Remote for carding. Tips for becoming a real carder.


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1. Create your schedule and find your work rhythm
“Develop your schedule and feel your rhythm. Educate yourself, understand when you are most productive. If you feel more comfortable working in the morning, start working when you wake up so you can enjoy the day. If you work at night, make it a point to start at six in the evening and work until late.”

Understanding what time you're most productive is essential to staying creative and working on important things. For many people, the most productive time is the morning. But don't follow general trends. If another time of day is more convenient for you, use it. Make sure you find the best option for you personally.

2. Make sure you are prepared for discomfort
“It’s important to understand what kind of carder you want to be. You must be confident that you are capable of carding. This means that you are satisfied with the lack of a home location, and you are ready to plan your travels and schedule your own affairs. Be prepared to sometimes have to go without the Internet, eat strange food and live in shaky houses. The life of carders is as full of adventure as it is of difficulty.”

If you're comfortable managing your schedule and dealing with the challenges that come with traveling, then you'll be able to enjoy the adventures that await you along the way.

3. Stop following others and act on your own
“Stop looking at empty motivational quotes and following people on Instagram. Take action. Being a “carder” and working in the “carding” industry has become fashionable. This is a sad trend. We need to think less about tempting labels and more about action.”

You can't say more precisely. If you want to be a carder, you need to take active steps.

4. Work on skills that will benefit you
“It’s vital to work on a set of skills that you can use to achieve the quality of life you want, rather than just calling yourself a carder and thinking the rest will come naturally. If you are already involved in carding and are developing your skills and business, it is important to find a place where there is a demand for your activity.”

If you want to become a carder, you need to pause and think about what skills you have. Then you need to hone these skills and find a direction in carding that will be in demand and relevant.

5. Know what you want before you go
“Deal with the current issues while you are at home. If you are a new carder who builds your business based on your passions, you can organize a successful carding business anywhere in the world. Find your motivating factor. You don't have to tackle everything at once, but it's at least worth paying attention to deeper issues that might otherwise harm your topic in the future."

There are a lot of things that you won't be able to figure out until you take your first step out the door, but a lot can be planned and decided in advance.