Profit Guarantee | Fraud FB | Clothes carding (liquid)


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Each capable worker determines his own path for development, his own Kung Fu, his own path.
I can’t say that your path is not worth it, but I can help you master the topics in which I have succeeded personally. It will also help increase your capital to achieve your goals and development in general.

Do you know under what conditions you will never break even? I'll tell you, just don't say later that you didn't know.

Do you want everything ready​

Sometimes it seems to me that they are trying to turn me into a kindergarten nanny who would hold the hand and wipe the sniffles of grown-up guys. Some seriously expect that I will pull out some working schemes from my bosom, and they can immediately relax and do nothing themselves.

First of all, I'm not a nanny. And secondly, it doesn't work that way. Do you think that all you have to do is want to become a carder, and you can immediately get into the top spot in a month, or better yet, in a week, or even “they promised yesterday”? There is no such magic pill.

You will never pay off if your comfort zone is the holy of holies and you are not ready to go one step beyond it. If you expect to come to everything ready and to be held by the hand, then go ahead and immediately look for another activity.

You are not ready to work with your head​

People ask me: “Will the 50k invested in training pay off?” Knowledge always pays off! Any knowledge. The real question is what knowledge is actually worth your money, and what you do with it afterwards.

I'll explain with an example. My friend spent 5 years and almost 1.5 million rubles to obtain a university diploma. Now with this diploma he went to work for 35k a month. Will it pay off? If he is not fired and he continues to live with his parents, then yes - in about 7 years.

Next to me, as I write these lines, there is a system unit worth the annual salary of my friend. I was able to afford it in just a month. Here is a clear difference in the value of our knowledge.

My friend thought that a degree would work for him. I paid money for my studies, got a degree in the end, and that’s it - now give him a good salary, because he tried, he once invested in himself.

Fuck you! Those who are constantly looking for ways to earn money make good money. Getting an education is not some kind of finish line beyond which wealth awaits you.

You are limiting yourself​

I'll be completely honest with you. We are not in a topic where I or anyone else is in a position to give guarantees that the investment will be returned and profits will flow like a river. I can only talk about what is quite realistic to achieve in terms of monetization with the tools that we provide. And you have plenty of tools.

What can you learn?​

Let us all talk about any business, for some it is work, for others it is even a dream that they dream about and count on as the last chance to change everything. And believe my experience. Many people get into the game and do things in it that make them uncomfortable. Just look at the cost of carding through Facebook, which we practice.

The essence of the work lies in the well-known, in narrow arbitration circles, targeted advertising on Facebook. With the help of which our referral link to the online casino is distributed. 🎰

But why do we, carders, do this? The answer is quite simple. We are used to working with antifraud, we know how to bypass 3DS. This means we can use non-personally earned cash as a source for paying for advertising campaigns. We can use CC. And withdraw this money from them.

Why are we interested in this? The average affiliate marketer who works with Facebook. The average monthly income is 100% of expenses. That is, if you invest $1000, at the end of the month you receive $2000. Provided that he does everything technically correctly in the advertising account. But why should we give our $1000 if we can take it from our bourgeois’s card. Who will kindly pay for our advertising, and perhaps his comrades will catch our advertising and deposit their coin in the casino. 🎰And here are our berries. Our 777, our "ZERO". The affiliate with which our team works, even if it doesn’t pay that much for the registrar. Only $10 each. But, given the volumes that we can cast, making 3-4k a week is not a fairy tale. Please treat me as the founding father of this method of “working from a laptop at home without work experience.”

The arrival is quite pleasant, but there are also pitfalls. Let's say that everything can be learned by comparison, and if you compare such work with clothing carding, then you can immediately notice a number of advantages of one or another topic.

Clothes carding:​

♟ It’s easier for a beginner to get into carding. There is no complex analysis or incredible technical knowledge.
💵 cheaper to start, the ceiling for consumables will be $150
⏲ less time in completing the link
🥸 there are drops (human factor, “x”, unpredictable)
💱 the carder needs laundering of black money
📥 the cycle of driving in - profit is around 3-5 days


♟ for a person who understands something about marketing or consumer psychology, it will not be difficult to understand.
💵 the number of consumables is several times greater than their number in clothing carding; the starting price tag starts at $190.
⏲ constantly doing the same thing is exhausting, fast enough. Work for the patient.
🥸The work is individual, there are no additional variables. How much you worked, how much you received.
💱 money from an affiliate program is gray, it’s not so scary even to declare some part of it, like an IT specialist
📥 receiving payments without a hold from an affiliate program. This is our bonus when working with them. That is, the first money can be withdrawn on the launch day. Without waiting for the end of the link or the accumulated amount on the balance in the affiliate program.

How would you like to end this writing? Each of the topics is quite interesting in terms of earnings and development. There is always something to go to. Each topic has its own advantages and nuances in comparison with each other. I highlight these specific topics and develop them for one simple reason. In them you earn as much as you work. No more, no less. Each topic makes you work and keeps you in constant suspense. There will always be room to develop them. Therefore, in our time, when you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. You always need to keep in mind a way of earning money during a lockdown that can not only compare with your current one, but also exceed it several times. How good or bad would it be to take other people's money, it is important to remember one thing: how confident are you in your knowledge and anonymization skills that you are ready to work alone? Are you ready to bear the punishment that threatens you if you make a mistake? It is always worth choosing between working independently and working with a mentor. Anyone who said that you can’t buy experience can go to hell.