Pro Carding - hammering PayPal with transactions


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Let's start with some basic information about Paypal.

Types of Paypal Accounts.

Personal is a personal type of account that opens at the first registration, intended only for buying from a stick, but not for receiving funds.
Now practically not found, registration begins immediately with a Premier account.

Premier is the main type that allows you to receive and send funds.

Business - designed for online commerce, websites, firms and private entrepreneurs.

After registration, you can always upgrade your account, for example, from Premier to Business, by entering a fictitious information about your enterprise or company. If there is any suspicion, Palka may ask you for documents confirming the information you provided, but you should not bother with this, even if a large amount is frozen.

PayPal accounts have two statuses.

Verified - a verified account with a verified card or bank account.

Unverified is an unverified account.

We need verification to increase the limits and increase the confidence of the PP.
There are several types of verification depending on the country.
For USA PP, it is done by adding and confirming a bank account, even without adding a CC.
But when you try to pay or transfer, the stick will still ask you to add a card, without necessarily confirming it.

For Europe and the CIS, verification takes place only by adding a CC and confirming it.

Below we will consider all the verification methods.

There are several ways to transfer or pay money in the system.
- From Paypal balance. Payment by Instant, that is, instantly.
- With attached CC. also payment by instant. Optional CC confirmation
- From the attached bank. akka. Two options.
Payment by E-Chekom - money goes to the recipient in 3-4 working days.
Instant payment from the bank - is possible only with a confirmed reserve source of funding, that is, you need confirm attached CC or VCC. The stick gives us, as it were, to pay off the debt, withdraws money from the bank, but does not wait 3-4 days. Such payment is not always possible.
This * training * was sold for money lol
From the forum :
We will divide all our training into several step-by-step stages.

Stage 1.
The first stage includes the purchase of the necessary consumables, namely, PayPal accounts and Dedicated * / SSH *.
For PayPal accounts, the price varies from 20 rubles per account, up to 100 rubles per account. (Country, quality)
Dedicated computers - ssh * price from $ 2 to $ 15 (Country, quality)

Stage 2.
The second stage includes - preparation for driving *.

After purchasing all the necessary consumables, we connect to the Dedicated Server. (Google, for those who don't know how)

Dedik must necessarily be the country that has PayPal accounts, otherwise nothing will work.

Next, we check our security on, and see how much% of anonymity there is, the higher it is, the better. If the% is very small, below are the items (On whoer) that you need to enable / disable in order to increase this indicator.

After that, download the Ccleaner application, and I'll tell you what to do with it later.

Best of all, 2 versions of the Dedicated Server are suitable for driving: Server Dedicated, and Home.

After purchasing and setting up, proceed to the 3rd stage.

Stage 3.
The third stage includes driving in * and everything connected with it.

After setting up, go to your PayPal account and log in. From the account you bought
The trainers didn't add one detail to their * mega training *. In no case do not login through the main page of pp. We go to any shop where there is merchandise pp. We select the product and pay through the pp (yellow button), enter the holder's data, then if everything is fine, you will see this when paying in the shop. Next, in a new tab in Google, enter "paypal" and click on the first link and we are immediately thrown into tranza. Read more in tutorial.

If the account is logged in, everything is fine, you are on the right track. If it did not enter, and asks to dial the account, we create a separate txt file on our PC, and add accounts there (ONLY WITH A CALL), after a week they can beaten again, and with a high chance they will allow you to enter.

If you have a limit on your account, you can throw it away.

After entering your PayPal personal account, we look at the transactions that the wallet owner made (Next is the holder)

Click on the transaction and go to the site where the purchase was made.

We select the product we need, fill in the data for sending the item, and pay.

Also, if there are no transactions, you can go to the site you need (Ebay, Amazon (I do not recommend) or another store you are interested in, with PayPal payment.) And choose the right thing there, no more than $ 30 (with delivery), and try pay. If paid - we wait for the arrival of the pack, periodically checking the mail.

ps - the whole interest of learning lies in going through a transaction, because after manipulating transactions, the store (which is in transactions) has already worked with your wallet (If the holder bought a thing there from this wallet, then the probability that the shop will recognize you and give you pay for the item is much higher), if there are no transactions, you can simply pay through eBay, etc.

But still - learning is precisely in transactions (A chip that I personally found, which is not in public (aha, no), so I advise you to work through it.

Through transactions - you can start by driving in from $ 100, and until PayPal stops giving payments.

After payment ~ 100 bucks, start increasing each of your Drive by $ 30-50

Let's continue with Ccleaner.

After each UNSUCCESSFUL typing, that is, you were not allowed to enter your PayPal account (Call, limit), or when paying for the goods, you showed an error, or something else, you should open Ccleaner and completely clean the registry and history ...

If it was successful - you were told that the application was accepted, expect sending - you can not clean it with a clerk, but continue to drive in, CLEAN ONLY AFTER FAILURE!

I also advise you to work through Chrome, and after each unsuccessful drive in, clear the browser history (Press all the checkmarks!)

So, we realized that we need to drive through the transactions of the holder (this is the learning trick), now let's move on to stage 4.

Stage 4 - where to send all the parcels, where it is safe and where it is not.

We have 3 options. Let's consider everything.

1 - Find yourself a drop. Drop is the person who takes over your pack and sends it to you for a fee. A drop has both a negative and a positive side. On the positive side, when ordering things for yourself through a drop, you do not risk in any way, and if something happens, uncles in caps will not come to you. If something happens, the uncles will come to him, and you will be vryatli something. The negative side - if the drop is not verified, not reliable, he can simply receive your package, and score on you, that is, leaving the package for himself. Therefore, I do not recommend using UNCHECKED DROPS.

2 - Find an intermediary - service.

A mediator is like an organization like a rule, like Qwintry, fishifast, and so on.

They also accept all your packages in the US and other countries, and forward them to you, charging the same fee. There are also 2 sides.

The positive side is the intermediary - the service will hardly throw you on its own, and most likely will send you a parcel. Medi-services have a lot of addresses and points to which you can send parcels. Intermediary services are not as expensive as drop services. The negative side is that the intermediary services are an official organization, law-abiding, so if the seller of the goods from whom you paid for the purchase with a stolen wallet writes a statement to the store, or to the police, your pack will most likely be deployed back to the owner.

3 - Send parcels to yourself.

Sending parcels to yourself is a rather risky business if you are impudent.

When sending to yourself, there are no third parties who can deceive you. If the seller has sent the goods - 90% that the goods will come to you.

For the most part, I personally beat myself (iPhones, hyip things, and all I need if the thing is not more than $ 400)

There are also 2 sides.

Positive - you will not be deceived, you can not worry that your parcel will not arrive, you can pay for the delivery and the item at the expense of the holder, and get the item to the apartment for free, and then sell it.

Disadvantages - you immediately fired off your personal address, respectively, it will be easier for the oraganes to find you. This is the only negative, but serious.

If you have iron "Eggs", then you can safely drive on yourself, the chance that they will come to you is extremely small, about 3-5%. I have been hitting since the age of 14, and so far there has been no one. But still, if you are afraid, and there is extra money for a proven drop, send it to it.

That's all the training, where the key point is driving through the holder's transactions.

The manual is written for beginners who have just come to the PayPal world.