Purchased installations. Installs from exchanges. All the ins and outs.


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Since our people are mostly simple and shabby, I would like to continue the theme of installations for $ 1-2 per piece. Today I will tell you:
1) The essence of installation sales.
2) How do you get in all the holes.
3) How they earn money on top of you, for your own money.
4) How do services make installations so fast and guaranteed?
5) Why do logs sometimes have outdated passwords of 100 years ago.
6) Why are the installs of such crappy quality?
7) Why are there good installs??? Is it really profitable to sell them?
8) How, in general, and on what do services for the sale of installations earn? Is it only from the broth on the traffic?
9) And much, much more. Rip off the veils!

I examined the situation of purchased installations in as much detail as possible and explained why this is all whim and heresy. And he also urged not to flatter yourself with the simplicity of obtaining material and not be stupid hamsters.
But judging by the questions in private messages, most of those who read my posts dismissed everything smart that I wrote, and saw the test "there is a freebie, but you have to look for it." Where did I write this?!
Therefore, I want to dig the question a little deeper and more specialized or something.
Once again, I will note - I have no goal of denigrating any services. Or say how bad they are. Or find fault with their work and principles of operation. After all, we live in the information age and information should be different. Suckers and hamsters will always be enough for everyone.
In this case, I am not referring to the sale of ready-made logs. Sometimes it is probably really cheaper, faster and easier to buy something ready-made of average or low quality and quickly work it out.

The ins and outs of services for the sale of installations​

My task is to give a basic understanding of the deep processes, so that you understand how this whole thing works and why everything happens this way. There are many options - from trivial user scams to more or less adequate. Hundreds of them! I will give only two examples and one final version, which, although difficult to implement, is the apotheosis of common sense (of a service, not a customer, of course).

Financial essence​

Take the owner of an install service called carder as an example.
Here I think everyone understands that by opening the service carder wants to get something out of it. It is logical :) Let's think some more. The traffic, you know, also costs money. Even the cheapest one, some from popunder or clickander, still costs money. The envelope is also a fickle thing. Carder conditionally pays 5-10 bucks per 1000 clicks for the nastiest traffic. With these five bucks, he gets 10-20-50 installs. If we get lucky.
And then hop and next time zero came out. Or some other nonsense happened. Until the landing page was unsuccessful and the envelope turned out to be low. There are many reasons.
Missing the installs, carder naturally went crazy and after the infiltration began to deal with each client individually and pay from his own pocket from above, simultaneously figuring out why someone there had received less installs and what to do next.
Having calculated the profit (or loss), carder realized that with such an approach such a service would fail very quickly. Either from his expenses, or from his "awesome" reputation. The conclusion is simple. From a financial point of view, this model is a curve and you won't earn much on it.
carder is not a fool and knows perfectly well that the technologies of "getting into all the holes" do not stand still. Dealing with traffic and installations is also not the easiest and fastest thing to do, and a five-kopeck fat gain kills the whole point of the project. Therefore, here earnings are made up of completely different aspects and nuances.

Option one is clean customer loyalty @ # $.​

Technically, I will not be entirely correct, but to understand the essence of this will be enough. Let's take a thing like payloader. In our case, it will be a kind of gateway that will give access to both sides - download and upload.
Now read carefully.
Carder found a smart programmer and for a small amount of money he sold him a smart payloader with a panel. Making the strait, he began to accumulate all sorts of PCs of people, on which he could already calmly and without straining to install his files. And here it flooded! You can start up traffic, adding it periodically with fresh meat, and save cars in the panel. And then, taking money for installations, it is just stupid to distribute them to ready-made machines, where there is at least some data.

Thus, at least 3 hares are killed at once:
1) You can safely and without straining quickly and without problems make any number of installations, based on the number of machines on which the payloader is installed.
2) Crazy cost savings, because carder uses each machine from 3 to 10 times in one hand.
3) The cleanliness of new machines with unused material is usually only 10-20% of the total.
The bonus is a gorgeous broth. And in general, there is only one minus. Clients are crazy about the quality of the material they received, for which they took out a loan from Tinkoff Bank for 2000% per annum, they consider losses, cry bloody tears and crawl away to fill their wounds.
And one day carder realizes that it is very problematic to constantly maintain the influx of new suckers and the approach must be changed.

Option two - trying to try to work relatively honestly​

Sadly pushing the anthem of the Soviet Union, carder was looking for intelligent webmasters who can cheaply and angrily make at least more or less high-quality installations for a more or less adequate price. CPA is our everything!
As they say, a cunning ass will solve any problems, and our hero found a couple of intelligent webmasters-cats named Vaska and Nevaska, who readily agreed to help him in his great endeavors.
Motivated traffic drives, as the cats explained to him. Only 1 dollar, and wholesale and even 80 cents, we will arrange any number of installs for you.
carder wanted to clarify how this whole thing works, but then he realized that there is a huge stream of people who will gladly put any shit on their PC, if only from this they could have something as valuable bonuses / cashbacks / tokens for porn sites. Actually, further is a matter of technology.

