Psychology of carding: we think like carders and don’t get caught


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We have all at least once received strange messages from “children”, calls from a “senior lieutenant” or from a “courier”. Some of them we ignored, but some we didn’t and lost money because there were carders on the other side. Anyone can fall for their bait; it does not depend on education, income, standard of living, or age. We collected all the psychological tricks of carders and took comments from a psychologist so as not to fall for their tricks, and if this happened, to be able to recover morally.

Psychology of carding: we think like carders and don’t get caught​

We have all at least once received strange messages from “children”, calls from a “senior lieutenant” or from a “courier”. Some of them we ignored, but some we didn’t and lost money because there were carders on the other side. Anyone can fall for their bait; it does not depend on education, income, standard of living, or age. We collected all the psychological tricks of carders and took comments from a psychologist so as not to fall for their tricks, and if this happened, to be able to recover morally.

To spot a carder, you need to think like a carder. And they think very well. We invited psychologist Zari Omar as an expert, who gave recommendations on recognizing carders and on rehabilitation after meeting them.

What tools do carders use?​

Carders in their carding use social engineering – psychological manipulation of people in order to provide personal data. They usually play on ordinary human qualities and emotions - greed, fear, naivety and trust, laziness, narcissism.

How greed is used

This includes suspiciously cheap items in advertisements. If you see something that is significantly cheaper than market value, think about it. Passion goes hand in hand with greed, and here carders offer minimal investments and huge earnings literally the next day.

How fear is used

Many are afraid of people in uniform, especially those with high ranks, and therefore listen to them unconditionally. Someone is very afraid for their money and trusts the “security officer” to transfer it for safety.
Well, one of the most unpleasant stories is the information that something bad happened to your loved one, and you urgently need to send money.

How naivety and trust are used

All the “insider information” is only for you, because you are special, the best and, perhaps, a completely underestimated person, smells like a scam. You automatically begin to trust the person who singled you out from the rest. Moreover, more than others and even banks (often victims of carders hide from the bank security service where and why they are transferring money in order to maintain secrecy).

How laziness is used

A person is always looking for a way to perform as few actions as possible and not waste extra energy. Our brain especially likes to do this. When saving energy, we perform automatic actions without thinking or paying attention to red flags. Thinking critically takes effort. It is especially difficult to do this when you are under pressure - a decision must be made urgently, all information must be given here and now, there is not even an extra second, otherwise the opportunity to earn/invest/save will disappear.

How narcissism is used

Every time you think you are smarter than everyone else, stop and breathe. Most likely, carders will come to you soon. And remember the wonderful story of Stephen Greenspan, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado. He wrote a book, “Annals of Credulity,” about the behavior of victims of carders and invested a third of his retirement savings in a financial pyramid.

Zari Omar, psychologist:
The first thing to remember about carders is that they are incredibly talented and professional in their field. This means that they skillfully gain trust in a person. The main signs that this is a carder:
1. The carder does everything to make you believe him, tries to win you over. Therefore, if you suddenly feel that a stranger is ingratiating you with confidence, but there is no reason for this, you need to be wary.
2. The carder will convince you by any means, manipulate, scare, threaten or inspire you and tell you about opportunities. If you suddenly feel anxiety during a conversation, or, on the contrary, euphoria, it means that your feelings are being manipulated right now, and you need to sound the alarm.
3. The carder has many arguments, he will answer all your questions, and instantly. And these answers will push you to make a decision that is beneficial to him.
4. The carder is very persistent. He will try to persuade you to “give him all the money” until the last moment.

