Removing the handcuffs


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If you are tied up, take a deep breath, straighten your ribcage and pull your shoulders back sharply. Stretch the ropes as much as you can. Try to spread your wrists and ankles as far as possible (using your fingers as a stop). As soon as your offenders leave, pick up with your whole body - if you're lucky, you can free yourself. Use any protruding object to remove the ropes from your wrists. Untie the knots with your teeth. Rub your face against the wall to loosen the bandage or get rid of the gag. Even with tied hands, you can untie other knots.

It should be borne in mind that when you untie the ropes with your teeth, the knots should not get wet in saliva, otherwise they will tighten much more than dry knots.

So, when you are being tied, try to quietly take in air and “inflate” so that when you relax the rope is loosened as much as possible. Remember that a loose rope, even as little as 15 mm, can help release. Sometimes it is possible to loosen the rope even further by acting out the intruders and leading them so that they bind you the way you want, not them.

It is easier to free yourself if you are "wrapped" with one whole rope than several in different places. When you are being tied with your hands to your body, draw in as much air as possible, pull your shoulders back strongly and strain your arms against the ligaments. Bend your elbows, simulate unbearable pain by simulating scabies in sore armpits, cross your arms and pull the rope to loosen it.

If your wrists are tied, try to reach the rope with your thumbs by stretching one layer of it until you can throw it over your fingers. If you have mastered one layer then it will be easy to remove the entire rope. If the knot is in a comfortable position, try to reach it with your teeth or some sharp objects. If your ankles are tied, try spreading your heels. If it turns out to bend down, you can untie the tied hands. Legs should be relaxed.

If tied to a tree, chair, etc., use the same tactics and try to lean back from the object as much as possible with your body, while pressing your head and shoulders tightly. Keep in mind that on uneven surfaces (such as wood) the bundle can be slowly moved until you find a depression. And finally, everyone understands that the rope can be sawed with something sharp or rough.

That is, the key to freeing yourself from the ropes is not to let them be pulled as tightly as possible.

This creates a small space that can be used when trying to untie. To do this, it is proposed to "strain the muscles imperceptibly".

Release from handcuffs
Russian law enforcement agencies mainly use the classic BRS-1 and BRS-2 handcuffs. These are fairly simple and loose bracelets connected by a chain of two links, which gives some freedom to the hands. They differ only in the mechanism of locks, which are quite easy to open with improvised means.

In the case of the BRS-1, you need to move the lock tab clockwise to open it, and counterclockwise to remove the lock.


How to get out of handcuffs

BRS-2 is more complicated, as it uses a flat key with a complex pattern (as in most door locks). Such handcuffs are opened by two pieces of wire: they must be inserted from different sides of the well and pressed on two plates, turning counterclockwise.


Among other things, there is a model of barefoot handcuffs, which is distinguished by the rigid coupling of the bracelets themselves, that is, without a chain at all. The hands quickly become numb and extremely painful due to the limited movement of the hands; even with a key in your fingers, it is impossible to open them. For some reason, they are not widely used, most likely because of their rigidity.


Special services and Tax Police officers used other models of handcuffs at one time, but most of them correspond to the above types.

The most competent way to do this is in Western countries - plastic disposable handcuffs-clamps that look like wire ties are the most effective and practical type of handcuffs today.

How to remove the handcuffs
First of all, you need to make sure that your hands are in front of you. The second is to find a hacking tool. In practice, you can use any improvised means: paper clips, pins, watch buckles, and even matches can be used. But it is advisable to find the thinnest and toughest wire, otherwise the lock will not be able to capture or the tool will simply break. After that, you need to measure three to four millimeters from the end and bend the wire at a right angle.

The easiest way is to open the handcuffs without an active lock. You can usually find it on the flat surface of the handcuffs from the bottom of the lock. If the lock lever is not sunk into the hole, then the lock is not active. On some models, it is completely absent. In both cases, the scheme of closing the handcuffs is as follows: the teeth of the moving part come into contact with the gripper, the pawl falls and the handcuffs are closed. When the key is inserted, it lifts the pawl and the mechanism opens.


If the handcuffs have an active lock, then it must be disabled, otherwise the lock will not turn. To do this, insert the wire into the lock and, having felt it, turn it counterclockwise. You need to turn it very carefully, otherwise the lock may work again. After making sure that the lock is removed, you can proceed to the lock. Similarly, the lock tab should be moved clockwise to open the handcuffs themselves.


The method belongs to the second type of handcuffs, i.e. BRS-2. The BRS-2 has a pass-through lock, so the "key" can be inserted from either side. It opens by moving towards the far edge of the key block.

Did you find a large, thick paper clip? Its advantage is that it bends less and does not break during the opening process. Make one end like the tongue of a key, insert it and twist it in the right direction.

Did you find a small, thin paper clip? Great, you can make it almost a duplicate of your native key. In BRS-2, there is not one plate that fixes the teeth of the bracelet, but two-that is why the keys have a double tongue. Something similar needs to be built from a paper clip.

If the lock is activated (the lever is deeply sunk into the hole), then first you need to open the lock (one movement of the paper clip in the direction opposite to opening.