Psychology of carding. Why do carders steal?


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From the author: I want to talk about one of the reasons for carding, envy.

Recently I had His Majesty an insight that opened my eyes to many things. Including the nature of carding.

Carding has its roots in envy, and envy comes from the family. The poor envy the rich, the sick healthy, the old young, the ugly the beautiful, etc. For me, envy is the worst thing that can happen to a carder. Hatred grows out of envy, not necessarily ardent, conscious and open, it can be in the form of hidden strong hostility, and carding is compensation for “injustice.”

The thief believes that he is performing his act quite fairly, playing the role of Robin Hood. He doesn’t necessarily need your item, it’s not a fact that he will use it or sell it, but he will take it from you, even if he gives it to someone else.

For this reason, there are so many crimes committed by visiting emigrants from poor republics. In their homeland, they can be quite decent citizens, but how they got into the territory of the “rich and fat”, they include the basest qualities.

Also, foreign tourists are not recommended to walk alone and at night in poor countries. You will definitely be robbed and it will not even be considered a terrible crime if the police themselves, with the psychology of the “poor carder,” stand up for their compatriot.

Professional thieves go to rich countries to steal, because there their conscience turns off, it won’t stop them, that’s what they think.

Why do you think there are so many terrorists and hooligans among emigrants? For the same reason. They burn cars and smash store windows in Paris because they hate the rich, even though they live on benefits, which are taken from the taxes of working citizens. An emigrant with a “beggar” mentality will never integrate into normal society and will not work on an equal basis with everyone else, even if ideal conditions are created for him to do so.

Elena B. says: “In my life, I have hired workers many times, including from the poor. I had the following calculation: there is no money - if you have the motivation to work, you will try. But they didn’t work with oil, they were stealing from the first week and flew out in disgrace. They can’t work in a normal team, they can’t. One driver almost dismantled my gazelle, he sold new tires, installed old ones, two new batteries “broke” for me, he brought me some. left checks, there was a calculation on my carelessness, etc.

My once new mink coat created a lot of problems for me, I understand this in hindsight. If you want to be robbed or a decision is not made in your favor, wear a fur coat) Everyone will rob you at every step. When my gazelle got into an accident, the traffic cop did not admit the guilt of the second driver, because he was driving a broken six with summer tires, and I arrived in a mink coat in a Mercedes.. He apparently decided that he needed the money more than I did.. In short. I don’t recommend driving to showdowns in fur coats and expensive cars. Dress smarter, otherwise they will decide that you already look too good."

Do not hire people out of pity, even if your relatives or good friends brought you by the hand - you will regret it.

For the same reason, some adopted children from poor, drinking families begin to steal from their new parents. Having placed a person in a new, adequate environment, he will still have to adapt for a long time, or even not be able to adapt at all.

Men, when you marry a refugee or an “orphan from Kazan,” remember Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife.

Women, do not marry men from poor countries, even if he is handsome as God and carries you in his arms - in his soul he still hates you, and sooner or later he will put a knife in your back. Remember the story of Anastasia Volochkova and her former driver. A person can be taken out of poverty, but poverty cannot be taken out of a person. Don’t try to educate, wash, give shelter, work to beggars, beggars, criminals, emigrants, homeless people, drunkards and other antisocial individuals, you won’t succeed, it will cost you more, if you want to help, give money and run away, it’s all in the blood..

Take care of yourself!

Friends, colleagues! I want to know your opinion!

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