This time, as many as four birds with one stone were killed:
1) The cleanliness of the installs has increased significantly. And from the "miserable detention" she jumped in the direction of "acceptable detention."
2) Time costs have decreased significantly.
3) LTV has also increased. Many clients began to order the straits 2-3 times, sincerely hoping that "a little bit more and golden rain will pour down." Between us - the golden rain is pouring on them, only in a slightly different sense of the word;)
4) Dissatisfaction with installations has decreased significantly. Carder has ceased to be afraid to leave the house.

But the cons also appeared:
1) The income level has also dropped significantly, along with the payback.
2) It is logical that with this approach 80% of traffic was made up of people much less than 18 years old, with all the ensuing consequences for the quality of the material.
3) Many clients, having gone nuts from the number of Minecraft accounts and others like him, organized themselves into a mighty bunch, opened their own game server and started with carding.

Option three - to have clients in all holes, to be thanked and called a priest​

Carder wants money. Much money. And a minimum of expenses. It is desirable without them at all. The previous two options ceased to suit him for many reasons. Therefore, the task was nontrivial with strict conditions:
• Get a great broth!
• Giving customers a mate of moderately poor quality, so that they ate and do not complain, getting at least some profit from it.
• Retain clients as much as possible by closing them for new repeat deals.
• Minimize costs
• To be a knight on a white horse who honestly and nobly fulfills his role as a supplier of good installations in the eyes of fools clients.
• Minimize processing for clients.
Our main character is not a fool, and after 3 sleepless nights an idea, brilliant in its simplicity, was born!
Moderately good quality traffic was purchased and the machines were infected with a payloader. Carder charged them with his software, chose the most "fat" for his beloved and implemented it. And the rest of the more or less tasty and uninteresting cars were launched as installs for sale.

Six birds with one stone were killed without any drawbacks!
1) Hamsters are finally getting adequate material
2) The cost of installations has increased
3) Carder only through the sale of garbage, recouped the costs 3-4 times.
4) Due to the fat mat that clients paid, he made thousands and tens of thousands of dollars a day in his pocket
5) The reputation of the service whistled through the ceiling and flew into the blue sky.
6) Clients prayed for him and recited the mantra "Om carder - junior!"
At the end of this fictional example, we can say that six months later, carder crushed half of the darknet under him, became a monopolist in a dozen fat niches, accumulated bitcoins for $ 20.5 million, and he crashed drunkenly in his new Tuareg.

Serious conclusion​

In fact, for every 10 installs, you can get at least 1 bank from high-quality traffic. Sometimes 2-3. With 1000 installs of quality traffic, the profit will be TENS OF THOUSAND DOLLARS. These are the numbers that figure in the topic of working with quality material.
Output? Let there be no conclusions. Think wider and deeper or something. Enough can already be poking around in the sandbox and covered with cold sweat, accidentally earning a piece of greenery a day?
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First of all, I note that the essence of the article is different - I have half the channel of fillers who are sure that somewhere there are cool and cheap installations. They spend money, time, borrow money, and add up. They buy installations, get g@#$but then complaints go to half the world. Then the circle starts again. The usual "guys, don't waste your time and money" beliefs don't work. Well... I had to paint a brighter and juicier picture.

And the bottom line for those who really fell into the mental trap that was actually constructed, sometimes it makes sense for someone to adequately describe "what I'm a fool about".

Therefore, it makes sense to enlighten people on the topic of how to get on the right path? Let's think about it:

Just when newbies write, ask what to try, you send them to pick up the logs, first ready, then pour the installs on your stylus, etc.
1) In the first post, I told the database-how to choose hosting, software, make sure that everything works, what to pay attention to. As a result, if you dig a little, you can get a working bundle of server+software. Even the simplest one, but it's your own.
2) In the second post , I made it clear what purchased installations are and where you can get traffic from in General.

In fact, one sentence carder was smeared on the shelf into 2 huge texts. What's the use?

And begin wandering and questions in the style of how to build your bot and pour your good traffic, without money / knowledge / experience.
Well, that is, it is logical to find a good Stiller and learn how to put it on hosting, you need to look for a good Stiller and put it on hosting with pens:) Then you will gain experience and understanding of how it works.

With traffic, it's the same - we sit down and try it out. One, two, three, ten. We analyze why they clicked, did not go, there is no envelope. And we try again.

