Questions and answers on plastic cards


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What is the coercivity of a magnetic card? What does it define?
The coercivity index determines how strong the magnetic field must be in order to demagnetize the strip. The higher the coercivity, the less likely the card will be demagnetized due to contact with other magnets: wallet clasps, for example. Highly coercive cards are suitable for banking, discount, and any other reusable services. They have a black magnetic stripe. Low score cards have brown stripes. This option should be used for one-off and short-term services. For example, for key cards in hotels, transport cards, gift cards in retail chains. The higher the coercivity index, the more expensive the device for recording information on the card will be.

Does the color range affect the cost of the service? If I order black and white business cards, will they be cheaper than colored business cards?
We provide digital printing and the equipment used for both monochrome and color operations is the same. Accordingly, if you plan to print black and white cards, the cost will not be lower. When developing layouts, we strive to emphasize the individual qualities of the owner, to emphasize his advantages. Based on this logic, we determine the color spectrum that will be used for printing. If you yourself provide us with a layout, then do not limit yourself in the choice of paints, this will not affect the price in any way.

What materials do you use when you print gift cards?
You yourself choose the material to be printed on. However, we recommend making gift cards and certificates with a plastic cover. From a design point of view, the print on plastic looks more solid. In this case, the gift card may have a scratch-off cover, that is, an area for recording a secret activation code for a bonus or gift benefits.

What are the advantages of an insurance card over a standard policy?
An insurance card can become one of the components of an insurance policy. When registering a policy, you can also issue a card to the client, which will be a document representing him. In other words, you do not need to carry a policy with you, which can be accidentally lost or damaged. It is enough to put the card in your wallet and use it in the event of an insurance accident. Additionally, the card can guarantee discounts or related services. In the context of widespread automation, the card that unifies all policy documentation attracts customers with its convenience and compactness.

How much will it take to produce a set of cards with a scratch layer of 10,000 copies, as well as its delivery to the Moscow region?
A similar kit is produced within 13-16 days for Moscow and the Moscow region. Delivery time to your city will be determined individually. You can also get delivery in Moscow for free if your order is 10 thousand rubles or more. Or, for free delivery in Moscow, you can subscribe to the Rhombus-Print group through the Vkontakte network, click “tell friends” and send your page address to the company manager.

What are the dimensions of the scratch card? What do you need to place an order for such a card?
The card can be standard size - 8.6 x 5.4 cm, but other aspect ratios are available. If you are submitting a layout, it must match the original size. You can also order design and layout development from us. Our printing capabilities allow us to print expressive, high-quality illustrations and information on the surface of the card, they give an idea of the company and the service that the buyer pays for.

Are there any dangers of reading information from a proximity card?
First of all, decide on the distance at which the sensor will respond to the chip. Do you want to lean the map directly against the sensor, or do you need it to react at a certain distance? These rates vary depending on the interface used. The distance can be 7 cm and 60 cm. There are certain threats of reading, but they are seriously limited by the range of the card and the complexity of the subsequent transfer of the read information to the control sensor.

Can you please tell me if I can pick up my order this weekend, I urgently need it, since I can't pick it up earlier?
Igor, answered your mail. Indicate your order number, we do not have an order by your mail, or contact by phone on the website or in another way convenient for you.