Prepaid or credit card: which card to choose


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In this article, we will consider the differences between the three popular cards in Ukraine.

The variety of banking offers on the market sometimes prevents the client from deciding which card to issue. In addition to service fees, “plastic” class and loyalty programs, the consumer usually pays attention to the type of card: debit or credit. Also, don't overlook prepaid cards, which are not tied to a bank account. What is the difference between these products?

Traditional bank cards provide cardholders with a range of benefits. First of all, it is an opportunity to refuse cash. It is also safety, convenience, mobility. Thanks to the development of technology, the user can add bank cards to a mobile wallet on his smartphone and not carry "plastic" with him in principle. At the same time, there is also such a segment as prepaid cards, which can also be bought in a store and issued without documents.

The table below shows a comparison of three cards: Universal from Bank, Monobank card and prepaid Visa іnsha card from Uplata.

Universal card of BankVisa іnsha from UplataMonobank Card
Buy in a store near the house❌✅❌
Order online with delivery✅✅✅
Issue without passport and code❌✅❌
Present to loved ones instead of money❌✅❌
Without binding to personal documents❌✅❌
Contactless payments✅✅✅
Credit limit✅❌✅
Large purchases (more than UAH 14 thousand)✅❌✅
Cash withdrawal from an ATM (more than UAH 500 per day)✅❌✅
Settlements abroad✅❌✅

Let's consider these points in more detail.


To issue PrivatBank and Monobank cards, you need a passport and a code. And residents of Ukraine who are internally displaced persons must additionally provide a document. Visa іnsha, for example, is tied to the user's phone number and activated by SMS.


A client receives a traditional bank card, in particular, a Universal one from PrivatBank, at a bank branch, filling in the appropriate documents. It will not take much time, but often at the branch you need to stand in line, and also have time to go to the bank during working hours.

Monobank partially solved this “pain” of customers and offered the delivery of a bank card by a bank employee at a convenient time and place. To do this, you need to leave an application online, and upon meeting with a bank representative, sign an agreement and submit all the necessary documents. Monobank was the first to provide such an opportunity to users, now a number of Ukrainian banks offer a similar function.

You can buy a prepaid Visa іnsha card at a regular store. It is available at 1000 points of sale throughout Ukraine. Also, the card can be ordered online and received at Nova Poshta and Justin.


Use traditional bank cards for your normal daily expenses. But don't forget that banks know almost everything about their customers and their purchases. On the one hand, it allows them to make more personalized offers to their depositors and issue loans. On the other hand, what can a customer do who doesn't want certain purchases to appear on their payroll statement? Just for such cases, you can use a prepaid card. It is tied only to a phone number. And since in Ukraine mobile subscribers are not required to register SIM-cards and go through identification, then all prepaid card payments remain under the control of the cardholder. In what cases this can be useful, we wrote earlier.

Payment security​

Traditional bank cards provide cardholders with the ability to make secure payments at retail outlets and online. To do this, you just need to adhere to the basic safety rules. And thanks to tokenization technology, "plastic" can be safely left at home and perform transactions using your smartphone.

A prepaid card, in particular, Visa іnsha is also a safe payment tool. In some cases, it is even safer to pay by prepay than with a regular bank card. Especially when it comes to online purchases - if the card details fall into the hands of fraudsters during the payment process, then this minimizes the risk of losing all savings, as is the case with a salary card or credit card. You can just periodically top up your prepaid card for the required amount.

Convenience of calculations​

Payments using payment cards are a priori convenient. All three cards that we are considering in the article are equipped with a contactless module. Therefore, in order to pay in a store or transport, it is enough to bring the card to the terminal. Also, as already mentioned, all three cards can be added to the Apple Pay or Google Pay mobile wallet - and forget about the "plastic".

Visa іnsha from Uplata can be added to Google Pay or Apple Pay

Bank can be added to Google Pay or Apple Pay

The "Universal" card from Bank can be added to Google Pay or Apple Pay

However, the Visa іnsha prepaid card has a drawback - it is not accepted for payment abroad. Therefore, going to other countries will require a traditional debit or credit card.

It is also worth noting the nuance with large purchases. Traditional cards, such as the Universal from PrivatBank or the Monobank card, allow you to make purchases for quite large amounts. Even if your own funds are not enough for this, you can use a credit limit or arrange an installment plan for an expensive purchase.

Prepaid cards do not offer this option due to balance restrictions. According to the NBU requirements, more than UAH 14 thousand cannot be simultaneously stored on a Visa card. Also, the credit limit is not available for prepaid card users. On the other hand, you always rely only on your financial capabilities with such a card.

New use cases​

A significant advantage of the Visa іnsha prepaid card is that it can be used as a gift for a loved one instead of a traditional postcard with money: you just need to replenish the card for the amount you expected to give. It can also be used as a tool for financial education of children along with children's bank cards. The only thing, returning to the first points, in order to obtain a children's card in traditional banks, you need to spend time visiting the branch. A prepaid Visa іnsha card can be bought at one of the points of sale, replenished periodically by a certain amount, teaching the child to manage a personal budget and make non-cash transactions, and control expenses in the Uplata application.

Which card to choose - prepaid or credit? It depends on the needs of the client and the situations in which he plans to use it.

A traditional bank card is more suitable for the role of the main one. After all, it allows you to perform most financial transactions: withdraw a large amount from an ATM, take expensive equipment on credit, or transfer funds from card to card without any limit on the amount. The prepaid card provides privacy and convenience in a number of other cases.

Therefore, the best option is to use Visa іnsha in parallel with other cards (for example, Universal or Monobank) in everyday settlements and in situations where the possibilities of ordinary "plastic" are not enough.