How else to spot carders:​

First of all, don’t forget to use critical thinking - don’t look for a carder in everyone you meet, but don’t miss the alarm bells either. Be careful. The main qualities of carders:
  1. Initiate communication. A call, a message on social networks, a meeting on the street - they are the first to start a dialogue. Everything that attracts you to the online world requires special attention for your own safety.
  2. Conversations focus on money. Even if at first it looks like a romantic correspondence, one way or another you will come to the financial issue and investing. Employees of stores, banks, government agencies, fictitious relatives, if they only talk to you about money, be vigilant.
  3. You are being asked to provide confidential information. Unfortunately, not everyone knows what is considered confidential information. This includes: payment card details, passwords, codes, home address, document data. Think carefully before sharing information.
  4. You feel like you're on an emotional swing. Carders know psychology well and manipulate your condition. As soon as you feel that you are losing your head and are unreasonably in one of the emotions (fear, sadness, inspiration, happiness), stop, take a break - breathe and think.
  5. You have to make a decision right now. If you are rushed, forced to immediately give an answer/details, this is a clear signal not to make a decision right now.

“Carders act differently over the phone than in a live conversation, so the ways to protect yourself are also different.”

To avoid becoming a victim of a telephone carding, remember:​

1. Official financial transactions are not carried out over the phone. The most that employees of banks and financial organizations do is ask you to come to a bank branch or office to resolve the issue on the spot.
2. Your bank card details and PIN codes are confidential information. And no one has the right to request them from you, either in a conversation, or via SMS, or on WhatsApp.
3. Employees of financial organizations do not call their clients to collect information.
4. If during a conversation you suspect that you are dealing with a carder, interrupt the conversation and hang up. Do not try to expose the carder, he may convince you. By staying in touch with a carder, you risk being deceived.
5. Double-check the information, call the bank or other company yourself using the official phone number and check everything for accuracy..

To avoid becoming a victim of a carder live:​

1. Advertise your actions - share with friends, tell loved ones about financial conversations with a stranger. The more people know about this, the safer you will be.
2. Double-check all information, look for data in official sources, on the website, in the office, through online reviews.
3. Remember that it is advisable to sign and formalize transactions in the presence of third parties, a notary, or a lawyer. Or in front of your friends.
And the most important point: listen to your feelings. If it seems to you that you are being deceived and a carder is communicating with you, then you don’t think so.

What to do if you become a victim of a carder:​

All victims begin to blame themselves for becoming those same victims, they get angry at themselves, the situation, the carders, and engage in self-flagellation. Some perceive the fact of deprivation of finances more difficult than others, some cannot forgive themselves for falling for a banal scheme, while others are traumatized by the very fact of deception. How a person will survive a meeting with a carder depends on his personal stress tolerance and mental state. The only thing you can definitely do is live through this experience and try to learn from it.

“First, accept the situation and agree that you were wrong. Don't blame yourself because this can happen to anyone. Only those who stand still do not make mistakes.
Understand for yourself that you came into contact with the carder with good intentions - you wanted to resolve financial issues. Realize that carders are professionals. They wanted to deceive you and made every effort to do so. You need to forgive yourself for this mistake as quickly as possible. I like the Ho'oponopono technique (easy to find on YouTube).
Another option is to say everything you feel. Just say out loud - I’m angry, I’m offended, and so on. Express your emotions and they will stop exhausting you.
And finally, ask for support from your loved ones or contact a psychologist who will help you work through your feelings."

How to help loved ones who have fallen into the trap of carders:

1. Tell your loved one that you are there, that he is not alone and can count on your support.
2. Do not condemn or lecture him under any circumstances; he blames himself enough.
3. Ask how and how you can help; perhaps you don’t even know what type of help is needed.
4. Search the Internet or among your friends for similar cases to ease the burden on your loved one and show that carders can deceive anyone, and he is not the only one who fell into this trap.
5. Help find a specialist who will help your loved one work through the negative consequences.

Katerina Kucherova, editor:
‍“My family is a record holder for interacting with carders, ranging from “put 2000 tenge on your balance because you won a refrigerator” to renting non-existent apartments and paying for delivery on OLX. The consequences after each such meeting look different - somewhere we laugh, somewhere we are sad, somewhere we are furious. And these emotions apply not only to yourself, but also to all the people around. There is no universal “anti-carding” pill, just as there is no exact plan on how to react in such a situation. But what is exactly important to do is to breathe, let go of emotions and regain calm. Well, conclusions. It’s important to do them too.”
