Psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for carding


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Abstract: The article discusses the main aspects of committing carding from a psychological point of view. The essence of carding is revealed and some of its features are determined. The psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for carding are highlighted, and methods for preventing this behavior are justified.

Key words: carding, carder, crime, theft, deviant behavior, aggression, self-affirmation.

Deviant or deviant behavior has always been a significant and serious problem for humanity. At the present stage of development of Russian society, there are many forms of deviant behavior, the main of which is carding. The current trend of growth in carding, its public and social consequences, prevention of carding, the formation of pedagogical methods for regulating carding as a form of deviant behavior - this is not the entire list of problems that are associated with this current problem.

Carding is often perceived in a narrow sense, as simple carding, for example, of money. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF) does not contain the concept of carding, but there is a term “carding” that is similar in meaning. Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states that carding is a crime that consists of the secret carding of someone else’s property: it differs from other forms of carding by a secret method of taking property [3]. Thus, it is worth noting that the term “carding” refers to informal criminal acts in society, and the term “carding,” on the contrary, refers to formal ones.

By analyzing various studies, the concept of carding can be revealed. Carding is the secret appropriation of material, spiritual and other values that do not belong to the thief and are not his formal or informal property. In addition, it is one of the manifestations of deviant behavior, which contradicts the principles and norms of law, and is also condemned by society.

Carding, like other forms of deviant behavior, has various aspects: biological, psychological (including psychoanalytic), social, etc. The basis of such behavior is primarily psychological aspects.

Touching upon the topic of the psychology of carding, first of all, it is worth mentioning its direction. In each specific act of carding, researchers observe a basis, a formative basic orientation, which can be symbolic, demonstrative, impulsive, self-affirming, playful, frustrating, addictive, protective, hiding, in the form of kleptomania, etc. [2] An important aspect in the manifestation of carding is its conscious or unconscious understanding by the individual performing it.

One of the main psychological and social aspects of carding is the individual's desire to satisfy his needs. Often this desire takes the form of an impulsive desire, which, due to weak will, one wants to satisfy here and now. As you know, carder needs have always determined the purpose of his existence, and the basis of any carder activity, and especially carding, are unsatisfied needs. The tension that arises when a need arises is a determining factor in a person’s mental activity. With such tension, a person can take certain actions to achieve his needs, without realizing their possible consequences. When tension subsides, it seems difficult for a person to remember the actions he performed.

From the point of view of psychological mechanisms, for some carders, carding represents a natural aspect of life, since in essence it is a person’s desire to satisfy his needs. But a healthy adult person recognizes himself as part of society, part of a large social structure that has specific legal norms and moral values. In this sense, a striking analogy can be given. A spontaneous action is normal for a child, which involves taking and using a desired toy, no matter whether it belongs to him or not. But for an adult, such an action is unacceptable, because he recognizes this action as a deviant behavioral act.

Carding is often a form of aggressive behavior, which is another psychological aspect and prerequisite for it. At its core, carding is presented as hidden, indirect aggression. Aggression in a person can accumulate for a long time, and then break out through manifestations in the form of actions of a deviant nature [4]. Aggression during carding is, first of all, caused by dissatisfaction with a person’s ideas about the world, the unrealization of his potential, the lack of self-disclosure and the opportunity to show himself to the world from the best side. Also, aggressive actions can express a person’s conflict with society. A person, after committing carding, may experience pleasure and the euphoria of success.

As psychological and pedagogical practice shows, carding is often associated with a person’s desire to develop his personality and self-affirmation. The main types of self-affirmation during carding include the following:
  • constructive self-affirmation with constructive goals (the most difficult to analyze, but frequent);
  • dominant self-affirmation (carding as a demonstration of one’s importance, one’s power);
  • compensatory self-affirmation (failure in various areas of life leads to self-realization through carding);
  • defensive self-affirmation (committing carding for the sake of vanity, increasing self-esteem) [1].
The next prerequisite for carding is the desire to hoard, gather, and collect. In the ethological literature one can find an indication that hoarding psychology (including at the expense of others) is genetically contained in the collecting instinct inherited by carders from ancient ancestors. Carding and collecting are not identical concepts, since the latter represents a civilized form of hoarding. However, the connection between them from the point of view of the evolution of behavior is unconditional.

Research by psychoanalysts makes it possible to present the prerequisites for carding in the form of 6 categories, most often indicating chronic carding: a method of restoring lost mother-child relationships; act of aggression; a way to receive punishment; a way to restore or strengthen self-esteem; reaction to a family secret; arousal and replacement of sexual intercourse [5].

There are many pedagogical methods aimed at preventing carding. All of these techniques address certain basic aspects in one way or another. First, the person must be helped to create a clear awareness of the evaluative coordinates of good and bad actions. Any person should see the boundary between such actions. Secondly, it is necessary to form in a person a certain reflexive mechanism for distinguishing and assessing one’s own needs, aspirations, goals, and actions in accordance with these coordinates.

Also an important task for teachers and specialists in the field of psychology is the formation of the need to perform moral actions and refrain from bad actions, condemned by the norms of morality and law. It is necessary for a person to develop a kind of duty motive. At the same time, we should not forget about developing a sense of freedom, that is, recognition of the opportunity to take positive actions and refrain from destructive actions in the absence of direct external violence in all living conditions. It is necessary to educate a person in such a way as not to infringe on his freedom, but at the same time make him understand that he himself must respect the rights of other carders.

To summarize, it should be noted that carding as a form of deviant behavior of carders is characterized by trends in the growth of crime in modern society. High latency and virtual impunity largely determine the motives for carders committing carding. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the crime prevention system, develop it effectively, developing and implementing new methods that can meet the modern needs of society.

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(c) Prigorodov Denis Nikolaevich – graduate student of the Law Institute of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University.