Programming through the eyes of a hacker


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Frankly, to master hacking at least at an intermediate level, it is not necessary to be able to program. It is enough HTML & CSS. This might surprise many now. But I want to remind you that there are such types of attacks on web applications as HTML injection и CSS injection. By the way, according OWASP TOP 10,injections belong to class A1 and are the most dangerous and frequently used types of attacks. Not to mention a few examples of keyloggers of CSS keyloggers on the same GitHub. But of course, you should not limit yourself only to them, and a hacker who knows only these markup languages will be severely limited in their capabilities.


Python, aka Python. The most common programming language веб-хакеров. If you visit GitHub and look at various hacking tools in the search, then programs in this language will be found in the overwhelming majority. Its popularity lies in a few details:
  • Easy to learn. Very low entry threshold;
  • Powerful and flexible. You can create almost any project;
  • A large community in any country. Huge amount of training material;
  • Supported by developers. New versions are released regularly.
Thanks to the richest library of modules, you can write everything on it - both various kinds of viruses, DDOS software, web resource vulnerability scanners and exploit development. The range of applications is limited only by the developer's imagination.


PCP or P. H. P. this programming language needs no introduction. More than 80% of all existing websites are written on it. Even the most popular CMS like Word Press and Joomla are written in PHP. This is a server-side programming language, i.e. the site's back-end is written in it. A part that is not visible to the user, unlike the front-end. Let it be gradually replaced over time by languages such as Go or a Python framework called Django and other languages, it is not too early to talk about its decline, but simply stupid, and the percentage of hackers who speak this programming language is extremely high. And how else, because without knowledge of this language, it would be impossible to find such vulnerabilities as LFI, RFI, CSRF, PHP injections and other types of attacks on sites that are not enough.


C plus-plus. One of the oldest programming languages that remains relevant to this day, being the most flexible and powerful continuation of its father, the C language. Unlike the above languages, it is poorly suited for web hacking. Of course, you can write any tool on it, as Python developers do, but unlike this language, C++ is quite complex and writing a full-fledged program in it is not the same as throwing Python scripts in 10-100 lines of code.

But through this language, virus makers - gentlemen who write various kinds of malware-have become rampant. Keyloggers, miners, stealers, and other nasty things - most of them are products of programmers activity "on the plus side". In addition to writing viruses, anyone who knows C++ can do reverse engineering( reverse engineering programs), hacking licenses of paid programs. By the way, distributions on all sorts of "quacks" awarded by some miner in addition - their work.


Assembly language. And finally, the great and terrible - Assembly language. This language or rather a kind of language that works directly with the hardware of the device. By the way, the screenshot shows the standard" Hello World " assembler, agree the difference is huge with the same Python:
print ("Hello World")

In principle, it does everything the same as in C++, but unlike it, in In Assembler, absolutely any program can be disassembled, i.e. decomposed into Assembler source code. The complexity of the language is offset by its power and the tiny weight of programs. For example, the operating system is written in Assembly language, called KolibriOS, has an ISO image weight of only 1.4 MB, and it requires only 4 MB of RAM to work.

I hope this post put all the dots over the I for beginners, what programming language to start learning.