Real Carding - Physical Carding 2024


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What is real or physical carding?

Real carding is work directly, for the most part, related to plastic, real plastic, it's not only online while sitting in the warmth, but also work offline. This is a job where nerves sometimes get so high that it's easier to steal candy.

We have all heard and know about such a phrase as: “when the first card appeared, there was a person who stole money from it,” figuratively something like this. A little slang probably already known to everyone. Issuing bank is the bank that issued the bank card. corporate card is a bank card that allows its holder to carry out transactions on the account of a legal entity. The legal entity is responsible to the bank for this account. validity date - the number imprinted on the bank card, from which the card becomes valid. Hologram is a holographic sticker applied by pressing into a card at high temperature. The hologram serves as an additional level of protection against counterfeiting and is a mandatory attribute of bank cards. a certain standard for further use in the store. see more details: here. a smart card that stores digital cash. Such a card allows you to spend electronic cash, creates a record of each payment and allows you to transfer money from your bank account into digital cash.

Laminator - a device for covering bank cards with a protective film. see in more detail: here is the code used for authorization, with which you can carry out transactions with a bank card, for example: withdraw cash. Plastic - most often real or fake plastic bank cards, as well as any plastic on which a dump can be recorded. see more details: here, or: here. A plastic card is a plate of standard dimensions 85.6 x 53.9 x 0.76 mm, made of plastic resistant to mechanical and thermal influences, and is a carrier of information. terminal - an electronic device that allows you to read information from a magnetic stripe or card chip and communicate with the bank for authorization in order to carry out a transaction using a bank card. Real carding is the use of information from someone else's bank card in real stores. As a rule, dumps recorded on plastic are used for this. Reader - a device for reading the magnetic stripe of a bank card. see more details: here. Smart card is a bank card with a chip, a credit card with a built-in microprocessor, which has a high level of security and the ability to carry out multi-currency payments. see more details: here Slip is a receipt issued by a POS terminal. shopping. Tipper is a device for coloring embossed symbols. see more details: here. Transaction - a set of operations of interaction between the card holder and the processing center when making a payment by card or when receiving cash. The transaction changes the status of the cardholder's card account.

Track - one of the tracks on the magnetic stripe of a bank card in the form of a text file, there are 3 in total. Embosser - a device for squeezing symbols (for example, card numbers) onto plastic. An encoder is a device for writing to and reading cards with a magnetic stripe (plastic). Some people know this from their karzh, others don't know it at all. So then, it was simple and easy, no one thought about what would happen to security literally in 10 years. What is happening now? How does it all work? Who is doing what? What are the profits? Skim (Skimming, not SCREAMER!) When I started doing real work, it was pretty much super. These were not covers with built-in cameras or separate strips with cameras, the battery capacity and dimensions did not make it possible to make compact devices, the readers themselves were larger than now and did not work for a long time on one charge, sometimes limited to working for a maximum of 5 hours, cameras They either placed them separately on the ceiling, such as video surveillance, or hid them in all sorts of stands with advertisements for the shopping center or some other companies opposite. Now skimming is one of the fastest options to get the first material and the first money in this direction, but also one of the most dangerous. BUT, with good preparation, skimming will still not put you behind bars and will give you the opportunity to earn money. Let's figure out what is currently available in the world of skimming and approximate prices. All skimmers have different faces designed for different ATM manufacturers (Dibold, NSR, Wincor), each of these companies most often uses the same face on their ATMs, remember, for example, about the green balls on Sberbank and look at the ATM company, everything is easy to remember) ATMs are also divided into types: street, anti-vandal, wall-mounted, office.

The most common operating principle is audio guts. First, let's look at the classic audio guts. The principle of any audio guts is to record sound from the magnetic tape of a credit card. Essentially, audio guts are a regular voice recorder that records audio data coming from an audio head, which is located in place of the microphone. Next, the audio data must be processed (decoded). The quality of audio data depends directly on the sampling frequency. The process of decoding audio data depends on many factors and, in some situations, can be difficult. The time required to decode one audio track is from 5 to 30 minutes. For the most part, the cost of these guts is low. The nutritional consumption is quite high compared to flash guts. Typically, the memory capacity is sufficient for long-term recording. Many people choose audio because of the ability to decode in non-standard conditions (noise emitted by ATM; jitter; crooked holder). Most audio is not encrypted. As a rule, audio guts read only the second track. And Flash, the principle of operation of guts is to receive audio data from a magnetic track, but the end result of flash guts will not be audio data, but data in text format, the decoding of which has either already been done, or it will take a little time to decode the entire dump. In addition, no special knowledge in the field of F2F decoding is required.

The principle of flash guts is to partially decode audio, namely to determine timings. As a rule, this is done through hardware decoders for determining timings. The time required to decode one track is from 2 seconds. The cost of flash guts is an order of magnitude higher than audio. An important factor in these intestines is the low nutritional intake of 0.2 mA. In “combat mode” they can work for up to 20 hours. The memory capacity is enough for 500 or more dumps. Flash ones absolutely cannot tolerate noise, but they can read jitter quite well. As a rule, all flash drives have built-in encryption, which is quite enough to rent out the device, but absolutely not enough to protect against experts in the field of data decryption, because... Basically, XOR encryption is used there, sometimes combined with a “plus or minus byte” (ie, for example, we have original text or 3 tracks. Audio and Flash may also have additional options, for example, working as a GSM module, that is, remotely send SMS or MMS with sound or bluetooth. All these options are replayed, sometimes bluetooth is added to the guts, the bluetooth receiver is placed next to it, but the receiver may also have a GSM module. There are many options interested, I will answer them later. . Audio costs from $1500 flash from $2000 excluding additional options. One of the oldest slers is Markas, sometimes a vendor on many sites, he also rents out devices, but they are encrypted and only the owner can do the decoding therefore, no one. knows what kind of material will be taken from everyone for % and exactly how much. Radio guts were also useful, but I haven't seen them from sellers for a long time. When working with skimmers, it should be taken into account that many ATMs are equipped with different types of anti-skimming devices. from the same additional overlays on readers, ending with such things as jitter (the device controls the card output speed, the main point for reading, because the card comes out smoothly), electronic warfare (electronic warfare radio, ATM detects the presence of additional devices, and sends a signal to SB), Shumka (a device that produces low-frequency noise that interferes with the recording of material) And do not forget that every month newer samples appear, smarter and working longer, it is quite possible that the indicators of many have already changed, all this needs to be clarified with sellers. In fact, I think that's enough about skimmers, I'm always open to feedback and questions, if you want even more detail.

The only thing about this method of work is that for the sake of your own safety, you must give the mat a rest period for at least a month.