And the third type from the example is really a gift of fate for the client, Yes, the service earns money, but there is also a huge amount of work to be done before such a service appears. I do not understand what the essence of "having customers in all holes" is, when the service will keep top-end material, for example, a crypt and a couple of banks, and the rest will go to customers.
Well, again, I repeat, this is something utopian. So let's say an oil painting. And our hero acts as a Palladin on a white horse. If there was such a service really, I think the problem here is a little different. There is no point in spending an awesome amount of time working with clients and everything related to the service for the sake of x2-X3 income, if you can process your Mat and get X10-X20 income. By myself, I know that when there is a topic and fat, then sometimes I'm too lazy to move for the sake of generally good money.

PS Or maybe someone put my idea in their head, and soon there will be a good service for selling installations :)

It is clear that no one will burn their keys and working schemes. But since you have already taken on such a noble function as enlightenment, maybe you can also highlight a little positive practice. Do trivial single-page sites work today, or is it yesterday and you can only get installations from a professionally made multi-page site? Do I need to use a sewer? How to filter out the unwanted installation of bots? etc.
Absolutely nothing has changed.
  1. The sites worked and still work - but the enticements should become thinner and keep up with the times. I work with both. Under Google traffic, multi-page sites sharpened for keywords are good. Multi-landings. Dynamic sites. Everything works :)
  2. Cloaks are mandatory - because antifraud is getting tougher, but bypass technologies are also not idle. Excellent cloakroom solutions are available in large quantities on the market.
  3. Bots are filtered through the same sewer or TDS - nothing has changed. Everything is as it was before, and it works exactly the same now. Artificial intelligence did not appear. Quantum technologies, too.

In conclusion, I want to tell you a parable about how 99% of newbies on this forum think:

Moon and the Teacher

At night, a man stands on the street and admires the Moon. Another person comes up and asks:
"What did you see there?"
"Look at the beautiful Moon!
"What moon?"
"Why, there it is, big and pale yellow! Raise your head and see!
- Is that true? Yellow moon? Hanging? We need to tell others!

A crowd of onlookers gathers around and a timid voice is heard:
"Teacher, tell us about the moon."
"What teacher?" Raise your head and see for yourself!

Someone quickly scribbles in a notebook: "the Teacher said that you need to raise your head, and then you can see the moon. It's big, pale yellow, and beautiful. And it's hanging!"

"What are you writing?" "teacher" asks.
- You say very interesting things! This teaching should be written down for posterity!
"What the hell kind of teaching?" - the person is angry. "Raise your head and see where I'm pointing!" he points a finger at the moon.

The "student" writes in a notebook: "the Teacher points his finger at the moon, and to see it, you need to look at the finger. The finger is the key to the spiritual practice of knowing the moon."
The "teacher" breaks down and hits the fool on the chin from below, and a large pale yellow spot appears in front of the latter's eyes.

"Teacher, what was that"?
"The moon!
"It's unbelievable! I saw the moon!!!

The excited crowd begins to dance around the witness. Someone asks to rewrite such an interesting teaching. Someone asks for initiation...

The "teacher", having spat on this matter, leaves, continuing to admire the beautiful Moon.

After a couple of thousand years, someone reads the teaching about the moon and sighs in resignation, because in those days there was a teacher nearby who could point a finger and help in this difficult spiritual practice of discovering the beautiful moon by other means. Although, who knows… here are some who claim to see the moon every night. And someone says that it is enough to read the book and you will also see it. But how can you trust anyone in our time? Maybe all this is a fairy tale, and the moon as such does not exist.


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Installs on spam with vacancies
We order or do it ourselves, a script for parsing vacancies.
We choose the specialization we need, the country and whatever. For example, we are looking for a Texas business or a California food service. It can be anything. The collected contacts are added to the database and postponed for the third stage. Then we find it on the Internet or order it on the Internet, a resume for the direction we are interested in. If it is catering, then one thing, and if it is a commercial organization in Detroit, then of course a completely different resume. We put our resume on malware, here to taste, I use rat and recommend using this particular tool for jewelry work. Let's move on to the final stage - spam mailing. The method with various adaptations is applicable in other planes, for example, sending out price lists, commercial offers, presentations and others. The only difference is in the sources for parsing databases.

Things to consider:
The main thing you need to know is that any document has the signature of the computer on which it was created. And, perhaps, at least I have such a suspicion that it preserves localization. At least there is some peculiarity that documents created in Europe are fired by a defender in America, more than those created in America. But it can also be paranoia, ignore it.

An absolutely passable word document costs within 1000 $, that is, with zero detection and passage through any email services. But in no case do not look for it in Internet, they will most likely be thrown in Internet. There are no specialists, there are many people who write long articles on this topic and ardently discuss something, but no one will make a 100% combat document. You can also ignore this point, something like that.

If you use rat, then it will be enough to get access to one "good" institution, where you can simply replace their files with your own. And then this institution will distribute your files, sending their working documents to their clients or partners. This is also implemented in an elementary way, you download documents of the formats of interest, flash and download with replacement.