All-in-one Spy Software
All-in-one Spy Software - high quality mobile spy software, has been developing since 2006.
All-in-one Spy Software application website
That's all. I hope this mobile spyware review has helped you choose the one that works best for you.