Residents of a small island lose heat and food due to malicious code

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Restoring the gas supply may take weeks, but citizens can help speed it up.

Natural gas supplies to the small island of Jersey, located off the coast of northern France, stopped for 5 days after a software glitch caused the main system to fail. Engineers are still unable to restore gas supplies to homes and businesses.

On October 7, gas supplies on the island were stopped. The next day, gas supplier Island Energy said that the systems at its La Collette natural gas plant on Jersey Island automatically shut down to protect the grid, but backup systems also failed. The company warned that it may take up to 2 weeks to restore gas supplies.

It is noted that the reason for the shutdown of systems at the factory was "malicious code". Representatives of the plant claim that first the power was cut off at the plant, stopping the plant's operation. In addition, the backup systems also failed at the same time due to the code.

Speaking to local media, Jersey authorities urged local residents to turn off the gas at home and inform Island Energy about their actions. Despite the presence of automatic security systems, the supplier wanted to assess the security of restoring deliveries based on the number of people who responded. If enough people stop the gas supply, it is possible to speed up the self-recovery process to several days.